Instituting the Government of God In Your Life
November 15, 2023
Beefing Up Your Government Position
December 11, 2023Updated: December 6, 2023
Recently a ministry friend was seeking the Lord and had an encounter on the topic of double binds which involve vows.
When you make a vow you are engaging in a level of trade that is higher than any other level of trade. When a vow is broken, it allows the opposite of the benefits of the vow to be released into your life. The negative benefits must be captivated and sanctified by Heaven in order to release the breaker of the vow from the consequences of breaking the vow.
As she pointed out, if someone enters into a vow with an organization (whether knowing the consequences of failure to keep the vow, or not) and then attempts to come out of agreement with that vow, the consequences are still tied to the vow one has made.
Remember the vows of celibacy that some take, or vows of poverty, or even the vow of doulos servitude[i]. Some vows were never to have been made. And yet, some need to be broken for the bound the oath taker with things outside of the desire and design of the Father. That is why renunciations are not enough. Repentance for entering into the vow is key, but the dissolving of the vow by the highest authority is required to bring freedom.
The sense of dread will lift as Heaven is involved. This cannot be done outside of engaging the Courts of Heaven. Always involve Heaven in the making of a vow or the breaking of a vow. Follow Heaven’s instructions in the courts to deal accurately with them.
[i] Exodus 21:5-6
–Dr. Ron Horner
The Encounter
Our friend had noticed several dreams in the days prior that clearly showing that more family cleansing was needed.
Heaven started to speak about Freemasonry and double binds. How in all the work I have done with Freemasonry to date, I have not yet repented for my ancestors breaking their vows to Freemasonry. Which struck me as odd. It would seem like a good thing to get away from those vows.
Heaven pointed out that it is never a good thing to break a vow (Ecclesiastes 5:5) and then started talking about how Freemasonry invited people to enter a double bind. Once the invitation was accepted, if they stayed in league with Freemasonry, they were bound to darkness—but if they left, they were bound to the destruction contained in all the vows they had taken. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.
Heaven mentioned that the double bind is one of the enemy’s favorite devices. To place people into situations where no matter what choice they will make, the outcome is devouring and destruction. The enemy invites us into situations where he can spring this kind of trap on us. And all too often, we agree.
A double bind is the exact opposite of the Father’s plan for us to move from Glory to Glory, multiplying goodness and righteousness.
There seems to be some mechanism whereby double binds can be inserted into our DNA where they release fear because what is being broadcast from that device is that disaster awaits us, no matter what.
Dr. Ron teaches us that we don’t agree with fear—but are you one for whom no matter how many times you don’t agree with fear, you can sense an underlying anxiety constantly in your realms? Are there double binds in your DNA that are broadcasting the frequencies of fear into your realms? Have you been tricked into believing that you need to be constantly on guard, because disaster is waiting for you around every corner?
What is a double bind?
Oxford dictionary:
A situation in which a person is confronted with two irreconcilable demands or a choice between two undesirable courses of action.[i]
Double binds are often utilized as a form of control without open coercion – the use of confusion makes them difficult both to respond to and to resist.[ii]
Examples of Double Binds in Scripture:
Adam—he felt he needed to choose between God and his wife—could no longer have both—no matter what choice he made; he was losing someone important to him. This was the first double bind for mankind—Adam agreed to destruction (Father had warned him). What if he would have instead eaten from the Tree of Life—which Father had instructed him to do—would this instead have bound him to goodness, abundance, righteousness?
Abraham—needed to choose between his two sons, Isaac and Ishmael—no matter what decision he took, someone was losing; he wisely avoided a double bind situation when he was obedient with taking Isaac to the sacrifice—he knew that Father had goodness for him even though to the natural mind, it looked like a situation where he had to choose between two terrible outcomes.
Examples of Double Binds in our Lives
- Marriage to someone that is not Heaven’s best is the most classic case of a double bind—damage if you stay, damage if you go.
- Israel is caught in a double bind with Hamas – either kill them all or be killed—neither option is a win-win.
- Sexual abuse – victims often have no good choices available to them—keep quiet and suffer, or speak up and suffer in different ways.
- Addiction – pain if you indulge, different pain if you abstain.
How do we agree with Double Binds in our lives and reinforce the structure in our DNA?
- I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
- I’m caught between a rock and a hard place.
- Life’s a bitch and then you die.
- I’m in a no-win situation.
The church has taught that difficulty and struggle is mandatory for spiritual growth—inadvertently leading many of us to agree with the double binds that the enemy has placed in our lives, thinking it is producing character in us. What double binds produce is lack, discouragement, hopelessness, and anxiety.
Closing Thoughts from Heaven as the Encounter Ended
Mithraism and Freemasonry were the enemy’s tools to institutionalize and mass produce darkness in the lineage of man. Using vows and double binds, these systems brought about a new level of mass-produced corruption in DNA, in a very efficient fashion. Today, we suffer because of decisions taken by ancestors that we have never even known.
