We gather each Sunday morning at 11:00 Eastern

for worship, teaching, revelation, impartation, and more.


Sunday Morning:

11:00AM-1:00PM Eastern

Morning Services are typically about 2 hours in length.


Sunday Afternoon:

2:00PM-3:30PM Eastern*

*Afternoon Services are only once per month (first Sunday) and are typically
where we legislate in the Courts of Heaven on issues Heaven directs us to conduct.

Sandhills Ecclesia


Gather with believers from around the globe for our weekly meeting. It's church like no other!
Sandhills Ecclesia


A FREE weekly training in the Courts of Heaven and the latest revelations to build sons.
  • I would like to thank you so much for the Freemasonry and Mithraism renunciation books and making it possible to work through these things so simply and affordably. I found it very difficult to work through other materials (cognitive and programming issues) and I appreciate it so much. I had real zeal working through the freemasonry one. - A
  • Months ago I assisted a family in the court for their daughter who had been sexually abused by men when she was young. She was in foster care, then adopted by this family. They were seeking deliverance for her from lesbianism. Her breakthrough was not immediate, but she came home to her parents brokenhearted that her partner was no longer interested in her. Her father told her that God was protecting her from the ramifications of that sin. Before that moment she would not hear that truth. He was able to minister the Word to her about her hurt and her choices due to her trauma and hurt. (The accuser had placed an appeal on her case). Her sister then told her that God has a man just for her who will love her and value her as she deserves. She started crying because it was a desire of her heart. Her sister called me to report the praise report. We then went into court concerning her trauma, rejection, deep hurts & wounds of her soul realm. This young lady is still in her healing process, but we are seeing major turn around in her life and her perspective. Praise God! She has hope for a better life which in now in alignment with her Destiny Book. JC
  • Last March doctors felt that my 9-year-old grandson had leukemia. Everyone was praying. I took his father to court to deal with accusations in the bloodline and now his son no longer has symptoms. I praise God for all you have taught us. JC
  • Today Marcia told several of us that her one year old grandson, was lethargic and would not eat or drink. She was requesting prayer. While he was taken to ER she contacted some of us to pray. I took him and his father into court to deal with ungodly bonds and release Godly bonds. I also found there was an LHS attached to the baby that was picked up by the mother during pregnancy. It transferred to Levi. An hour or so after the LHS was sent forward Marcia announced that the baby was eating, drinking and active with no problems. -JC
  • Yesterday I woke up with terrible back pain. I had been at the hospital with a family member the day before. The pain was unbearable. I was considering going to the chiropractor when I heard a name in my spirit which made me realize that there was a lingering human spirit present. As soon as the spirit was sent to the Father and the silver channel was closed I was totally pain-free and remained pain-free. Thank you, Lord! -JC
  • Junu Thomas

    Unlocking Destinies

    When Israelites cried out from captivity, the LORD heard their cries and raised a Moses to be their deliverer. This ministry is a modern day answer to the cries of many Christians who had been going through harassment and injustice from the demonic realms. I'm so grateful to God for raising up such wise and mature advocates who has helped me and family experience such great breakthroughs that is beyond what I can explain in words. My life is forever blessed and transformed due to this Courts of Heaven ministry.

    I really want to commend the Kevin Boehmer/Anne Powder team who has been just exceptional in the courts where I saw immediate results for so many areas of my life and destiny. And the other dynamic team comprised of Joyce/Jeremy brings amazing dimension and depth to the resolution of cases. These folks are such a blessing to the Kingdom and what a gift from the Father to the church. Special thanks to Dr. Ron and his Executive Assistant who does such an amazing job stewarding and leading the ship. Many blessings as destinies are unlocked to the glory of God the Father in Jesus Christ.

    Junu Thomas
  • Vanessa C.

    Commissioned by Jesus

    I had my first two hour session on the 21st of September and then next day I was commissioned by Jesus Christ. I saw in the Spirit Jesus enter my room and place a crown on my head. When I had my session they kept talking about my crown and how the enemy took it from me but through the courts of Heaven I was able to get my crown back. The enemy had it in a locked up in a trophy case. There was some things in my bloodline that gave the enemy access to me.

    I also enjoyed the session very much!!! I highly recommend it! A lot of the things they said was confirmation and there were some things that I did not know about that was holding me back from my calling. I still am at awe how Father ordains things in our lives and is completely faithful. I bless this amazing ministry. The hand of God is definitely on it.

    Vanessa C.
  • M.G.

