The Jigsaw Puzzle & the Canoe
August 18, 2021
Understanding Evil Timelines
August 24, 2021Tim Sheets, in his book A New Era of Glory writes these words:
Here is the word of the Lord I gave on February 2, 2018. I believe there is activation in it.
The Lord of Hosts declares—activate your faith to receive greater visible activated authority. Arise, stand tall, and look like who I say you are—governing heirs in My Kingdom. Do not let hell define you. I will define you. Do not let earth government define you. I will define you. Do not let media, education systems, or demon propaganda define you. I will define you. I will set your perimeters. I will describe your powers. I will determine your mission. I will explain your identity. You are My royal priesthood. You are My holy nation. You are My special people. Identify as heirs. Identify as ruling ones. Identify as who I say you are—regulators of the culture.
For the Lord of Hosts says you are moving into converged times, seasons, anointings, and movements. You are moving into a prepared new era. The efforts of My Kingdom are now opening doors to a miraculous new era. King Breaker is rising to lead you. He is breaking the chains of limitations. He is breaking the chains of lack. He is breaking the chain of hope deferred and He is breaking open a new season, a glorious new era. Hear the sound of breakthrough. Hear the plundering march of My Kingdom. Hear the shout of liberty and the shout of freedom from blended armies in heaven and on earth. Hear the victory chant of remnant warriors girded with strength for battle. Hear the barricades splintering, says the Lord. Hear dividing walls crashing in ruin. Hear the exalted shout of grace and grace and grace and grace and more grace. Hear the shout of the King standing with His people. Your King is rising in greater glory, heavier and heavier and heavier glory. A weight of tangibly real glory that breaks off oppression and breaks open freedom doors.
From His presence He is mantling His remnant with governing apparel. He is clothing with governing authority as Mordecai and Esther. Garments of the King’s delegated authority are being passed out. New mantles representing governing authority are being placed upon you. The signet ring has been issued. Hear your charge and do Kingdom business in My Name.
The Lord of Hosts declares the world will now see a different looking Ekklesia. It will walk different. It will talk different. It’s going to act different. The King’s Ekklesia will now stand and identify as heirs, ruling and reigning heirs. They will stand and identify as sons and daughters of the Living God. They will identify as joint heirs. They will identify as ruling ones. The radical, bold, remnant Ekklesia will now move into its new identity. No, hell won’t prevail. My church will prevail.
Miracle after miracle after miracle after miracle will now propel you into the place of miraculous promise. Miracles are activating for My people. Miracles fought for by faith will now supernaturally manifest. For I am breathing My breath of awakening on promises I made you. I am breathing My breath on dreams that I gave you. I am breathing My breath upon decreed deliverance. I’m breathing My breath upon prophetic words, thousands and thousands and thousands of prophetic words. Awaken says the Lord. Live says the Lord. Produce says the Lord. Activate.
I am breathing awakening on My words, corporate words, for My church, Individual words for My people, Words over nations. For surely you will now move into your own Pentecost. You will now enter the season of Holy Ghost and fire! Lightning strikes of My glory will flash among My people as the cloud of My presence hovers visibly over them. Pulsating power surges will now burst forth among My people and will energize My church. Surge after surge after surge will infuse My church with dominating power from My Kingdom.
For the Lord says the move of My Spirit promised has now intersected its moment. The dream I put in your heart has intersected its moment. You are moving into a movement moment. Watch the combustion of power from on high intersect with the earth realm. Watch it bust the strongholds of darkness. Combustive fire will now burn iniquity’s roots. My power will bust it and it will burn it. Watch it burst forth in flaming glory.
For you will see times of instant flames, instant fire, combustive glory strikes against your enemy. My presence will bring light and heat and incubate My promise and defeat demon strategies. You are in the season when I will strike like lightning with My power.
The Lord says great favor, blessings, and fulfillment are now being released to My pioneers, My forerunners, My fire carriers who carried their own fire through wilderness, My champion trailblazers. I will now catapult you beyond the trials to trails, trails of new glory, trails of new lands, trails to new times. Hear the shout of joy from My pioneers. Gold, we’ve found gold! We’ve found gold! We’ve found plenty. We’ve found resource. We’ve found the place of promise. Follow the trails to new times. Follow the trails to the new era. Follow the trails to abundance. Follow the trails to life. Follow the trails to blessing. Follow the trails to joy. Follow the trails to fulfillment. Just follow the glory trails. Follow the fire trails. Follow the glory trails.
The Lord says the “forever loser” will now feel My white, hot breath through My Ekklesia. The forever loser and his demons will now scatter before a mighty awakening. They will experience “the church of My presence” that disdains him and binds him. The forever loser will now feel the stamp of My signet ring, notarizing his official position beneath the feet of My heirs! Beneath their feet.
I have watched over My word and I will perform it. You are moving into supernatural times of outpourings. A movement is moving. The Holy Spirit and His angel armies are activated to assist you. We have moved battalions of angels to front line positions to enforce your advancement. Government angels are on high alert. Outpouring angels are on alert. Awakening angels are on alert. They are ready to strike like lightning!
Angels of healings and miracles are on alert. Angels of evangelism are on alert. Angels of deliverance are on alert. Angels of holiness, righteousness, and justice are on alert. Decree your authority. Loose them with My words of promise. Activate the army of the Living God. Ride, ride the war horses of heaven in thunderous assault. Do battle in My Name and plunder the kingdom of darkness. For your victory has been planned in meticulous detail.
You are now entering the season when dreams I put in your heart years ago intersect with its moment. Like Joshua and Caleb, the Lord says the dream will now feed you. The dream will now provide for you. The dream will now resource you. For you will leave the wilderness confession of “I have a dream, I have a dream, I have a dream” and you will enter the testimony of faith declaring, “I’m living in the dream!” My people will live in the dreams that I gave them. My people, My church, will live in the dream.
Sheets, Tim. The New Era of Glory (pp. 25-30). Destiny Image, Inc., Kindle Edition.