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Maximizing Heaven’s Resources for Your Life

By Dr. Ron M. Horner with Dr. Robert Rodich & Jeremy Friedman

Do you want to end the conflict between your body and soul, or your soul and your spirit? This book will show you how. When each of your realms: spirit, soul, and body understand their role in your life, and are permitted to fulfill that role, life will greatly improve for you.

Additionally, Heaven has provided Realm Angels to specifically assist your realms in fulfilling their role. These understandings will take you to an entirely new place in your life. Begin today!

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(298 pages)

Understanding Supplications, Requisitions, & Acquisitions

Do you have prayers for which you are still seeking answers? Learn how to turn your petition into a supplication in order to have the answers come. Discover some of the reasons our prayers have been “on appeal” by the enemy and learn how to get these appeals removed.

Intimacy is the basis of operations in the Court of Supplications and Acquisitions and to be a friend of God is crucial. Learn how to discover a life built on friendship with the Father and how to operate from your personal Mountain of the Lord.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(194 pages)

More Riches from Heaven

The flow of revelation from Heaven is increasing daily. As more of the sons of God awaken to who they are portals will open throughout the earth with the result being more of Heaven flooding the earth. Regardless of our church tradition, we have been taught to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” The bowls of intercession are now overflowing, and the result is the outpouring of revelation. More angelic activity is occurring in the earth right now than at any time previous. We can learn to engage Heaven for revelation and be forever changed. This is the second volume in this series by Dr. Ron M. Horner. May it bless your life.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(340 pages)

Growing in Sonship

Heaven keeps pouring out insights and revelation for the maturing of the sons of God. No longer will we settle for status quo. Those clothes don’t fit any longer. We have been made Kings who are priests and we have a responsibility to establish on earth that which is in Heaven.

Old methods won’t suffice, nor will old paradigms. We must engage Heaven for the new, the fresh, the life-giving riches and wisdom of Heaven. Learn how to engage and hear from Heaven’s spokespersons. Learn to govern as a son!

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(370 pages)

Seeing What Heaven Sees and Making it Happen

Destiny Scrolls are like guideposts for the saints; they can map out the way Heaven sees something and how it could be built out. When following a Destiny Scroll, the best version of something can be achieved because it is the Father’s will and His plan for that entity.

Blueprints are quantum maps of how a business will look in any place in time. They can be used in conjunction with the Destiny Scroll to ensure plans are being mapped out and executed correctly.

In this season, the Father is teaching His sons how to build businesses from Heaven Down™. Learning how to perceive our Destiny Scrolls and blueprints is a crucial part of that process. This book will help unravel the mystery for you.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(184 pages)

Living the Principles of a Traded Life

What we refer to as commerce, Heaven refers to as trade. It is the exchange of something of value from one party to another. We practice trades every day. Someone may choose to take a moment to trade time for information to determine if this book will be of benefit. Should a person decide that it would be beneficial, then they will make a trade of currency for the product.

The process of heavenly trade has been occurring since before Adam and Eve. If we as sons learn the principles and processes of trade, we will be able to engage Heaven on a deeper level and be able to impact our communities on a greater scale.

We need to understand that worship is trade, gaining knowledge is trade, prayer is trade, and pouring out one’s life for another is trade. The universe revolves around, but the sons must ensure that trade is done in a Godly manner. Learn some principles of trade, and learn to live our life in a new light.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(174 pages)

Principles for Sonship

Heaven is vitally interested in seeing its sons step into who they really are. Where religion has told us who we are not, Heaven is telling us that we are overcomers in this world and the next.

This book covers a variety of Kingdom Dynamics that need to be active in our lives. These dynamics will shake cities as the sons arise and embrace their sonship. You can live your life without hope or with the Hope of Glory – Jesus arising in your being. Choose the latter!

Available in Paperback, Kindle, PDF, & Audiobook
(340 pages)

Unraveling More of the Mystery

Having written about a radical change to the deliverance modalities common in the charismatic/Pentecostal streams of the Body of Christ, Dr. Ron M. Horner continues to unpack helpful information in how to effectively deal with the concept of Lingering Human Spirits. This book explores vital information related to this subject and will help you become more effective as you minister this redemptive work to those who have yet to make the transition to Heaven and the destiny that awaits them.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(268 pages)

Learn to Instruct Your Angels

Many in the army of the Lord, meaning the sons and daughters of God, do not have an understanding of the spiritual nature of the King. They are working from the realm of the soul to do the work of the Kingdom. They must soon learn the engagement of spiritual things in the spirit realm, from their spirit, for this is their weapon of war.

Put angels to work. Commission them often. Supply them with weapons. Believe in their strength. Your belief in what they do is a form of belief in who your Father is, in His position as Almighty God and in the blueprint of His plans. The necessary posture of prayer in these times requires the ministry of angels in spiritual realms.

Learning to commission your angels is vital to helping them fulfill their role in your behalf. You are meant to work with angels and the only way to grow is to practice.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, PDF & Audiobook
(238 pages)

Ready for Freedom?