    Freedom from Slavery

    I have been on a journey for about 1.9 years. I watched Dr. Horner with Dan Duval and he mentioned slaves being bewitched over when they walked onto the boats as far as identity and connecting back to Africa. Well, (that in itself is a testimony) I prayed and asked the LORD what is he talking about FATHER if this pertains to me show me.

    So this morning after prayer, I felt led to look back into Dr. Horner's playlist and he had a webinar for Courts of Heaven for Slavery. Now I have renounced, fasted prayed and I even found a prayer about renouncing selling family into slavery and having them walk around the tree of forgetfulness. I felt led to pray that prayer however I didn't understand it. So after watching the video and participating YOU HAVE NO IDEA how clean, free and in the PRESENCE of YAHWEH I feel afterwards. AND YAHWEH answered my questions about what Dr. Horner said with Dan Duval.

    Now, I never heard of the Courts of Reclamation. I participated and wrote things down. I NEVER had angels talk to me, if they did I thought it was HOLY SPIRIT. So when I finished documenting what I heard and did the prayer, I heard "Draw another column", I said ok. Drew another column in my journal. Then I heard "Draw 5 more columns." I was so excited! I KNOW HE has opened up the heavens for me and my family. I know that Court session was ordained for me, today. Get this you filmed it in my Birth Month of February 2021 and I watched it in my birth month of February 2022, 17 days before the 21st and the LORD has been speaking to me about 17. I have a whole lot more to testify to but needless to say, YAHWEH BLESS THIS MINISTRY! I also have had a dream about this very subject and now am getting more understanding (last year I had the dream). I can't wait to see what YAHWEH is going to do next. HE IS SHOWING UP and SHOWING OUT EXTRAVAGANTLY!! HALLELUJAH.

  • Brenda Morley

    Freedom from Mithraism

    I would like to share what happened when I went through the Freedom From Mithraism book. I had the book, but I couldn't see how it would apply to me. Then when I had my advocacy session, I was told that paganism was an issue and it was suggested that I renounce Mithraism.

    There are 7 levels of Mithraism. I saw something happen at each level.

    Level 1: I heard demons screaming: NOOOOOO, NOOOOO, NOOOOO!!!

    Level 2: I saw chains being taken off.

    Level 3: I had had a dream where there was a colorful snake in the house and I didn't think there was anything harmful about it. I thought, though, that I had better get rid of it. Then it turned into 2 snakes. I had one in my hand and was strangling the other, Then I bashed them both in the head. My interpretation of this dream was that there were generational issues on both sides of my family representing iniquity. So, what I saw after finishing level 3 was the snake was strangled.

    Level 4: It just so happens that my dad's name was Leo, named after his grandfather. My mom's father was Leon. Big clue to Mithraism. What I saw after renouncing level 4 was angels dispatched to repair bloodlines that looked like electrical lines.

    Level 5: I saw angels repairing family DNA

    Level 6: I saw angels carting away trash on a sledge.

    Level 7: I saw the sky is clearing like a portal.

    Know that you may not experience seeing and hearing what I did, but that something does happen when you do this. I am excited to have gone through this renunciation. I have high hopes that it will not only benefit me, but others in my family line. Praise God!!

    Brenda Morley
  • Florence S.

    Marriage Healed

    Thank you Dr. Horner, after this session, for the first time in 5 years of marriage, I experienced a breakthrough to be the only bride of my household. There were visible winds of change even in the weather all night. Next day, I received a double portion of blessings and recognition. The veil of oppression lifted over my marriage. Thank you for addressing the unspoken and exposing secrets of darkness to help bring freedom. Double portion blessings to your ministry.

    Florence S.
  • Maryanne Willis

    I Can Play Piano Again!

    Hi my name is Mary-Anne. I had a Life after Grief and Loss Aftercare session with Jen Jones and it was a wonderful experience. One huge obstacle I had to overcome was being able to play the piano again. every time I went to the piano I felt so much sadness that I could not even open it.

    I have to praise God that I play the piano everyday now and also sing, and have the desire to dance again. I thank Jen and the group for their prayers and invoking heaven in this endeavor which has really been miraculous in my life.

    Thank you

    Maryanne Willis
  • Linda Durkee

    Testimony for Freedom from Mithraism

    Two months ago I had never heard the word Mithraism, but when it was announced that the pdf of Freedom from Mithraism was available, I downloaded it. Last week a friend agreed to read the book over the phone with me. It took two evenings to complete the work. It was weighty material but we were determined. There was an initial relief once finished but since finishing, there has been amazing freedom. Every day, all day. There are promises that I have been awaiting for a VERY, VERY long time. However, as I gain more and MORE FREEDOM from the works of Dr. Ron Horner, I rejoice that I am becoming very free!!

