Collapsing Storms
March 23, 2021
Delighting in the Good Shepherd
March 24, 2021As I journaled with Heaven recently, I heard the following:
As you continue to share what Heaven shares with you, know that you are breaking ground in the earth and in the lives of my sons and daughters. What you share is vital for their maturing as sons and daughters. They need to learn to live by revelation and truth. Revelation will carry truth while truth will carry revelation. They are designed by Me to be inseparable. Seeing yourself as I see you is vital to the process of maturing as sons for only then can you receive true revelation that is unfiltered by your mind—its experiences, its beliefs, its patterns of being and doing.
Revelation that comes from Heaven is unfiltered by falsehood.
In history many sought revelation but sought it while still not being cleansed in their generations or in their own life. Purity of revelation cannot come from vessels still filled with debris from their lives and generations. A cleansing must take place. This arena is a battlefield in the lives of those who read a scripture as present tense when it is in fact future tense for that time because they have not cried out to me to cleanse them of their stuff. They quote that the handwriting of ordinances against you has been done away with[1] but think that everything is included. The handwriting of the Mosaic law with its 613 rules and regulations – THAT has been done away with. However, some other things are still being worked on. You must also remember what Paul said when he wrote ‘work out your own salvation with fear and trembling’[2]. Apparently, although you will get to Heaven if you are born again and still have stuff to deal with you are challenged in your full maturing as sons if you hang on to iniquity and secret sins and wicked thought patterns that have never been consciously subjected to the blood of Jesus. David spoke of secret sins[3] and knew they must be dealt with. David experienced much that was before his time and he did so because of his hunger for Me and My presence.
I want you to be not afraid to deal with your stuff. The stuff you see as common to your family line–deal with it. The stuff that plagues you personally—deal with it. Come clean of all of it so that the maturing, the hearing, the seeing, the clarity in revelation can manifest in your life
No, you do not have all the answers in your mind, but Heaven does have the answers. Heaven has understandings that are yet to be revealed to you. Heaven has information that has yet to be released in the earth. Just as the information on Collapsing Realms was not due for release until this week, other revelation is waiting in the wings to come forth. Heaven has simply been waiting on maturing ones to open themselves to receive it. That is where you are currently in your life. That is where you are in your walk with Me. Understand that not all things are as they seem to be. Some things have yet to be unveiled. Things concerning your experiences including Adina’s[4] experience with what she is dealing with right now. She can not see the greater weight of Glory that awaits on the other side of this ordeal, but it awaits her arrival at that juncture and when the two meet it will be glorious for her and it will bless far more than she can see at this time in her life. Experiences are not to dictate your life as a rule. Most experiences are designed to be like an intersection that you pass through. At some intersections you must stop completely. At others you only need to yield or wait for the traffic lights to change. While at others, you have freedom to go on through. Do not stop at an intersection where the light is green. Follow the guidelines of traffic rules in those times. Many times, your enemy would have you stop for a green light and go through a red one. He only wants your destruction either to be hit from behind by continuing traffic or to be broadsided by those passing through the intersection from a different direction.
[1] Colossians 2:14
[2] Philippians 2:12
[3] Psalm 19:12
[4] Ron’s wife