January 5, 2021
Cheaters & Swindlers
January 13, 2021Heaven likes to hear when we partake of living water in our spirit from our spirit and realms of Heaven. Tell your audience:
The partaking of living water from the spirit translates to empowerment of your spirit.
Let me define that. It makes your spirit more vibrant and when your spirit is more vibrant, you can stay in the spirit more and live of the spirit more.
You can live with an awareness of your spirit and God's spirit in union.
So freely come. Jesus has invited you to freely come to partake of living water. This is a spiritual act. It is a spiritual exercise, but it has great meaning. It transfers a manifestation to your being so, when you are telling people to engage the realms of Heaven, as they step in, one thing they can be reminded to not to forget is to ask to be served living water and watch what happens.
Some have been doing this, but some are not, they are not drinking it. They are watching it be served, but they are not going and picking up the goblet or whatever it is served in and putting it to their lips and consuming it, letting it fill them. So, this living water has a tangible substance of Heaven. It is from the grace of the Father. It causes your spirit to vibrate and be environed with Heaven’s realities.
Whoever drinks from the source of this water that I shall give will never thirst again; because the water that I give becomes an artesian well bursting from within, defining the life of the ages. (John 4:14 (THE MIRROR)