New Gifts & Wisdom without Measure
April 26, 2023
Aligning Your Stars
May 9, 2023On Sunday, May 7, 2023 I shared the following script for the purpose of activating our realms to cooperate with one another and also to activate the angels of our realms and our personal angels to work together in unity and harmony. Please feel free to make this part of your daily prayer routine as you grow in your sonship.
I acknowledge each part of my being for their respective roles in making up my whole person:
- Soul, I acknowledge you and thank you for your role in my being.
- Body, I acknowledge you and thank you for your role in my being.
- Spirit, I acknowledge you and thank you for your role in my being.
- Soul, I charge you to fulfill your role in unity and harmony with my spirit and body.
- Body, I charge you to fulfill your role in unity and harmony with my spirit and soul.
- Spirit, I charge you to fulfill your role in unity and harmony with my soul and my body.
- Father, I invite you to have dominion over my spirit.
- Jesus, I invite you to have dominion over my soul.
- Holy Spirit, I invite you to have dominion over my body.
- I charge the angels over my realms to work with all the angels assigned to me today.
- I charge my personal angels to work with the Bond Registry Angels, as well as the angels over my realms.
- I charge all the angels of my realms as well as my personal angels to diligently labor for the fulfillment of my scroll.
- I bless these angels in their work with Angel Elixir, Angel Food and Angel Bread and other such things as they need for the fulfillment of their duties.
- I bless my spirit, my soul, and my body, and I instruct my soul and body to yield to my spirit this day.
- I thank you all for the good job that you do.
- I call my spirit forward, in Jesus’ name.
- I speak to the Glory within me to stand up and I stand in my position as a son of the Most High God.
- I also step into the Spirit of Excellence this day and I invite the Spirit of the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord to walk alongside me today.
- I call Deep, Revelation, and Unity to walk alongside me as well.
- I have put on the Righteousness of the Father and walk in Righteousness this day.
- I also walk in Strength this day.
- I choose also to walk with the entity Honor.
Thanks to Dr. Robert Rodich for his insights into this revelation.