Are you living from storm to storm with seemingly no relief? Heaven has solutions that are unpacked in this book. As we understand the concept of heavenly trusts and consequential liens, we will enter new phases of freedom that we have never experienced before.

These concepts aren’t new, they are simply new to us. Dig in and find out how to live as the son or daughter of God you were meant to be, free from the plague of constant storms and being tossed to and fro. You were built for more than that. Begin to experience it today!

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(286 pages)

Creating Space for Your Spirit

We must understand that we are first and foremost a spirit being. We have a soul, and both soul and spirit reside in the earthly suits we call our bodies. The primary purpose of your soul is to translate to your body what your spirit is perceiving and help you relate to the 3D world we live in. We are instructed in Colossians 3 to live from our spirit, as opposed to living from our soulish realm.

Living from our spirit is the way Heaven designed us to live with our spirit in first place. Having lived most of our lives with our soul out of its proper position, the paradigm of living from our spirit first, spirit forward opens amazing possibilities and enables us to fulfill our destiny, live in peace, and in fellowship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Join us on the amazing adventure of Living Spirit Forward!

Available in English (2nd Edition) and Spanish (1st Edition only) in Paperback, Kindle, PDF & Audiobook (English 1st Edition only)
(276 pages)

More Riches from Heaven

The flow of revelation from Heaven is increasing daily. As more of the sons of God awaken to who they are portals will open throughout the earth with the result being more of Heaven flooding the earth. Regardless of our church tradition, we have been taught to pray, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” The bowls of intercession are now overflowing, and the result is the outpouring of revelation. More angelic activity is occurring in the earth right now than at any time previous. We can learn to engage Heaven for revelation and be forever changed. This is the second volume in this series by Dr. Ron M. Horner. May it bless your life.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(340 pages)

Learning to Receive the Angelic Activity

The Body of Christ is being awakened to the extent to which paganism has been intertwined with Christianity throughout the centuries. Many traditions and teachings that we accept as part of Christianity have, upon closer examination, been borrowed from ancient pagan religions. These spiritual connections to pagan entities are creating unnecessary bondages in the Body of Christ.

The false religion of Mithraism has been a major factor in the world, but its role has been kept largely hidden. Freedom from Mithraism will help you cancel the false verdicts that are impacting your life and your generations because of this pagan religion and will move you into new places of freedom. Most religious movements have been impacted by Mithraism. It is time to get free!

The second edition contains updated instructions and insights.

Available in English and Spanish in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(176 pages)

Gaining Freedom from an Ancient Foe

Significant misinformation exists concerning angels, not only in the Body of Christ, but throughout the earth. We have been taught that angels are frail, dainty, cupid-like creatures that have little power and that we are subordinate to them. That is not the case.

This book will help you learn to engage with angels, to know your Personal Angel, to understand realms, to set your angel in place to guard your realms, and much more. You will want the information in this book. It is life changing!

Available in English and Spanish in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(228 pages)

Visual Aids to Engage the Courts of Heaven

In learning to engage the Courts of Heaven we simply need to learn the protocols and work with those. Dr. Ron Horner, author of over a dozen books on the Courts of Heaven and one of the foremost experts on the Courts of Heaven has designed this resource to assist learners in how to engage the various Courts of Heaven. These charts are born out of the experiences of hundreds of advocacy sessions in the Courts of Heaven on a wide range of topics. May you see many victories in the Courts of Heaven through these tools!

Available in English and Spanish in Spiral & PDF
(152 pages)

Gaining More Understanding of the Heaven Down Paradigm

The realm of Heaven contains for businesses, business leaders, and business owners a deep well of revelation regarding their activity on earth in the business of their trade. This book contains more revelation regarding the Heaven Down™ business paradigm and helps the reader understand more foundational building blocks for engaging Heaven’s release of how you conduct your business from Heaven Down™. This book contains specific teaching for a business’s beginning and the interesting twist regarding retroactive capabilities of these beginning steps.

Continue the journey of the Heaven Down™ business paradigm by reading the recent revelation as the journey continues.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(174 pages)

Gaining Heaven's Insight

The body of Christ has entered an era where the saints in Heaven and the saints upon the earth join forces to build true Kingdom business enterprises. Learning to engage the Business Complex of Heaven can dramatically change the way you build and grow your business.

No longer do you need to scramble around trying to gain direction. Heaven already has the details worked out. This book introduces you to Heaven’s Business Complex and helps you navigate and maximize the various departments and resources of this aspect of the realms of Heaven. Never again do you have to stumble. You have all of Heaven and all of Heaven’s resources with which to engage as you conduct godly trades upon the earth. In this book you will learn to build your business, not from the earth upward, but in a superior way—from Heaven Down™!

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF

(216 pages)

Unraveling the Mystery

Old ways of thinking are often slow to change. It takes radical engagement to bring about needed change. Revelation always brings revolution and the revelation contained in this book is truly revolutionary! It is not a sci-fi book. It is based in a realm of reality of an unusual nature — a dimension of the unseen. This mystery involves how human spirits still lingering on the earth long after their human host has died are having far greater impact than we have been willing to acknowledge.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(220 pages)

Uncovering Bonds & Establishing Bonds

Have you experienced a situation where nothing has seemed to move it? Often something has been hidden from us keeping us trapped. From the realms of Heaven, revelation has been released to bring individuals, cities, colleges, and even nations to new levels of freedom through the power of bonds.

