Engaging the Resources of Heaven Against Foul Birds
September 25, 2024
Governing with Shields
October 1, 2024A few days after I had re-released this teaching, additional understandings came that we need to release to the Body of Christ. The release of foul birds into the earth is not surprising to the Father, although it may be to many saints.
Heaven is not undone because of ANY action of hell.
The angel Ezekiel, Malcolm (the man in white), and others came to teach us in the ensuing days. We were given an understanding of the dimensional nature of how these foul birds operate. They emit frequencies designed to disrupt and cause chaos. These frequencies agitate the men’s lives, and they respond with violence, anger, destructive behavior, and worse.
They operate in cancellation. They excel in hiddenness, which is why the angels ask for a flashlight.
We prayed:
- We are requesting from the Father for the angels to have flashlights and every fowler net and equipment that they need for the evil birds in order to:
- pull down their frequency,
- remove every distraction and
- we request every order of cancellation for the good and mighty things of the Lord to…
- Pin their wings to the ground,
- Remove their beak, and
- Remove their tongue.
David heard Ezekiel say to his commanders, “Let's take care of this. This is a calculated attack against LifeSpring and the subsidiaries.”
As we discovered, the revelation about the foul birds was highly classified information in the kingdom of darkness. Now, they are fearful because it was one of their top secrets.
Class Action Suit
Pause right now, and let’s step into the Courts of Heaven together for a Class Action Suit against our enemy, Satan. When he attacked one, he attacked us all. Very recently, we were defrauded of $6,000. If it was stolen from me, essentially, it was stolen from you!
We request access to the Courts of Heaven. We request entrance to the Court of Recompense to file a Class Action Lawsuit against Satan, his hordes, and the workers of darkness. Ron and Adina Horner were defrauded of $6,000, and Your Honor, Your Word says, in Proverbs 6:30-31:
30 People do not despise a thief If he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. 31 Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house.
Your Word also declares that we, being many members are one body.[1] Since, we are one body, if he stole from one, he stole from all of us. We are requesting immediate recompense of no less that $42,000 to every person gathered in agreement with us this day.
We forgive the workers of darkness who were instrumental in this theft, as well as the thief and any accomplices. We hold them guiltless for their sins but responsible for recompense.
We also request that all taxation be removed where the enemy has enacted taxation against us, and we receive recompense for all that has been lost with both actual and punitive damages awarded to Your sons.
We also request that what our enemy and the workers of darkness have sown, that they reap the same.
We await your righteous verdict, Your Honor.
The Courts of Heaven are not just for defensive cases but also offensive cases like what we just did.
The enemy had sought to distract us—all of us by his antics this week, but we SHOUT victory! We are overcomers!
The enemy wished for us to lose our focus. He attempted to shut us down by wanting us to focus more on what happened than on what Heaven was saying.
We asked how we should respond. We sensed that the best option was to release this addendum for the benefit of ALL the sons throughout the earth. That is what we are doing right now!
Another aspect of destroying and defeating the foul birds is inhibiting their reproduction. They essentially have nests where their young reside, and so request the release of angels to find and destroy EVERY egg and every youngling. Request their utter destruction!
We commission the Fowler Angels:
- To find the portals,
- To capture every foul, bird,
- For the angels to close every portal.
- We request a cancellation of every trade enabling these
- We request angels be sent to destroy every egg and every youngling
The Example of Portland
A few years ago, the city of Portland, Oregon, experienced several weeks of unrest that resulted in a great deal of destruction to the city—particularly the downtown area. Portland, which is a land of portals in the spirit had wicked portals opened over the city that had the fruit of destruction. The foul birds were at work during that time. As intercession went up for the city, the portals were closed or diminished over the city. More work must be done, but Heaven assures us that many believers do their part to raise shields through worship, praise, and righteous deeds. As the righteous govern that city, the angelic forces of Heaven will be able to do much more in that territory and bring righteousness to the forefront.
Portland is a case study where the forces of darkness were exercising more dominance than the saints were exercising. Remember, this came on the heels of the COVID-19 shutdowns, where businesses and churches were shut down so the saints could not corporately join their voices in praise and worship to build the shields over their respective territories. This restriction of corporate worship was one of the aims of the COVID-19 shutdowns. Unfortunately, it succeeded in lessening corporate worship, resulting in diminished shields that were not as strong as they needed to be over many locations throughout the earth.
