Directive #2 for Governing Sons
November 12, 2024
The Strike Force Method
February 12, 2025By Lisa Eichelberger
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When we do not attend to the wounds in our lives, the enemy uses this as an access point to indoctrinate us with lies about who we are. He uses our wounds that we have not allowed the Father to heal in our lives to form a false sonship identity that undermines who we are as sons to keep us from governing. As a result, we are governed by this false sonship identity that indoctrinates our minds with thoughts that contradict who the Father says we are. The enemy uses our own pain to cause us to do the bidding of hell and become the accuser of the brethren. We literally become our own enemy when we accuse ourselves, God, and others as we rehearse the pain of our past. These lies that stem from our wounds become the perception through which we view others, God, and our circumstances. In order to govern as sons, we must first address those areas of our lives where the enemy governs us.
‘For who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct Him?’ But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16, NIV)
Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then, you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good, pleasing, and perfect. (Romans 12:2, NLT)
‘He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.’ (1 Peter 2:24, NLT)
No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ who loves us. (Romans 8:37, NLT)
Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. (Isaiah 43:18-19, NIV)
How blessed is the one who receives a receipt instead of an invoice for their sins. (Romans 4:8 (Mirror))
Steps to Remove the False Sonship Authority
- Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight any accusations you made towards God or others and what accusations the enemy has made about you.
- Request access to the Mercy Court, state the accusation and quickly agree with the accuser of the brethren. Repent for any sins and ask for those accusations to be covered in the blood of Jesus.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight the lies that you believed about yourself. They are the foundation of the programming that keeps the false sonship identity in place. They can be overturned in the Court of Appeals as you do in the case below.
- Ask Holy Spirit to identify to you every bet the enemy hedged against me so that you would not operate in your sonship identity so you can deal with it in the Court of Cancellations.
- Clean up any issues on your timeline by rejecting God’s work on the cross in the Court of Times and Seasons.
- Address any ownership claims in the Court of Titles and Deeds that allow the enemy the right to own the wounds or mindsets in your life.
- Ask for an absolute divorce from the false sonship identity in the Court of Divorce.
- After the court work is completed, check yourself into Heaven’s Hospital to allow the Father to heal the wounded area of your life.
*Please note that the court case below does not include any work that needs to be done in the Mercy Court, as this varies person-by-person. The same applies to the lies that form your false sonship identity, as these also will vary. Make sure to address those areas as part of this case.
Mercy Court
I want to request access to the Mercy Court on behalf of myself and my bloodline. I ask Holy Spirit to highlight any accusations I have made towards God, others, and the accusations the enemy has made about me. As they are identified to you, do the following:
- I agree with the accuser of the brethren concerning this accusation.
- I confess it as sin,
- I repent, and
- Ask for this (these) accusation(s) to be covered in the blood of Jesus.
[Repeat as necessary until all accusations are cleared.]
Appellate Court
I want to request access to the Court of Appeals on behalf of myself and my bloodline to remove our false sonship identity that is embedded into our genetic material because of wounds in our lives that we have not allowed the Father to heal. As a result, we have allowed ourselves to be governed by this false sonship identity that indoctrinates our minds with thoughts that contradict who the Father says we are. In 1 Corinthians 2:16, we are told that we have the mind of Christ and that it is our responsibility to renew our minds according to Romans 12:2. We have abdicated our responsibility by choosing to not govern this area of our lives. Instead, we have allowed the enemy to govern us and create a false sonship identity that violates who you created us to be. Please forgive us for our lack of stewardship and governing in matters of the heart.
[Add in any lies that you believed about yourself, others, or God and ask for those false verdicts to be overturned and replaced with righteous verdicts.]
You tell us in Romans 8:37 that we are more than conquerors, so we repent for not acting like conquerors. We repent for allowing our pain to rule our lives and be our point of reference. We repent for allowing our offense, pain, anger, and bitterness toward others and the Father. We judged the Father and became His accusers, accusing Him of not handling things as we felt He should have handled them. We became God and, through our actions, worshipped our own counsel rather than the counsel of the Father. Please forgive us.
