Advancing Angels
October 13, 2021
The Father’s Kingdom Realm
October 19, 2021He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. John 7:38
Donna had been the flow of a river and began our dialogue by asking, “Do you remember a couple of days ago? I stepped into Heaven and looked at my Outstanding Folder and I saw the phrase, ‘A river runs through it.’ (That is also the name of a 1992 movie.)
Donna then asked Holy Spirit, “What are you saying about that phrase?”
Holy Spirit replied, “I want you to ask me to widen the river that flows through you.”
Donna continued, “I began to do that a few days ago. Today when I sat down, I wasn't even thinking about that, but I asked the Father saying, ‘I am looking for something and I'm not sure what name it phrases it goes by.’ ”
He said, “You are looking for the alternative.”
Donna responds saying to the Father, “I want the alternative.” She then asked the Father to arrange for her alternatives and tell her what it was she was really asking about.
He said, “It is a shifting of thought patterns.”
Immediately Donna said, “I want the alternatives for shifting thought patterns.”
She sat for a while and could feel her soul sitting down while her spirit was active. Instead of stepping into the realms of Heaven like she often did to visit the courts or to visit the Business Complex, the Lord said, “Look, turn your spirit within you, and go up.”
Donna explained, “So, I did that and when I did, I found a river. As soon as I found it, I was like, ‘Oh my gosh! You're showing me something. You're helping me with my stress level because I carry this river in me, and no one can take this from me. It's a river in me and it's always there.”
The Lord began to say, “It flows. It does flow through you.”
“What does it feel like? He asked.
Donna replied, “Well, it feels like a buoyant stream for my soul where my soul lays down in it and can buoyantly be carried by it. But to my spirit, it is peace, calm and has a sweetness, yet it's sturdy.”
The Father asked, “What does it lack?”
Donna thought and said, “What does it lack? It lacks anxiety and worry.”
He said, “Do you know why?”
Donna paused, “I was like, do I know why it lacks anxiety and worry? No.”
Father said, “Because it is the now moment. It's the now moment. The river of God within you, the river of God within a believer has the present now and in the present–now, which is outside of time because it's not connected to a time frame and it doesn't even have the paradigm of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, but all of it is in now.”
Father continued, “Do you, when you're in the river, do you feel like the next is now?”
Donna responded, “Yes!”
He said, “And what does now contain? What does it hold?”
Donna replied, “It holds answers. It holds resources. It holds perfection, Your presence and Your oneness.”
Father said, “My oneness with you is in that river—in the river of now. Know I am with you now. I am your resource now. I am your Father, your creator, your designer, and your maker in this river now. I am rest because I am.
Donna remarked, “You know all of those ‘I am’ statements of the Bible. I just began to see how that is, what the river is in terms of God saying He is ‘I Am.’” I mean, I wrote for quite a long time after He said that to me. And so, at the end of all of that, He says, ‘Now from this river, I am going to speak to you as a Father.’”
I said, “Okay. So, I just wrote down everything He said as a Father. After that He gave me a red mantel and suddenly, I was in the realms of Heaven (not in the river).
“I was not in the river feeling like I was looking internally in the river that flows within me. It just shifted without even a breath. It shifted and I was in the realms of Heaven standing there with somebody handing me a full-length red cape, and they put it on me, and I said to them, ‘What is this red mantle?’”
They said, “This is for you to wear.”
I said, “What is this, tell me more?”
They said, “It is the red mantle of a revelatory scribe—a revelator and it releases written Glory.”
Donna continued, “So, I just stood there with it and I'm like, ‘I wonder how this works. I wonder what is released under this mantle’. And again, I had a few things suddenly to write down.
“So, I just started writing and I wrote about a paragraph and a half. I think I was writing about my experience that I had just had with this river. And at the very end of that, I was like, I know why Father just gave. He is always a gift giver, and He is always giving, and He is always giving not necessarily what you want, but He is giving you what you need. So, I felt like He gave the answer to a lot of people's anxieties.
“Think about it, if you have access to the river of God that runs from within you, because Jesus opened the Heavens and the river began again that day, then your healing is in that river, the knowledge of who He is as a Father, who He is as a brother, who He is as Redeemer is in that river. Wisdom is in that river. Knowledge and understanding are in that river. And when you are in that river, there is a whole lot of things that are not in that river with you that are in the world—wrong frequencies, anxiety, worry, stress, lack, hopelessness, all of that. You don't have any space for that in the river that that you're in. So, I guess that…
The purpose of the knowledge of this river is that we're going to have to practice.
“Now, would I say if I have ever been in this river before? I think I've been in this river dozens of times, but I just never saw it in the paradigm in which He was releasing it to me this day. I love the fact that I was not looking for this. He showed it to me in the Outstanding Folder. It just showed up.
I began to speak saying, “Another thing with what you're talking about is this, look in the New Testament when the word now shows up. In Hebrews 11:1 ‘Instead of ‘Now faith is…’read it as ‘In the river’ is the substance of things hoped for. So instead of ‘now’ use the phrase ‘in the river’.”
Donna then commented, “I don't think it (this understanding of the river) is a contradiction (and I think we may need to make this plain) when we teach and say that we are stepping into the realms of Heaven—into that realm, the higher dimension. It is a higher dimension we are stepping into with our spirit man, and we are there.
“It is not a contradiction to also say the river of God flows within you and you can ascend that river when you go inward to find the river. It reminds me of the story of David conquering the Jebusites in Jerusalem, by going up the river hole (the water shaft (2 Samuel 5:7-10). Remember they had to go up, they had to go in the rock and up and he looked for any man who could. I mean that, that just blows my mind, but he looked for any man. They found one man who felt he could do that. To me, this is the exact picture of finding the river within you. It is finding the river that ascends to the third heaven. It bypasses the second heaven, which is where all the Jebusites are (if you could say that), but it is in the midst of Jerusalem, or Zion, or the City of David. It penetrates through the midst of second heaven where all the junk is and goes right to the Throne Room.
“When I go there, I feel like I am in that space of the blue sapphire stones, and I am in that space where I know there's a throne. Sometimes I see it. Sometimes I don’t, but I know that the sight of it is so limited to my brain that I don't even want to look at it because I am already limiting it, but you just have some sort of knowledge that you're there.”
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