Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice
August 3, 2022
On Journals and Donkeys
August 12, 2022As Stephanie and I stepped into Heaven to engage this day, we saw the ocean as we were sitting on a beach. Jesus was sitting beside Stephanie, and he began to sing in the spirit. As he sang a very silvery looking being began to arise from the water, not unlike the creature in the Terminator movies. Asking who we were seeing we were told it was the entity, Grace.
Jesus said, “She is Grace, and she is going to walk with you.” Grace sat down on the other side of Jesus, and he continued to sing.
The scene shifted somewhat, and Peter appeared. Stephanie had been given a stack of files and she asked Peter, “What are these files I was given to talk to you about?”
Peter began, “Grace is an entity. It took me a while to walk with Grace when I was walking upon the earth.
We had the impression that Jesus revealed a lot of things that were entities to the disciples, but they did not understand much about them until after Jesus returned to Heaven. They did not understand it all at first until after his death, but in their own encounters in Heaven, walking through the realms of Heaven and learning these things, they met these entities and Grace Abounding. She walked with them.
Peter continued, “Jesus equipped us more than what we could imagine, more than what is written.
Scripture says, “Where sin abounds, grace says about much more (Roman 6:1).
Peter (the one who denied Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane), said, “I was not walking with grace when I denied Jesus.”
We asked, “Are you telling us that we can call upon grace as an entity to walk with us like we do wisdom?”
“Yes,” he replied, and then added, “But grace abounds.”
The Scripture says that we are to seek after wisdom, but grace abounds, the two different entities are found two different ways about your walk with the Father. Grace can be given out. Grace can abound from you to others.
Remember the Scriptures, where Paul would say, “Peace to you,” and “Grace to you.” They were giving a portion of their portion of grace to others. But the entity grace always fills back up. In the spirit they took what looked like a measuring spoon when they would say that to somebody and took a piece of the entity Grace, and gave it to someone and she abounded in that moment in their lives. She is never diminished.
How do we apply this?
Just as you speak Peace to someone, speak Grace and you can give fuller measures. You can realize someone needs a fuller measure of the entity of Grace than someone else. So, in the moment of praying with or ministering with someone, we speak Peace to people and ask that it rest upon someone, this is given.
Stephanie remarked, “I want the entity to abound with everyone in LifeSpring and their families. Is that something we can ask Jesus to do?”
He replied, “Yes, it is a request that Grace may abound much in each of us.
Immediately Stephanie said, “I would like a put to put in a request, please. I would like to request Jesus that you would have Grace as an entity abound upon everyone that is associated with and draws near to LifeSpring and their families upon the entity of LifeSpring itself, CourtsNet, Heaven Down Business, the books, AfterCare, and Sandhills Ecclesia.”
“Therefore my beloved brethren be ye steadfast unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain. (I Corinthians 15:58)
Abound means existing in large number or amounts. We can use Abounding Grace as a godly bond.
Having made the request for Grace to abound, the files that were in her hand came forth. It was a Certificate of Grace Abounding. The first one was for Stephanie, and the other files were for all those she had made the request on behalf of. At the same time, Grace was not diminished.”
Stephanie continued, “So, I am requesting from the Court of Titles & Deeds, the godly bond of Abounding in Grace, in Jesus’ name for all of those that draw near to LifeSpring Ministries and the entities of LifeSpring Ministries and all their families in Jesus’ name. And I ask that these be recorded today, and placed on everyone's registry. I ask the Bond Registry Angels to work with all the angels of those whom I have requested bonds for, and bring them to their realms in Jesus’ name.”
Romans 5: 20-21:
The presence of the law made no difference. Instead, it merely highlighted the offense, but where sin increased Grace superseded it. Death provided sin its platform and power to reign from now. Grace has taken over sovereignty through righteousness to introduce an unthreatened life under the Lordship of Jesus Christ over us.