Sodomy Within Freemasonry
April 2, 2024
High Frequency Living
April 9, 2024After nearly two weeks of persistent chest congestion, and having tried all sorts of remedies, Stephanie was feeling worse when she should have been feeling better. We stepped into Heaven to gain insights into what was going on. Stephanie described what she experienced:
“I am walking up this very green hill and I hear music coming from somewhere. I am standing at the top of this hill now and I am looking down and there is a vast amount of people. It reminds me of a concert where people would be outside, they are sitting everywhere and they are singing the worshipful song, Alleluia. I feel myself beginning to walk through the crowd. People are seated on the ground. It is dusk outside. There is a stage and I feel myself being drawn closer to the front of the stage.
“Now I am standing in front of the stage, everyone else is behind me. A band is on the stage and Jesus is holding a microphone and singing.
“He leaned down, smiled at me, and said, ‘You know, I sing over you.’
“When he said, ‘you,’ I knew he was talking about everyone. I answered, ‘Yes, Jesus, I've heard that you do.’
“Heaven is funny. Jesus is wearing a white T-shirt and white pants, and he looks very hip.” She then asked, “What do you want us to understand out of this, Jesus?”
Jesus replied, “It does not matter what vein you think of regarding me singing over you. The point is, I do. Look at the vast number of people. How do you think that I do this for every individual?”
She answered, “I do not know, Jesus. I cannot figure out how you have the time.”
Jesus remarked, “Isn't it interesting about time? I am time.”
“I would imagine you would have to be, Jesus, to do this, to sing over every person. The reality of that is too much for my brain. Especially to then also do all the other things that you do and to be in all the places where you are at the same time, I see now that you are time.”
Jesus replied, “I developed time. It is subject to Me, and it can be subject to you too.”
I watched as he went among the crowd and sang a personal song over different people. As he did, I could see that some people accepted the song, and some did not seem to know how to accept the song being sung over them. He moved to the next person, and it was like they were clueless to the fact that he was singing over them.
Jesus said, “They’re in a wrong timeline.”
She asked, “What is it you want us to learn about this because my question was going to be about wrong timelines, but it could be something different you want us to know.”
Jesus answered, “You're in a wrong timeline, Stephanie, because I came for the sick.”
“Then how do I get out of this timeline and how did I get in it?”
Jesus replied, “You've not been careful with your mind.”
She responded, “Okay, I ask that you forgive me, and can you show me what that means exactly?”
Jesus said, “What do you think I meant when I said to take every thought captive?”
Looking for clarification, Stephanie asked me, “Did he say to take every thought captive?
I replied, “Yes, he did.”
She remarked, “Every thought—I have never thought about every thought. I only thought it was bad thoughts. Every thought? How do we do that, Jesus?”
Jesus answered, “The only thing anybody should be judging is their own thought life. Not anyone else. You do not have time to judge anyone else. You should be judging your thought life.”
Stephanie asked me, “So does the scripture say it is every thought?”
I replied, “Yes. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.”
Jesus then asked, “Would you say that there are people that have received thoughts that did not seem evil?”
Stephanie answered, “Yes.”
Jesus remarked, “Taking every thought captive is a simple dialogue with me.”
I asked, “What is the dialogue?”
Jesus said, “Simply ask, ‘Is this you Jesus?’”
Jesus then asked Stephanie, “Have you entertained thoughts of your past recently?”
Stephanie confessed, “Yes, I have, because I thought I was trying to address issues in order to be an overcomer and repent.”
Jesus asked, “Haven't you done the repentance?”
Stephanie replied, “I have.”
Jesus continued, “Are they forgiven?”
Stephanie responded, “Yes.”
Jesus challenged her, asking, “Then why are you entertaining them?”
Stephanie commented, “I thought I was supposed to dwell on some of them to dig deeper and ask why or what should I have done differently? I really believed, Jesus, that I was trying to look at things at all angles to not ever make that mistake again or those mistakes again.”
Jesus asked, “Are you beating yourself up about the things that you've done?”
Stephanie responded, “Well, it would end up that way, I would have regrets.”
Jesus remarked, “Regret is your evil timeline. Would you like help with that?”
Stephanie quickly responded, “Yes, yes, yes, Jesus.”
Jesus asked her, “Do I live in regret?”
Stephanie replied, “No.”
Jesus then asked, “Do I make you live in regret?”
Stephanie answered, “No.”
Jesus continued, “So then where is it from?”
She responded, “It's from the kingdom of darkness.”
Jesus exclaimed, “Exactly!”