Strategic Placement
Each of us is strategically placed throughout the earth to raise the shields of protection over our geographic locale. If you are in the United Kingdom, you are strategically located. If you are in the Far East, you are strategically located. The Father aims to extend the shield you raise over your area to connect with the shield over your neighbors' area until we have one unified shield over the earth. Remember this verse:
For the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, As the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14)
As godly portals expand and grow, the enemy's devices will fail even more quickly. Hell is quite upset that the revelation on the foul birds has come forth. It was classified information in their realms until….
…but God, in His wisdom and His timing, decided it was time to release this “Top Secret” information for the benefit of the saints and the Body of Christ.
Each foul bird has an accompanying portal. When a foul bird is destroyed by the Fowler Angels, the portal remains unless destroyed, and another foul bird will replace it…until we, as the saints, release angels to destroy that portal and commission Fowler Angels to destroy any foul birds.
Heaven’s Beautiful Creatures
As ugly and disgusting as the foul birds might be, the Father has a counterpart whose job is to help hunt down and discover foul birds—those hidden in plain sight so the Fowler Angels can destroy them. They are referred to as “The Beautiful Creatures.” They assist the angels because many foul birds are hidden in plain sight. Let’s pause and request from Heaven the release of these beautiful creatures to assist the angels in uncovering the foul birds.
Father, we are asking for the release of those that help Heaven that is from Your Kingdom—the beautiful creatures that are birds that assist that Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done, in Jesus’ name. We thank you that we have more for us than against us.
One of the Lord’s purposes in this understanding is to that we, as sons, can conquer territories. We received three directives related to this:
- Request the release of the Beautiful Creatures to hunt down those foul birds hidden in plain sight.
- Request the co-laboring of the angels to find and close the portals of the dimensions.
- Request the linking of the shields of territories.
The occult knows about these things. It is the Body of Christ that has been slow to understand these things and make progress for the Kingdom of God. The fowl birds are the ones opening new portals of evil. It is imperative that we raise shields and that these shields expand.
Satan is taking creation and disorienting it. He cannot create, but he can use affected human DNA to join with other DNA to obtain wicked creatures. Man is involved on some level, as are some of man’s technologies. Because of the existence of wicked portals, wicked creatures can step into one portal and exit another in a different place. It is dimensional.
How do we close these portals?
We pray as Daniel prayed, where he repented for his sins and the sins of his fathers. We will repent for those who have opened these portals wherever they may be because we have not governed properly. We must also implement things taught in the book Engaging the Courts for Your City.
What we are learning in this addendum is essentially step two to what was taught in Engaging the Courts for Your City. As we learned a few days ago, shouting breaks things forth for us. When you are under attack—SHOUT!
When you are not under attack—SHOUT!
Ezekiel told us that we had no idea what was released in the spirit when we both shouted the day before. We had both experienced unusual attacks, but neither of us was moved by them. Our response was to do what we told the Mentoring Group—SHOUT! We did. And throughout that day and the next, we shouted praise to the Father.
Now, erect the shields! Release the beautiful creature so you can hunt what is hidden in plain sight. The Fowler Angels can assist you in capturing the foul birds and closing the portals.
We were reminded that the enemy had sought to assail our minds concerning the goodness of the Father. That is one of the characteristics of foul birds—to get you to second guess the goodness of the Father and/or to doubt the fulfillment of the promises He has made.
The burden against Egypt. Behold, the LORD rides on a swift cloud and will come into Egypt; the idols of Egypt will totter at His presence, and the heart of Egypt will melt in its midst. (Isaiah 19:1) (Emphasis mine)
4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him. 5 A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. 6 God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity; but the rebellious dwell in a dry land. (Psalm 68:4-6) (Emphasis mine)
We request:
- The release of the beautiful creatures to assist in finding the foul birds.
- The release of the beautiful creatures to find the foul birds and their ungodly portals.
- The capture of every foul bird.
- The angels to close every portal.
- We request the cancellation of every trade, enabling these portals to exist.
- We also request that the hand of every worker of darkness involved experience the cutting off of their hand.
- We request the shutting down of every ungodly frequency these foul birds use so they cannot communicate verbal and nonverbal sounds.
- We also request the removal of every tracking device once they are found.
- We request that our angels be given sonic weapons to capture every reverberation and frequency that is not in line with the will of the Father.
As more information on this topic becomes available, it will be posted on our blogs at RonHorner.com. The Father wants His sons to live victory on every level, and as we implement the strategies of Heaven, victory will become increasingly evident in our lives. Expect victory and take a moment and SHOUT!
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[1] 1 Corinthians 12:12