Available in English (2nd Edition) and Spanish (1st Edition) in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(240 pages)

Embracing an Additional Paradigm of Prayer

Revised & Expanded!

Formerly Engaging the Mercy Court of Heaven

The Courts of Heaven paradigm is available to every believer. It will help thrust efforts of intercession into new levels of breakthrough. Once every legal obstacle hindering the answer to your prayers is removed, the answers will come. As you learn to engage the Courts of Heaven, you will experience answered prayer on a level you may have not thought possible.

This edition has additional chapters, resources, and appendix information and is 100 pages longer than the original book.

Available in English (3rd Edition) and Spanish (2nd Edition) in Paperback, Spiral, Kindle, & PDF; PDF is also available in Afrikaans (2nd Edition)
(188 pages)

Just How Many Courts Are There?

This book explores over a dozen of the Courts of Heaven with which I have had experience. Not for the novice, but for the seasoned veteran of the Courts of Heaven. It also covers how to establish an ecclesia in your region for permanent transformation.

Available in Paperback, Spiral, Kindle, & PDF
(232 pages)

Have You Ever Felt Owned?

Many things can attempt to “own” us — emotions, medical diagnoses, family traits, and more! Let this book help you explore freedom in ways you have not even imagined.

Available in Paperback, Spiral, Kindle, & PDF
(162 pages)

A New Paradigm for Healing

Learn the obstacles to healing and how to get them removed, discover how to intercede for others and see lives changed. No sickness, disease, or condition is beyond the scope of God’s provision in the Courts of Healing, Heaven’s Hospital and the Healing Garden. May you experience God’s healing in your life.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(250 pages)

Building Ecclesias to Establish the Kingdom

Do you want to impact your city through prayer? Do you need a new paradigm by which to see massive change and see your city transformed?

Leader’s Guide and Workbook available.

Available in English and Spanish in Paperback, Spiral, & PDF
(212 pages)

Building Ecclesias to Establish the Kingdom

Do you want to impact your city through prayer? Do you need a new paradigm by which to see massive change and see your city transformed?

PowerPoint Presentation included. Workbook also available.

Available in Paperback, Spiral, & PDF
(152 pages)

Building Ecclesias to Establish the Kingdom

Do you want to impact your city through prayer? Do you need a new paradigm by which to see massive change and see your city transformed?

Leader’s Guide with PowerPoint Presentation also available.

Available in Paperback & PDF
(46 pages)

Ever Need Help in the Courts?

God has wondrously provided assistance in the Courts of Heaven. Don’t know where to go? Ask the Help Desk. Don’t know what to do? Ask the Help Desk. It is amazing what awaits us in the Courts of Heaven.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(102 pages)

Dismantle the Accusations That Are Destroying Your Life

Accusations have great power to destroy your life and must be dealt with before they do. They create cases against you in the Courts of Heaven. The aim of an accusation is to divert your from your destiny. Accusations seek to define you and limit you and wear you down. Dismantling accusations is key to effectively fulfilling your purpose and cannot simply be ignored. They must be destroyed! Learn how in this book!

Available in English and Spanish in Paperback, Kindle, PDF & Audiobook (English only)
(68 pages)

Releasing False Verdicts

Have you found yourself struggling with situations or mindsets from which you could find no relief? We have not yet awakened to the fact that we may have been facing a false judgment arising out of the Courts of Hell.

Available in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(140 pages)

Are You Free from Freemasonry?

In all the materials I have seen on freedom from Freemasonry, none has ever dealt with the false verdicts that empower the various levels of Freemasonry. This book does! Find freedom! Begin today!

Available in English (3rd Edition) and Spanish (2nd Edition) in Paperback, Spiral, Kindle, & PDF
(416 pages)

Learning a New Way of Ministering

The promise of Scripture is that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of The Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. To accomplish that goal, God will use willing saints—men and women who desire to see God move and are wise enough to allow Him to move as He desires.

Available in English and Spanish in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(136 pages)

Learning a New Way of Ministering

If you experience difficulty with spiritual seeing, I have some solutions for you. In our work in the Courts of Heaven, we discovered keys to unlock your spiritual seeing abilities. We have excellent results from these keys. Don’t continue in spiritual blindness or being unable to see clearly or consistently. These keys will help you unlock your spiritual seeing today!

Available in English and Spanish in Paperback, Kindle, & PDF
(148 pages)

Rethinking How We Look at the Body of Christ

If you experience difficulty with spiritual seeing, I have some solutions for you. In our work in the Courts of Heaven, we discovered keys to unlock your spiritual seeing abilities. We have excellent results from these keys. Don’t continue in spiritual blindness or being unable to see clearly or consistently. These keys will help you unlock your spiritual seeing today!

Available in Paperback & PDF
(240 pages)


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