The Solo Track can begin at anytime.


All the information on the Facilitator Training Program Overview applies to the Solo Track except that this is an independent study, self-paced programs for highly motivated individuals where you work through the same curriculum as our classroom based program. The program will consists of video instruction, course work including quizzes, essays and required reading from a list of books (we will supply to you) combined with a monthly meeting with Dr. Horner and myself for a check-in and Q&A time.

In addition, we would require that you be on-screen with us every Tuesday for the COH Mentoring Group meetings, and also again on Wednesday in the Platinum meetings (or review the weekly recording of the Tuesday Mentoring Group meetings or Wednesday Platinum meetings, if you are unable to join at noon on Wednesdays Eastern time). The main difference between the Solo-Track version and the regular 2024 CourtsNet FTP version is that the Solo-Track version does not have a weekly group meeting, instead it is a monthly meeting with other Solo-Track students. The monthly meeting time will vary.

To be approved for this program is a multi-step process.



Complete the Application to the the Solo Track Facilitator Training Program. The CourtsNet Leadership Team will evaluate your application to determine your acceptance into the program.

(Plan to spend at least 30 minutes)



Once you have been accepted into the program, you must make arrangements for payment for the program. We do not offer any scholarships at this time. You may pay in full or via 11 monthly payments. If monthly payments are chosen, you will be required to make arrangements with Adina Horner, our Chief Financial Officer. Tuition costs must be paid in full prior to receiving your Certificate of Completion. All coursework must be satisfactorily completed as well. Once you begin the program you are responsible for all the tuition costs of the program whether you complete the program or not.

The current cost of the program is $3,000.00 if paid in full, or 11 payments of $300.00 per  month*





*subject to change