Forgive us for thinking we could do your job and knew better than you. Forgive us for trying to do your job because we only trusted ourselves. We repent for choosing to operate in Christian witchcraft by thinking we knew more than God did, were more informed, took our own counsel, or rehearsed our offense, pain or trauma.
Forgive us for choosing to stay in offense and allow the festering pain of our past to repudiate the work of the cross. Please forgive us for every time we said your sacrifice was insufficient. You called it finished and paid in full, yet we invoiced ourselves and made payments out of our own memory banks of pain. We rehearsed what you called finished, and our behavior is that of an unbecoming son. We ask that you forgive us for repudiating the power of your resurrection and making payments on a debt already paid for. Please cancel every invoice we made in every generation with your blood and move us back to the proper time of deliverance in every place where we moved ourselves out or proper alignment. We ask that you review our books and every verdict the enemy had a right to overturn because we nullified the work of the cross. We ask for the verdict to be reinstated, overturning every unrighteous verdict of hell.
Forgive us for being governed by hell and their programming that controls how we think and feel, framing our identity. We repent for giving the enemy permission to rule and own us. We ask the Father to step into the wound to heal the broken place in us, remove the spirits and LHSs operating from our festering wounds, and revoke every right and access point to our lives and lineage. Forgive us for stoking the fire of remembrance in our lives and in the lives of others. We repent for every time we opened the door to what you called finished, chose to stay in bitterness, refused to forgive ourselves and others, and gave the enemy a right to overturn the work of the cross done on our behalf. We repent for every time we chose to stay in our wound because it was too hard to move forward. We repent for embracing complacency and not facing what we needed to.
Your Word says in 1 Peter 2:24 that you took our sin and shame on the cross, yet we chose to clothe ourselves in our shame identity. Please forgive us for embracing an identity that you nullified on the cross. Every time we stoked the fire of remembrance and picked up our baggage that was buried in the grave with you, we clothed ourselves in this false sonship identity and said what you did was not enough Forgive us for clothing ourself in this false sonship identity and behaving like double minded people who have become unstable in all our ways (James 1:8).
We repent for the lies and thoughts we have believed about ourselves and others. We repent for every legally binding agreement we made, including vows, oaths, covenants, covenants in contracts, contracts in covenants, and every other kind. We repent for allowing our failures to shape our identity. Forgive us for idolizing what the enemy thought above what the Father said about us. They carried more weight because our wounds were not healed; we call this what it is – profane worship. Please forgive us.
We ask that you tear down these idols, their altars, their temples, and places of worship in us, our minds, the false genetic material in every realm, time, space, or dimension. Rebuild every place to the Most High God and forgive us for defiling our Temple of the Holy Spirit. Forgive us for taking false counsel and putting God’s name on things and beliefs about who we are that contradict Him. Forgive us for taking His name in vain every time we embraced these lies that we allowed to form our identity.
Please strip out this demonic guard and boss and shut down this program that is running. Dismantle this false sonship identity that is running and every right the enemy was given to access our inheritance. We repent for not allowing you to govern our thoughts and for not managing our thought life. We ask for the angels of the white flames to go to our places of woundedness, the sticky places on our time and remove those wounds, trauma, and eradicate what keeps us stuck. Dissolve all associated timelines of trauma.
Court of Cancellations
I want to request access to the Court of Cancellations on behalf of myself and my bloodlines. I want to ask for the cancellation of the evil grid that is empowered by darkness, the gene pool tied to our false sonship identity, every memory bank in our genetic material that allows us to rehearse our pain, the false cornerstone under our false identity, the false messiah, and the bets hedged against us that:
- We will embrace and operate from our false sonship identity.
- We will continue to rehearse our pain, hold onto offense, and operate from our wounds.
- We will do the dirty work of the enemy and become the accuser of the brethren.
- We will choose to live outside of our sonship inheritance.
We repent for allowing this wound to become a trading floor in my life and for operating from the evil grid that frames our perception of everything. We repent for making these agreements with the bets the enemy hedged against us. We repent for building ourselves upon the false cornerstone of the false Jesus. We repent for claiming this false identity as our firm foundation each time we did not govern our situation. We repent for doing the enemy’s dirty work and not governing our wounds, so they became what governed us.