We have learned, and we are learning, how to clean up this mess. But that is only step one. Step two is reclaiming our DNA for what it was intended—ever increasing righteousness and light, which are then compounded with each subsequent generation.
We are the generation that is going to receive revelation on how to reverse engineer what was done with FM—to institutionalize and mass produce righteousness in our DNA. We understand how to apply spiritual principles historically, from the beginning of time to now. So not only do we clean up history, we supercharge it with righteousness—which then leads to the restoration of all things.
Court Case
The following is a court scenario created for your use. We suggest you read this aloud and follow the unctions of Holy Spirit for any particular information and instructions that are in addition to what is written in this scenario.
Mercy Court
I request access to the Mercy Court this day.
I repent for all ways in which me and my ancestors, have agreed with double binds and accepted them as an inevitable part of life.
I repent for all the ways in which me, and my ancestors, have refused to agree with the Father’s promise of goodness, ever increasing abundance, and moving from Glory to Glory.
I repent on behalf of me and my ancestors for all actions and inactions that have invited double binds into our lives, and that have placed double binds into our DNA, RNA and epigenomes.
I repent for taking vows that were unwise.
I repent for breaking vows.
I forgive, bless, and release me and our ancestors for embracing these mindsets of lose-lose and double bind situations.
I ask if there are any other legal grounds for double binds to be present in our DNA or our realms. I repent, forgive, bless and release accordingly.
[Await the verdicts of the Mercy Court.]
Court of Cancellations
I request access to the Court of Cancellations.
Based on the verdicts received in the Mercy Court, I ask for the complete cancellation of every impact, ramification, and consequence of the double binds in my life, in my realms, in my family tree, and in my DNA, RNA, and epigenomes.
I request the complete cancellation of all agreements related to double binds in my life and in the lives of my ancestors.
I request the complete cancellation of the ungodly frequencies of fear that have filled my DNA and my realms.
Court of Decrees
I request access to the Court of Cancellations.
I ask for the decrees of Heaven concerning the goodness of the Father and I declare that Father God has good for me and my family, and that there is always a win-win situation available, and that cycles of increasing abundance and righteousness are my inheritance.
Court of Angels
I request access to the Court of Angels.
I request angels to cut through the all the double binds in my realms and in my family tree in every age, realm, dimension, and time – rendering them completely useless.
I request this be done in time and out of time.
I request Molly Maid Angels to clean up my realms, my family tree, and my DNA – removing every trace of the double binds and restoring the regions to “as if it never was”.
I request Lumberjack Angels to take an axe to the root of any other structures in my lineage that permit the existence of double binds in my family.
Court of Times and Seasons
I request access to the Court of Times and Seasons.
I request the removal of double binds for my calendar, timeline, and seasons – as well as the calendar, timeline, and seasons of my lineage.
I request an adjustment of my calendar, timelines and seasons to return to the Father’s divine time for me and my generations.
I request removal of double binds from my trading floors and the trading floors of my lineage, as well as from any entities/organizations that I steward.
Heaven’s Neurosurgery Department
I request access to Heaven’s Healing Hospital and the Neurosurgery Department.
I request complete severance of the neural pathways that have formed in agreement with double binds.
I ask that they be replaced with new neural pathways that agree with The Father’s Goodness and moving continually from Glory to Glory.
Heaven’s Genetic Lab
I request access to Heaven’s Genetic Laboratory.
I ask for the complete removal of double binds in my DNA, RNA, and epigenome and in the DNA, RNA, and epigenomes of my family tree.
I commission angels to completely remove and destroy those evil devices.
I request the insertion of structures into my DNA that enable me to move from Glory to Glory, with ever increasing righteousness and abundance in my life and in my generations.
I request that the double binds in my family tree be replaced by Godly structures of abundance, righteousness, and light.
Court of Titles and Deeds
I request access to the Court of Titles and Deeds.
I request a restraining order be issued against the enemy, that prevents him from using double binds as a tactic to control my life or my family – from today until the end of time.
I ask that this restraining order be filed in the Court of Records,
I ask that it be applied to me and my entire family tree – and
I request angels to be assigned to enforce the restraining order from today until the end of time.
Court of Reclamations
I request access to the Court of Reclamation.
I request that the court assign accounting staff to review my book and my family’s books and create an account of all that has been lost or stolen from me and my family using double binds.
I ask for the accounting tally to be entered into the court records.
I request a court ruling that requires the enemy repay what has been lost or stolen from me and my family line – and repayment to be made according to the guidelines and time frame ordered by the court.
Thank you Your Honor for doing all these things in my behalf and in behalf of my generations.
Now, sit under your family tree and rejoice in all that has been accomplished today. You may want to request access to the Court of Praise and spend time in praising the Father along with your cloud of witnesses.
[This document will be modified from time to time as led by Holy Spirit. Check back for periodic updates.]