Living by the Spirit
February 2, 2021Engaging Your Senses and Working with the Men in White Linen
February 16, 2021Lydia, a woman in white linen, opened with, “There is celebration in Heaven. There is celebration here. When you step into heavenly realms, you often wonder where we all are. It's because our joy of celebration is so at the surface that even our work with you sometimes takes a backseat to our joy in what God has done and is doing. We have knowledge you have not. But you can know that we celebrate at every opportunity.
“There are waves of His glory in Heaven that pull us and draw us away even from task-oriented things, to rejoice and enjoy the celebration of His victory.
Remember, Heaven is full of the complete and utter satisfaction at the celebration of His victory.
“Jesus will not be denied what He has been promised by the Father and it's possible in your day to begin living from the same victory. When you do, you arise over all problems, troubles and the machinations of world powers, structures, and worldly thrones.
Your spirit is invited to these banquet feasts of celebration without end at any time.
“You have access to come and enjoy the pleasant victory of the King of Kings. Your spirit is learning to ascend in these ways and the spirits of God in Jesus Christ made perfect by him. Their invitation to heaven is ever increasing to joy and peace, truth and love, care and support, knowledge and creative avenues of thought, are here for you and made accessible to you.
“Your contact with us by spirit, through spirit, in the name of Jesus, your invitation to the Kingdom of God, that is beyond comes through the awakened moment of your spirit man and your invitation is always open. But just as you have thought about it this morning, Donna, the way is narrow. This is the narrow way, opened by Jesus’s ascension, and empowered by the spirit of God who dwells in you, in your spirit.
“Your access to this place is narrow in that it must be practiced. It must be learned. It must be accepted. It can be grasped. It can be enjoyed, but you will see and know that few in quantity enter in this narrow way.
“The enemy of your soul, world powers, and structures seek to hinder your access. You must come to the knowledge once and for all that, they are simply unable to keep you from coming here. The way has been opened and it will never close. It can never be closed. It can only be disregarded or bypassed.
“And like scripture says, what causes the bypass of the narrow way is the cares of the world, the demands of the physical which seek to have dominion over your spirit. But your spirit, awakened to God’s spirit, empowered by His love has given you full access to the realms of Heaven by which you may visit at any time. Increasing your affection for the realms of Heaven results in the manifestation of an increase in the quantity of times you will come.
“There are more saints in the earth now ascending into realms of Heaven by the use of spiritual senses than ever before. When you come here, you begin to learn who you truly are—what capacity you truly have, and you begin to taste with greater understanding what the aspect of God's love is all about and what it accomplishes for Him—His own love accomplishing for Him the creation, the birth of His children and those born again by spirit, increasing His family.
“You'll find that more time spent in Heaven and its realms will change the dynamics of your relationship with the world. So that like Paul said, you can be in the world and not of it. Because when you are in heavenly realms, you began to ascertain the trueness of your identity which results in your inability to be confined to the structures of the world. This is why Paul said it's possible for you not to be conformed to the world even though you're in the world. [Romans 12:2]
“As the world applies, constrictions, restrictions, regulations, the hindrances and hampering of its world system, you cannot be confined. You can never be confined. They may think you can, but in your spirit, you are uncontainable by world systems because you are born of Spirit, which has a greater dimension than the world structures. I'm even speaking of world thrones, world powers, world principalities—the things we refer to as the kingdoms of the world. Jesus overcame them all and you are in him and over them.
“This should bring you great joy, but it is a living-out of this aspect that we can refer to as ‘the flipping of one's life’, where you physically see the world, but you live from the spiritual seeing of the truth of the world. This causes demons to tremble and powers and principalities, even evil thrones, to gnash their teeth as you become uncontainable. Your ability to become unchained from their attempts to chain you. As this continues the power and might of God will be revealed through you.”
She continued, “Why? Why is God releasing this now? Because like scripture says, everyone is going to know the glory of the King of Kings. Everyone is going to know He is King—powers, principalities, humanity. And what does this do? It forces a choice. Whom will you follow and who do you say that He is?
