Becoming a Revelation Receiver
December 8, 2020
It’s Always Good to Celebrate!
December 16, 2020As we engaged Heaven for more revelation Lydia, our business advisor, opened saying “I want to talk about location, location, location.” You have likely heard this phrase regarding establishing business or offices, but Heaven had more in mind that just bricks, sticks, and stuff. Lydia continued speaking, “Your understanding of geography, and dimensional access, and the realms of Heaven has been growing. You have been increasing in the awareness and the knowledge of powers and principalities. You have become aware of systems, realms of darkness, dimensional places—such as under the earth, under the water, above the earth. You have learned about bridges, the routes that angels take, and you have also been learning about how angels circumvent the enemy, taking his lead away from him, preventing him access, plundering his camp, and gaining back what he has taken.
Location is a key to defeating the usurper. Your placement and position in Christ Jesus labels you with an authority that has already defeated any darkness. Every level of darkness is a step down from the light that you not only carry, but the light you have access to, and the light that dwells in you. Your knowledge and understanding of your location in Jesus and His location in you is a key to understanding oneness. It is a key to understanding governmental rule from the kingdom of God. It is the key to recognition of the release of his power and the beloved status of humankind by the Father. Also revealed is His desire to indwell you as human with Himself—not only by His spirit, but by giving you a place in the first. Remember Jesus was the first and the Father has placed you inside the first and as human realizes their positioning, they will increasingly cast out darkness working with angels to prevent its entry. Learn to fine tune the light so they may direct it against the works of darkness so that every evil thing is exposed and becomes governed by the righteous King.
Your understanding of your location is what Paul was saying about your position in Christ and your location center is being synchronized, shifted, and realized. Ponder your location as a spiritual being in a spiritual being and take possession of that realm fully as you link arms metaphorically with others in the Bride of Christ. To link arms with you increases the expansion of the position of the Bride as a whole and brings the nuances and layers of the Kingdom of God to more evidence in the physical plane and in the natural realm than ever before.
As the saints began to recognize their spiritual position, their spiritual location, their access, and their invitation to explore the realms of their location they will begin to understand that this is the invitation of the hour and to many it clashes with their soul as their spirit begins to real realize how limited the soul has kept the spirit. As the spirit is cleansed, the soul is cleansed, and the spirit becomes more positioned within the being of that individual.
I am telling you a mystery and I am assisting in the explanation of a paradigm of the dawning of the recognition of your location which is central to the reflection of His glory into the realm of earth. These things make devils tremble—many devils tremble and flee before you when you operate with the look of knowledge of the location of your position. Many have understood, the Throne has understood the King who sits upon the throne and yet there is a gulf of understanding of your location and His rule—His absolute rule over all that is just now dawning on the sons and daughters of Yahweh. This will bring forth changes into the physical plane that the creation of the physical plane has longed for, looked for, and expected.
The creation itself (by that I mean the physical creation) has memory of the promise of its freedom from corruption, darkness, misalignment, and unrighteousness. Even the creation pulls upon the grace of the Father, through His sons and daughters who know their location in Him, and the portals are releasing His glory into the earth realm.
What I could tell you about how this is going to play out would shock you, but I'm going to refrain from detail because the reasoning behind my releasing of this to you is for your own pondering.
She is having me look at Jerusalem and she is saying Jerusalem is a clock. I am not seeing Jerusalem, like the geography of the place—the physical place. I am seeing it like a sphere of movement like the movement of a clock.
Lydia says, “Remember, location is important.”