    Also, Freedom From Freemasonry - My maternal grandfather was a Mason and my parents were each members of fraternal organizations. For many years I have been reading every book I could find to find true freedom from these ugly ties to the dark side. A friend loaned me the Overcoming the False Verdicts of Freemasonry book by Dr. Horner. As I proceeded through the degrees; I had a friend in Alberta who was praying for me. It took nearly a week to finish the book. It was tough going, but worth every moment. That was in 2019. Since the moment I finished that book I have not had a second when I thought that there was more work I needed to do with regard to Freemasonry. I am tremendously, tremendously grateful for the comfort I have in the knowledge that this book has given me freedom from Freemasonry. I have purchased many many books by Dr. Ron Horner and have been reviewing each one there as I finish the books...always 5 stars, by the way!! Thank you for all you bring to us. It is most appreciated!!!

    Linda Durkee
  • Valerie S.

    Bond Registry

    I bought Releasing Bonds From The Courts of Heaven in February. While reading I saw the Bond of Creativity, and I released it on my adult son. The next morning he came to me and showed me a song he wrote. He has written 6 songs since.

    So my son sings and plays his violin on a zoom musical conference on Sundays; he sang one of the songs he wrote and it sounds beautiful. Those who heard loved it.

    Thank you for the book and webinar Dr. Ron. I will be releasing more Bonds because of yesterday's teaching you gave on the Bonds and Blessings.
    Valerie S.
  • Nancy Reynolds

    Visionary Encounters

    I had not begun your free Tuesday night Courts Of Heaven Mentoring meetings yet, as I was just introduced to this ministry. But I found Dr. Ron's YouTube videos and began binge-watching in anticipation. The first videos that came up were Engaging your Angels (perfect timing for what God has been speaking to me about and having me read books concerning).

    Imagine my surprise and delight! I watched and fell asleep to all of those on that subject and the following ones that Ron was teaching had changed to different subjects. I stirred and awakened during the night. I laid there listening to him teach while waiting to fall back to sleep, and I saw in the spirit (I can see somewhat in the spirit realm) way over on the right-hand side of my field of spiritual vision was a weapon of sorts. The background was blackness and this weapon was made of golden-orange light in its entirety. I kept looking at it to see exactly what type of weapon it was. It was not greatly detailed, but it was long and very skinny and had the appearance of a spear gun type thing. As I continued to look and see wondering what God was showing me, the weapon began firing not a spear but what appeared to be an intermittent fiery stream away from me more in the direction of the back and right and the streams of shooting were arched or curved in their direction to the right almost off of the edge of my field of vision. I could not see who was shooting (but I had engaged and activated my angels at Ron's leading before I went to sleep that night, so I was sort of expecting something to happen.) The intermittent shooting went on for a minute or so approximately, and then right in the area where the fiery, golden-orange streams of ammunition were hitting-which appeared as though just firing into the darkness or nothingness.Suddenly in that area a very large pile of crumpled-up money materialized. It was the color of American bills, but each one was crumpled-up creating a good-sized pile of U.S. currency.

    I looked closely at it to see for sure if it was money (and I thought as I investigated that nothing else has that exact color of green so I was convinced--even the way it was crumpled--it crumpled like money) although I could not see the denominations on the individual bills since they were each crumpled-up. The pile resembled a good-sized pile of leaves in the fall that are raked up so that children can jump and play in them. I kept looking at it, and suddenly the pile of money turned blurry and fuzzy to my eyes and then it disappeared completely and the the panoramic vision ended.

    I am hopeful that this is a good thing, but I am not sure. Perhaps it will give us some clues as to what I need to go to the Courts of Heaven about first! Hopefully, my angels uncovered my inheritance for me. I don't know. God knows I need money right now! And I have been praying a good deal about the wealth transfer in the past several years--as well as sowing and repenting concerning things that might stand in the way. God will prosper me at some point.

    Nancy Reynolds
  • Christine Kendrick

    Cell Phone Recovery

    !My phone died and would not come on. My husband took my phone to the store called, "U break it, We Fix It". Shortly thereafter, we got a call from the fix-it store that the data was “unrecoverable.” I squealed in disbelief and horror. I had 8G of older Bride Tribe msgs (from 2017, etc), other meaningful teachings/recordings on this phone. And of course, this data had not been backed up on another device.

    During this phone saga, I just happened to be listening to Dr Ron Horner teaching on Working with your angel. As my husband left to go pick up my phone from the fix-it store, I asked for my angels assigned to me and my husband’s angel for assistance in getting my phone data recovered. I began praying in the spirit.