Come as little children into the Good Shepherd's flock and enjoy the care and care-taking of the Good Shepherd. He loves the sheep. He loves the flock. He cares for them. He gives them all they need. He speaks to the Father about those whom He loves. He is such a good shepherd. His life is entwined with the flock. He will never be parted from them. They have been given to Him and He will achieve His destiny with them, never being separated from them.
“When I speak of those in Jesus's flock, as a Good Shepherd, please understand that He esteems the image of the sheep as they reflect God—they reflect Himself. Of course, He would love them. He gave all for them. He will not be denied that which has been given to Him.
“He is perfect in His love of the flock, the individual sheep, receive the lovingkindness, the loving gestures of a perfect shepherd who cares for every detail about the sheep and his life in His pasture. Think on these things and let your affection for this Good Shepherd know no end.”
“Thank you, Lydia,” we replied. Donna remarked, “I can see that Heaven is off again celebrating again. They can work in this business complex. They do help when we call them near, but they're often not… what you would call from earth realm… a lack of the attention to the task, but that's not negative. That's actually positive because what they're doing is they are just off enjoying and celebrating their rest. Isn't that right?”
Lydia smiles and she kind of chuckles and she says, “We never mind being called out of the celebration to help those with Him who have been assigned a task, but when that task is over, we are often found celebrating and enjoying. We are mostly enjoying Him. We are enjoying His creation. We are enjoying His eternality. We are enjoying His pervasive, all-nearness. All our faces are toward Him always and we see without fear. We enjoy Him from victory.”
Angelic Assistance
She continued, “You can tell your audience that their angels are meant to assist them in this. The activity of the human voice to request the nearness of angels is important in your hour. Angels have been tasked with duties they have not been able to carry out in full measure because they are awaiting the partnering of the saints. The testimony of belief, the testimony of experiencing partnering with angels, this is important. It causes the soul to be hungry and the spirit to be ready to receive. You call this an awakened spirit, and it is within humanity, the waking from slumber of the spirit of man.
You were always meant to work with the angels of God.
“Indeed, in this era you will with more frequency, know their help and engage them for assistance. Miracles, signs, and wonders come into the physical realm through their activity. It is glorifying to the Father when you partner with His angelic tribes. It is glorifying when you seek to have a knowing of the various types of angels assigned to assist you. They are many and they are varied.
“This begins with belief. One thing that helps you is the belief that angels have been assigned to you as helpers by the Father, in His perfect knowledge, and in His nearness, He gave you everything you need—the blood of His Son for redemption, the partnership with angels to accomplish the full redemption of the earth, and all people knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior.
“Remember when Ezekiel showed you the great pitcher that he had? There's a great pouring out coming. Angels will work with this. They will assist with this. They will be intimately acquainted with pitchers they must deliver, full of the substance of Heaven, not just Living Water, but the flow of goodness, gifts, abilities, creativity, assignments, wonders, healings, awarenesses, even cloakings from your enemy. These are in the flow of what the pitcher contains that is even now beginning to trickle out to many. Angels have access to silver pitchers and they desire with great intensity to pour out upon believers, that these believers may be useful vessels to the Father.”
Lydia smiles very secretively and she ends by saying, “It is going to be glorious, on earth as it is Heaven. Do you believe?”
That is how she ends. “Do you believe? Do you believe?”
Donna replied, “Yes Lydia, with my whole heart, soul, and mind the intention of my will. I believe what you have said. I believe it. And I thank you for sharing it. I take it and make it part of me. I believe this. I also believe this is what the saints have longed for for a long time, because I believe this was actually what the early church walked in. I believe it so rocked Satan off his little trembly throne that he just could not believe that the image bearers of God were releasing their identity to the earth. I believe it. I believe it. And I just feel like saying, Lord, let it be. Come Lord Jesus. Come Holy Spirit. Come angels of God. Bring the silver pitchers, pour them out for His glory. Thank you, Lydia.”