Striking Accusations
May 1, 2024
Understanding the Court of Supplications and Acquisitions – Part 3
May 7, 2024On a recent afternoon, David Porter, Adina Horner, and I stepped in to engage for Sandhills Ecclesia and what Heaven had in mind for the next Sunday gathering. We were met by Jacob (the Old Testament Patriarch) who stated that Heaven wanted to speak to us about receiving our inheritance.
He went on to say, “Sons of God, Father has already declared and decreed the inheritance of a son. When you are a son of God—a true son of God—you've already been given everything pertaining to godliness, everything pertaining to what you need to be successful, for your steps alre already ordered. Your life has already been planned out, but many have not accessed their inheritance. Many do not feel that they have a right based on their background, but even during this time, it is important to rehearse and understand what Jesus accomplished. Do you remember the scripture in Colossians, ‘You are hidden in Christ in God’—that is part of your inheritance. Embrace your inheritance. To receive your inheritance, you must understand your posture and your position as a son.
“Your inheritance is your inheritance. It's already done. It's already paid for, and the people must understand how to maintain and stay in their position, stay in their posture. That involves a mindset that minds their heart and they must see themselves as the Father sees them. What is revelation when you don't live it out?”
Jacob asked, “What benefits are available to sons when they don't access them?”
Answering his own question, he said, “All of them, yet many don’t access them.
“It is a battle in the soul's realm when one does not access what has been freely given to them. These benefits, these inheritances, have been freely given to the sons. My inheritance was given to Father Abraham and then to Isaac, and then to me and perpetually even to you. It is important now that the sons begin to embrace and receive that which was given to Abraham because even in your generation and in your time and even in the generations to pass, the covenant still stands.
“This engagement is about understanding and embracing your covenant—your inheritance. The Abrahamic covenant still stands.”
David spoke up, “So, what I'm hearing is there must be teachings about covenant rights and our position as sons. Is that correct?”
Jacob replied, “That's absolutely correct.
“It's a joyful time when you understand who you are in Christ. It is a joyful time when you understand what has already been given to you. There are so many people that the Father wants to embrace this, but they are still walking in blindness. They're still walking in tradition. They're still walking in the rudiments and the mindsets of man and church. David, it is important that the sons of God understand the weight and the glory of being a covenant son—a son of God. This covenant is perpetual. It continues on and on and on and on.
“Just as you exercise and utilize the protocols in the Courts of Heaven, you must begin to exercise and utilize the protocols of the covenant given to the sons. You are a part. The sons are a part of the Abrahamic covenant. God's promises are ‘yes’ and ‘amen.’ Is God a man that he should lie or the son of man that he should repent?” (Numbers 23:19)
David replied, “No. He can't lie.”
Jacob continued, “Begin to rejoice and walk in generational blessings. Teach the people to embrace their covenant rights using their sonship authority. This is part of the expansion. This is part of the increase. This is part of the provision that the Father has ordained. It is through the covenant that He made. That covenant still stands.”
— . —
David added, “While we were in that engagement, I suddenly began to see and hear us blessing the land, blessing, and speaking to the earth. I heard simultaneously, ‘These are the benefits that have been given back to you as sons.’”
Adina remarked, “One of our benefits—we can speak to the land as part of our governing part of our benefit. We can speak to the land.”
David commented, “Hiuos sons can operate as the Father, so they can govern.”
Adina explained, “Yes. That's why Jesus couldn't do anything until he was 30, because at 30 years of age in Jewish culture, they could do business in their father's name as though the father was doing the business. Now, Jesus’ earthly father was already dead by that time. Jesus was a carpenter trained by Joseph, so he was a carpenter by trade, which he set aside for ministry, so he left what his earthly father had trained him to do to resume what he learned at 12 years (when he was in the temple). Remember, he said, ‘Shouldn't I be about my Father's business?’ It was too early.
“As somebody said, ‘Wouldn’t you have liked to have been in on that discussion when Mary was telling Jesus, ‘It's not time yet’?”
Adina continued, “But at the wedding at Cana, she said, ‘It's time.’ She shut it down when it was not time, it was too early. He was only 12, but it had been revealed to him. He knew who he was, but he had to mature in it chronologically, emotionally, physically, spiritually. He had to mature to become the Hiuos son at age 30, and his mother propelled him into it.”
Ron remarked, “She opened the revival. She said, ‘Whatever He says, you do it.’ He wasn't about to not follow because you don't sass Mama. You do whatever Mama says!”
David added, “We're on a journey, guys. We're on a real powerful journey.”
Adina responded, “A journey of sonship—learning to be sons and learning to grow in it.”