Co-laboring with Heaven
The weather was extremely windy and unsettled outside as we engaged Heaven on this Thursday. It seemed representative of the turmoil in the heavenlies. We were scheduled with a meeting with Ezekiel who appeared with an hourglass in his hand. He had something he wanted to show us that was completely new so, he began to explain what the hourglass represented. What he was holding was a timed explosive device. Satan has his version of this device which is always meant for destruction while the Father has his version which is meant for destruction of the realms of darkness and expansion of the Kingdom of God. I won’t in this letter give all the details, but simply provide you a little of the backstory.
The enemy has multiple plan disruptions over the next short while and as the ecclesia we need to be aware and be ready to release Heaven’s weaponry for those events in advance of them.
Heaven said this:
A planned disruption is known to the King and He desires the sons of His Kingdom to plant his own timed devices against forces of darkness and evil. This evil is not humankind being led astray or deceived. This is spiritual forces of darkness, principalities, and thrones set against the Kingdom of God in direct opposition against the Godhead who have led many astray and whom some worship. The evil is evil. This evil is worse than you think it is. It is deep darkness, deep evil, the destroyer along with the wicked variety of kingdoms—underwater and celestial—other races. Their planned destruction has been timed as a disruption and it is now time for the sons of God to release the timing devices of Yahweh, of the Kingdom of Glory into the world.
In response to the enemies’ planned disruption, the Father is releasing His own disruptors, His own timing devices. This timing device is a Kingdom Glory. This is a good thing. These timing devices are not for destruction. They are for the building up of the church and they are released as a response like the Father dares the enemy to use his disruptor because the Father then comes in with His overwhelming power of goodness and grace and causes moves of God, movements of the church, awakenings, even miracles, and things of that sort. We can count on this victory as we join the Lord in the air to release His timing devices—His own weapons of timed devices. We can do this with joy because it overwhelms darkness with light.
Angels are amassed and ready to release the Father’s timed devices into the earth and the dark spiritual regions but is awaiting the participation of the saints. The ecclesia (which is 2 or more saints in agreement) must arise and release prayers in this regard.
Two ways exist to release this:
- Simply an agreed upon prayer between two saints touching in agreement that time devices would be planted with the activity of undercover angels (stealth mode) and that they would plant these according to the maps of Heaven.
- Where saints agree that the time device of the Lord would be catapulted into dark regions. Dark regions are not global. Dark regions are spiritual. It is not a physical place. It is spiritual. Dark regions are spiritual regions of darkness. Saints can agree that angels will catapult these time devices of the Lord into them for their effect within the time of the season and the era for which they were created.
This weapon is not something that is available to us always. It is released only at certain times. There is a timing element of when it is available. It is only available at certain times and angels know when it is available, and they can let you know when it is available. This is why were informed this day by Ezekiel (our ministry's angel).
It is not unlimited. It is for a time. It is like a time within a time. So, there is a moment in time where angels know this weapon is released to be used by the saints. It is not inexhaustible. It has a supply and when the supply is over it is over. The church and members of the Bride (the praying ecclesia which is all saints agreeing as touching this thing), are to release the angels to do their work in prayer by faith. This is a very specialized, highly regarded weapon of the Lord.
“Is one method preferred over the other?” we asked.
Heaven’s response: “Both are needed. Some will have more faith for one than the other. They will have more understanding of one than the other. Pray the prayer that you can pray with the most faith.”
Heaven even gave us the prayer to pray:
Prayer for Timed Devices of the King of Glory for Distribution by the Hands of Angels Requested by the Saints in Prayer
Prayer 1:
In the name of the King, in agreement with scripture that says where two or more are gathered in the name of the King of glory, we choose now to co-labor with Heaven from earth regarding…
The Request of the Release of Timed Devices of the King of Glory to be released into the earth; to be stealthily placed at the hands of angels of the heavenly host for this purpose; that Yahweh succeeds to victory and overwhelms the enemy due to the timed devices deployment and their intended effect and results.
We praise the Lord for his magnificent power, ability, and magnanimous virtue to overcome darkness, to turn evil to good, and to arrange His splendor upon the face of the earth.
We agree with this work and the release of the angels of the host of Heaven, all associated angels engaged with this assignment to their work, commissioning them as the Sons of God in the name of Jesus Christ
Prayer 2:
To Deploy Time Devices to the Realms of Darkness:
In the name of the King, in agreement with scripture that says where two or more are gathered in the name of the King of glory, we choose now to co-labor with Heaven from earth regarding…
The Request of the Release of Timed Devices to be Catapulted into Regions of Darkness. We agree with the work of Yahweh, His love of the saints, His love for Jesus, His love for Himself, so as the three parts of the Trinity love themselves, we agree with this for the work of kindness, to the work of goodness, for the result of their agreement In cosmic geographies that affect planet earth. We come into agreement with His rule and reign in all spaces and release the angels of the host to their work regarding the release of the catapult containing time devices of the Glory of God.
We praise the Lord for his magnificent power, ability, and magnanimous virtue to overcome darkness, to turn evil to good, and to arrange His splendor upon the face of the earth.
We agree with this work and the release of the angels of the host of Heaven, all associated angels engaged with this assignment to their work, commissioning them as the Sons of God in the name of Jesus Christ
Thank you for co-laboring with Heaven and joining us in verbally releasing angels to do this work for the Kingdom and for the nations of the earth.
May you be blessed with revelation knowledge and understanding as you walk with the Father.
Dr. Ron
Copyright © 2020 Dr. Ron M. Horner · · Use with permission. Please acknowledge the creator in any reprints.