Praying for Adopted Children

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“What nuances are involved regarding prayer for my adopted children, or if I myself am an adopted child, and want to engage with Heaven to cleanse […]

“What nuances are involved regarding prayer for my adopted children, or if I myself am an adopted child, and want to engage with Heaven to cleanse my generational bloodline?”

Many people ask us this regarding their adopted children, especially as they engage in courtroom work to cleanse generational bloodlines. Dr. Ron and his team engaged heaven with specific questions about prayers for adopted children. Here is what they were told:

“As the people of God are taking their case before the Father and requesting the blood of Jesus to cover their bloodline, and the iniquity and sin in their bloodline, what happens in the case of an adopted person where a child is adopted into another bloodline or family?”

“When there is full legal documentation of an adoption having taken place, with no coercion on either side, either that from the child being adopted or from the one adopting, the adopted one receives access to the blessings of the adopting family, but not the cursing. This is the grace of Heaven for those who adopt children such as orphans into their family life. The adopted one receives the blessings of the adopting family, not the cursings of that adopting bloodline that would be left open (or unaddressed).

However, the family life and the bloodline curses in the family-life could affect the adopted child through familiar spirits, if the familiar spirits have not yet been dealt with.

The adopted individual, in the process of maturing, would (or might) see the behaviors in their blood manifesting and [want to] track that down to receive the blood of Jesus to cover, purge, and cleanse their natural blood’s lineage of iniquity, profane worship, oaths, covenants, dark alliances, and ungodly acts of sin.

In a nutshell, an adopted person would not be responsible for the family in which they’re being adopted and those curses, but their own natural blood’s curses would be beneficial for them to address.

Dark alliances are witchcraft, operation of illegal trades from other realms, and seeking after power not in one’s book. That is a simplified version of dark alliances. “Conjuring” is an example. Where someone in the ancestral bloodline conjured is a dark alliance with dark spirits for a particular outcome [and needs to be confessed, repented for and asked to be forgiven by the blood of Jesus].

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