Stephanie commented, “You look really cool right now, Jesus. I mean, you look like a rock star. It seems out of the ordinary to how most view you, I am in awe. You are singing over everyone in this venue, but you look like a rock star.”
Jesus responded, “I am. I am a rock star.”
Stephanie noted, “And I saw him as the rock and then I saw his star.” (The bright and morning star.)
Jesus asked, “Pretty cool?”
Stephanie replied, “Yes, you are.”
Jesus responded, “So do it!”
Stephanie answered, “Okay, Jesus. I repent for regret and for walking in regret and entertaining all things around regret and trying to look at things about my life and not taking my thoughts captive and thinking that I was doing all these things to look at different angles and what I should do different when all along, I should have just let you sing over me.” Jesus came over and hugged her.
Jesus ended saying, “Tell the people: no regrets.”
I suggested, “Ask him to place you on the right timeline.”
Stephanie then asked Him, “Jesus, will you put me on the right timeline?”
As soon as she asked, all her angels showed up. She had been wondering where they were. They are very jovial and funny. One of them patted her on the back really hard, which made her stumble forward a little bit. Everyone was saying, “Oh Stephanie!”
They were being funny and began walking her backstage. One of them even had a British accent which was making her laugh about the whole rock star thing.
She asked, “Angels, put me on the right timeline in Jesus’ name. Remove this evil timeline from me.”
Her chief angel asked, “Are you going to walk with regret anymore?”
Stephanie replied, “I am not. I did not even realize I was doing that. I am so sorry, Jesus.”
Jesus responded, “I died for no one to have regret ever again.
“Regret is looking at your past and feeling sorry for yourself.
“That is not Kingdom.”
Stephanie commented, “Jesus, thank you for being my rock star. You can sing over me anytime. I want to hear it every time, but I want other people to be on their proper timelines to hear theirs.”
Jesus reiterated, “Tell them, no regrets.”
Expanded Understandings
Speaking to Stephanie, I said, “Now let me add a little bit to that. While you were talking, the word in that verse in Corinthians about taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ—it is used six times, and it is either translated, thoughts, mind, or devices.
“So let me read 2 Corinthians 2:11:
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices (exchange devices with thoughts).
2 Corinthians 3:14:
But their minds were blinded, (exchange minds for thoughts).
2 Corinthians 4:4:
In whom the God of this world has blinded the minds (again, exchange minds for thoughts) of them that believe not.
2 Corinthians 10:5:
Casting down imaginations, bringing every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, (which is regret in this story for you), bringing into captivity every thought (exchange thought for the word device) to the obedience of Christ.
2 Corinthians 11:3:
I fear less by any means as serpent beguiled Eve to his subtlety, so your minds (exchange minds for thoughts) would be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
Philippians 4:7:
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds (exchange minds for thoughts) in Christ Jesus.
“All but one of these verses is in 2 Corinthians,” I reiterated.
Stephanie asked, “I want to know what devices are? Can they be removed?”
I answered, “Another word for devices is strategies. Remember the Mirror translation of 2 Corinthians 2:11 which says, ‘The aim or the strategy of every accusation is to divide and dominate.’ It is a perception. Another word for it is purpose. ‘Lest Satan get advantage of us: for we're not ignorant of his purpose.’
“Read these same verses and interject the word purpose and see how they read.
2 Corinthians 2:11:
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his purpose.
2 Corinthians 3:14:
But their purposes were blinded/petrified: for until this day remain the same veil untaken away in the reading of the Old Testament, which veil is done away in Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:4:
In whom the god of this world hath blinded the purposes of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
2 Corinthians 10:5:
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every purpose) to the obedience of Christ;
2 Corinthians 11:3:
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your purposes should be corrupted from the simplicity (lack of self-seeking) that is in Christ.
Philippians 4:7:
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and purposes through Christ Jesus.
“The exchange of these different words can bring an entirely new flavor to the scripture passage you are reading. Peace will keep our hearts and provide a roadmap for our purpose. If you have peace, you are on track. If you don’t have peace, you may be off-track somewhere.
“Look at 2 Corinthians 11:3:
…so your purposes should be corrupted from the simplicity (which is a lack of self-seeking) that is found in the anointing.
“None of us want our purposes corrupted, but just as with Eve, purposes can be corrupted through subtle whisperings and neglecting to govern our realms.
“The other verses we have read also are strengthened by the simple interchange of words. Jesus wants us to live regret free, so let us submit EVERY thought to his gaze, not our own.”
Author’s note: Within a few hours after this engagement, the congestion had cleared and the coughing had stopped.