    My husband was back in a very short while. Unbeknownst to me, my husband had begun working on my phone. He’s tech savvy (and very likely his angel is too). In about five minutes or so, they (hubby and angels) had gotten my phone to come on and was downloading my data onto another device. While my husband was doing this, I was outside still listening to Dr Ron and looking up on www.biblegateway.com the Hebrew/Greek meanings of the word sign. Look at God’s humor! So my phone data was recovered with the help of my husband and our assigned angels and no money out of our pockets. Also, one of my smart, forward thinking daughters had given me her older phone a short while ago so I now have a “newer” phone ready for use.

    I am beyond elated at the creativity of our Creator and his creative angels. Hallelujah!

    Christine Kendrick
  • Joy Gevira

    Brother Reunited!

    An additional testimony on family a month after my Personal Advocacy session with this Ministry. One of my brothers after over 20 years who never used to go home and visit, but few days ago he writes me and mentions he was traveling to go home to the village for a week to see and spent time with the rest of the other siblings. Hallelujah, as am writing now he is already home visiting. -Glory to God for courts prayers. Thanks once again to Dr. Ron and the Advocates who have given themselves to this revelation of getting people liberated. Am dancing and celebrating joyfully, there is more to come.

    Joy Gevira
  • Joy Gevira

    Real Results -- Fast!

    I had an advocacy session and immediately in the same week the following happened:

    · A nephew accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.

    · Elder sister reconciled with other siblings

    · A brother who was not working and idle for many years started a small business,

    · The small business started flourishing with demands of supply of the products he is dealing with.

    · Personal praise, prayer, and worship to God restored

    · Freedom from LHSs and much more.


    Courts of Heaven prayers are real.

    Thanks Dr Ron and the entire ministry.

    Joy Gevira
  • Jessica P.

    Foundations for Life

    "I wanted to share and let you know I LOVED the Foundations class that Jen Jones led. I was trying to think of my favorite week, but every week was so rich and applicable, it was all 6 weeks. I do have testimonies from it, but I don’t want this email to be really long. As a leader, Jen is anointed (she spoke wisdom from her spirit, especially to some tough questions), patient (with people and computer issues, people's questions, etc., she had so much grace!), she is respectful and kind, and she did a great job with the content! There was a lot of scripture and additional resources. She made her slides artistic and colorful. She wrapped up every week with an email that was colorful and creative too! I just wanted you to know I was so blessed by her class. I hope a lot of people from the mentoring group will take it. I hope she teaches more classes as well."

    Jessica P.
  • Mary-Anne Willis

    Bonds of Miracles!

    Today, I had a great testimony. I had taken my husband's car, and it got stuck on the road, however I managed to park it in a safe spot. There were 2 people who tried to jump start the car, but it failed. They both said "you will have to get it towed, and it will cost you around $350." Then I called my husband and he came and tried to jump start it three times, with failure. He was getting very frustrated. I was getting desperate, and I told myself, " I will pray the new method I have been taught".

    So I said in faith "soul back up, spirit step forward, now I am in heaven, and now I ask permission to enter the Courts of Titles and Deeds. I right now release Bonds of Miracles to my husband so that he is able get the car going, and I say this in faith as Heaven has unlimited resources which are readily available to us - Let it happen from Heaven down".

    Trust me, the moment I said this I had so much faith that it would start, and this time he was able to drive it safely home.

    Thank you for your ministry and how you teach people.

    Mary-Anne Willis
  • Anni Burgess

    Protection from a Bomb Explosion!

    Remember when we did a court case the beginning of this year, the bond of protection was added to me, mom and my brother. South Africa has gone into a lock down 26 March. Since then I am part of the skeleton crew who works outside the farm, because it is at a grocery store. On Tuesday I came home and delivered milk at my cousins, but she wasn't there. I sent a message to my mom to then meet me in the showers. THE MESSAGE NEVER REACHED MY MOM!!!!! I walked past the bathrooms and just as I was aligned with the boiler the bomb went off. I was listening to worship music as I was walking home and the shock-wave knocked me over. I looked up and debris started falling on my head and pieces of brick hit me on my lower body. The geyser and boiler should have come straight for me and should have killed me instantly, but it changed its trajectory by a 35 degree angle and cut some trees down and went straight through a house.  Luckily the lady was also not home.

    I realized that I had sent the message and started running and screaming for my mom and brother, but then found them. There were men in the showers. They did get hurt, but no one was killed. The bomb went off on the side where the ladies showers are and from 5-7pm it is so busy with women and children bathing, but the last woman walked out the door as it went off. The inside of the ladies showers are on the pictures. The last two showers are completely gone. That is the shower where my mom and I shower and it was blown to pieces. The tiles on the wall are gone. Had my mom been in the shower she would have been killed. I would have been killed if I had gone from work straight to the showers instead of delivering milk to my cousin.


