Sonship & Co-creating
October 5, 2021
Righteous Indignation & the Angel Freedom
October 12, 2021For Annulment of the Union, Proof of Separation, Change of Title Deed to Heart-Territory Linked-To-Mind, and Leaving No Territory for the spirit of religion to Legally Reside
The following is based upon our engagement in the realms of Heaven while at our “Engaging the Glory Conference” gathering in Wilmington, NC, August 2021.
What would it look like and what would it feel like, to get unhooked from the territory in your own heart that the spirit of religion is ruling from? Your heart is linked to your mind and the thoughts that come and go from it. We believe that a type of hidden nuptial is at work behind the scenes. This nuptial was entered into by your bloodline. It was made by your ancestors and resulted in tricking you and deceiving you into agreeing, in your own lifetime, with spiritual limitation, especially those limitations that chain you to the tradition of humans engaged in religion and religious thought and expression.
Inside your heart, and linked to synapses in your brain, is a territory (think realm, as that of a territory in an unseen, but real geographical space) from which a Religious Spirit rules. We want to be free of that rule. This does not happen to us automatically when we receive the redemptive work of Jesus through salvation offered at the cross. It is a subsequent prayer journey and work of gaining a cleansed bloodline. The Courts of Heaven prayer paradigm is effective in helping you gain freedom from these hidden nuptials. When you complete this court case, the result will be such that the geographical landmass in your heart, that is spiritually linked to the physical synapses in your physical brain, will be wadded up and sucked into a spiritual black hole. The result will be supernatural, and because it is supernatural, unseen beings, such as angels and evil spirits, will certainly see what has taken place within you, your heart, and your mind.
When we first prayed this, I asked the Lord to help us achieve this freedom as we appearance in His Courts. Feel free to read through the prayer before you pray through it. When you are ready, pray through it by engaging your spirit in the realms of Heaven through Jesus. Engage your spirit-man in the place of spiritual faith and proceed verbally with the prayer.
Prayer Template
Father, I appear in the Divorce Court in the name of Jesus Christ, as a son of the Most High God, in Jesus. I request an annulment of the union of all hidden and exposed nuptials with the spirit of religion, made by my bloodline ancestors, whether knowingly or unknowingly, all the way back to the hand of the Father.
I request:
a complete separation and
a complete divorce from the spirit of religion.
I request paperwork from Your court as proof of my divorce from the spirit of religion.
I testify in Your court according to the desire of my heart, based upon how much I want to be free from this spirit of religion by my repentance.
I repent on behalf of my bloodline both maternal and paternal who...
worshipped and bowed their knee to tradition of men,
who held captive the power of God,
those who limited You,
and those who diverted your Glory to themselves.
I confess this as sin, and repent on their behalf, and I ask you to cover that sin with the blood of Jesus. I choose to forgive them, to bless them and to release them from guilt in the name of Jesus.
I request that the geographical territory in my heart that is ruled over by the spirit of religion and that is linked to my mind and thoughts, be dissolved, and destroyed, so that the spirit of religion no longer has any place in me, in my heart, in my mind and thinking, or in my brain and synapses.
I am requesting this in the name of Jesus, the first born and the Living God.
Look For Results
Divorce Court papers are being filled out. Look and see your name upon them.
See His stamp.
Hand Him the Title Deed of the territory in your heart that has been owned by the spirit of religion.
Hand it to Jesus and say, “I want you to be the title owner, as King of kings and Lord of lords, to be the Title owner of this geographical territory in my being.”
Look and spiritually see and sense what God does. See what Jesus does for you.
He writes His name in His blood on that Title Deed document and then He writes your name on top of His name on that document, because you are one.
Now, you and He, all the godhead, own this territory together in the realm of your heart.
Are you free? You are free indeed!