2 New Bonds
January 4, 2021
January 5, 2021On January 1st I was instructed to commission our ministry angel afresh for the new year. The following commission has been modified to be more generic for your use. May you experience much angelic activity in and about your realms in Jesus' name.
Angelic Charge for 2021
Call your angel to come near. When you sense their nearness read aloud the following charge. If you know their name insert it in the appropriate blanks below:
I charge you _________________ to the manifold tasks of protection of every realm, gate, bridge, and territory of my life and of my business/job/ministry (use the appropriate one(s)) for the year 2021.
I charge you to bring forth every provision that is in my books of destiny. Bring forth every relationship according to those books while guarding me and the ministry from those Heaven has not planned for me.
I charge you to assist the Currency Angel as needed to bring forth every monetary provision destined for me or the ministry in timely fashion with no delays.
I charge you to clear pathways for expansion and to clear platforms of ministry according to my books and the books of my business/job/ministry.
I charge you to secure relationships on every level of involvement in my life and ministry according to my books.
I charge you with going before me paving the way for favor with every appointment written in my book in 2021 and beyond, in Jesus’ name.
I charge you and your commanders and ranks to work with my family’s angels, the bond registry angels, the angels of those I am in relationship with, in Jesus’ name.
I charge you to diligently keep my business/ministry/position/products, materials, and websites uncovered to those destined to see them and to keep them hidden from those who need not see them.
I charge you to war with diligence according to my books and the books of my business/job/ministry.
I charge you to assist the messenger angels and all the other angels the Father would have me engage with so that the relationships, offerings, instructions, and understandings are received and maximized in my life and my business/job/ministry, in Jesus’ name.
I request for you from the Father access to the map room for my life and ministry. I request the key to that map room for you and access to the maps needed in regard to me and my business/job/ministry.
I request angel elixir, angel food and angel bread in abundance for you in Jesus’ name.
I commend you to the Father for your diligence and service in 2020 and before to me and my business/job/ministry. I look forward to greater teamwork and team building with you in this new year—2021.
I choose to partner with you for the fulfillment of the plans of the Father for me as recorded in my Books of Destiny, in Jesus’ name.
My commitment to you _________________ is to engage with you on a regular basis and to request of the Father in your behalf those things you need or require for the fulfillment of your tasks. I welcome your input into my life.
I make this commitment in Jesus’ name.