    I am still shaken up by this and I am grateful to Yahshua for his blood and mercy. Thank you for the work you do and for you guys who placed the bond of protection upon us.

    Anni Burgess
    Anni Burgess
  • Anonymous

    Spot on Session!

    I learned a lot. Dr Ron and Tracy are the real deal.  Everything was accurate and spot on.  I’m looking forward to booking another session.

  • Jeremy M.

    Completely Outside My Box!

    This session was completely outside of my box, but I loved how much insight I gained through the Courts of Heaven. I liked it so much I have another session scheduled.

    Jeremy M.
  • Anonymous

    Gifted Team

    It was thorough with time to move in the interlinking aspects of issues. I especially appreciated the gifting of the team, I could relax and be myself.

  • Anonymous

    Changed Marriage

    Since my sessions with Dr Ron, my life and marriage is in such a good place. I had lost hope in things ever changing or my husband changing but God is good. The COH has really changed our marriage and I have never been happier. I now know there is nothing the Courts of Heaven can’t deal with.

  • Anonymous

    Unexpected Deliverance!

    I received deliverance in an area I did not suspect was a concern, but I was also able to get to the root of some of my known issues due to Dr. Horner’s leading, teaching, and sharing of resources.

  • Anonymous

    Ability to Move Freely Restored!

    I have seen one of my children get released from living in a city that she wanted to leave and could not.

  • Anonymous

    Recovery & Restoration

    Recovery and restoration has been a few of many things God has done for me.

  • Anonymous

    Eyes Opened

    My eyes have been opened. I have a greater awareness of how Holy Spirit operates, how powerfully he moves when we open access and allow him to lead us.

    I’m excited about all that’s available to us in the courts, and welcome the opportunity to learn more, to develop my spiritual abilities.

  • Jeremy F.

    Simple Answers

    Everything was so simply laid out. Nothing was over complicated in the approach to getting justice from the Court of Heaven.  Not to mention, the results there after were immediate and awesome to see God’s power manifest through this method of prayer and deliverance.

    Jeremy F.
  • David R.


    The wisdom of Dr. Ron and his staff has really shone through in the Personal Advocacy Sessions.

    David R.
  • Leigh Ann B.

    Growth in the Courts

    I got one on one teaching and growth in the Courts.

    Leigh Ann B.
  • Anonymous

    Hindrance Revealed

    The Courts of Heaven revealed a legal issue that has hindered my life.

  • Corri O.

    Moving Forward

    It would take all evening to give you a comprehensive list of ways Yashuah has healed, blessed, grown, increased my understanding, confidence and belief, and moved me forward in his plan for my life. Nearly everyday, I think of what Yashua did for me during those sessions.

    Corri O.
  • K.N.

    Family Freedom

    Through the Courts, God set me and my family free from things that have held me/my family in bondage for years and the cutting of the strings attached.  And the cleansing of the bloodline and DNA! Some were rooted quite a few generations back.

  • Bridget Yeglic

    Wholeness Received

    The Courts brought healing to the family tree, integrating parts of my soul, allowed me to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and a prayer language.
    Bridget Yeglic
  • Anonymous

    Clarity Received

    Through the Courts, I received clarity and definite answers to uncertain questions I had and their connection to things I struggle with. Also, the more I read the books the more I understand the legalities involved in the spirit. Every seed bears a harvest. That’s powerful!

  • Patricia C.


    Dear Dr. Ron,

    Since my session with you, I have been unstoppable.  I got my life back.  I could not pray, and the oppression is gone . My life has not been the same.

    Thank you.

    Patricia C.

Introductory Video

Dr. Ron Horner shares briefly on the vision for Sandhills Ecclesia

Our Team

Ron Horner

Founding Apostle

A prolific author and teacher, Dr. Ron is Executive Director of LifeSpring International Ministries. He hosts weekly Tuesday night Mentoring Sessions where he and his team teach on the Courts of Heaven, living by revelation, and much more.

Adina Horner


Adina is a prolific minstrel with 5 albums of prophetic worship to her credit. She leads us into the realms of Heaven with her music. She is the Chief Financial Officer of LifeSpring International Ministries. ​

David Porter III

Lead Apostle

David is a seasoned minister and transplant from Ohio. He serves LifeSpring as an accountant when not doing the fun stuff he loves, which is helping people.

Stephanie Shearin


Stephanie, a native Tennessean, functions as a seer and administrator for the ministry. She also serves as Dr. Ron's Executive Assistant.

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