We repent for each time we agreed with the bets against us and our identity and refused to agree with the truth of who the Father said we are. We request the destruction and removal of every memory bank, every false cornerstone, every false messiah, every grid, every gene pool, every trade, every trading floor, and every hedge that separates us from the Father with the capture bags.
By operating outside of the heart of the Father, we are guilty of operating in witchcraft. I ask that you forgive us and take the sword of the spirit to cut off the corrupt DNA, RNA, and genetic material with the Amendment of “as if it never were.”
We repent for standing in agreement with the wound and what it said about us instead of sitting in our authority as a son and governing. We repent for embracing the lies that masked the truth of who we are. We repent for embracing our wounds instead of facing the truth of the situation. We repent for rehearsing our pain and withdrawing from the currency of the memory banks from our wounds, trades we made from the false memory “bank” that is a currency of pain. Please cancel those trades we made.
We repent for the movement of all boundary stones to create space for this false territory of emotional turmoil, pain, and betrayal in our temple. We ask that all demonic boundary stones inserted in our inheritance and our hearts to make this false territory be removed. According to Joshua 4:20, we further ask that every boundary stone be cleansed and dedicated to the Lord and a memorial built to the Lord Jehovah. We request that angels move our boundary stones back to their rightful places according to the heavenly blueprint. In each place where the enemy moved our boundary stones to restrict our expansion into our sonship inheritance, We ask that you release your fury upon him, according to Hosea 5:10.
We request that the heavenly blueprints of our realms and territories that Heaven designed be laid out. In each place where there is a misalignment that does not match the blueprint of Heaven, release the lumberjack angels to take an axe to the root. Pull out the roots, systems, operating systems, programs, kernels, ley lines, visible and invisible structures, communication systems, hedges, towers, grids empowering the network, territories, tethers, cords, and all patterns of thinking. Remove every hedge placed around us and between us and God. Please cancel all ramifications, consequences, trades, trading floors, taxations, and impacts from these bets, including all double binds. Please cancel the curses and impacts that affect the work of our hands and the harvest they produce. Cancel every death covenant and agreement with Sheol we are under by agreeing with an identity of death instead of the life you gave us and gave us more abundantly.
We request that the algorithm of Jesus Christ be uploaded to destroy all false sonship programming that is operating, the source code, the operating mainframe, and all mainframes it is connected to. We ask the technology angels to tear down every grid and network it is plugged into and all devices hooked up to it. Cauterize the places in our mind where programs are running and restore the mind of Christ to its full capacity, filling every aspect of the territory of our minds. Cauterize any neural pathways formed from the bets, false identities, or programs running and replace them with neural pathways that align with the mind of Christ and agree with the promises He has for our lives. I repent for embracing this mindset and believing lies about myself, God, and others. Please sever every strand of the false DNA from the false sonship authority, its gene pools, genes, cells, genetic structures, emotions, dysfunctional genes, and every soul, spirit, quantum, emotional, or genetic tie or marker that would allow the enemy to replicate this pattern in any future generation. Wash our wounds with Living Water.
Forgive us for embracing it generation after generation and embracing one another’s pain and wounds that keep us deeply disconnected from what God has for us. Arrest the mind control workers and send them to Jesus for sentencing. Cancel all ungodly frequencies and use the tuning fork to return us to the correct frequencies. Remove all devices the enemy uses to keep these programs running, including all systems, infrastructure, remote locations, signals, jammers, or programmable material. Remove every satanic agent of hell operating in any location and send them to Jesus' feet. Seal every access point by the blood of Jesus.
We request that all seeds sown to produce false identity and all fruit that it would ever bear in any generation at any time, in or out of time, in any location would be removed. We further ask that all tares from our harvest field, all fruit harvested or coming into its ripened moment, be terminated immediately. Release the merry maid angels to clean up all spiritual debris from the false identity, double-mindedness, the entire network, and the bets in any part of our realms and tear down all altars. Rebuild them as altars to the Lord Jehovah with the blood of Jesus that continually flows. Please return our mind to the mind of Christ and sever all attachments to depraved thinking and all the confusion it brings with it.
Please clean our trading floors of all trades made due to these agreements. Please take down every altar and trading floor and destroy them, severing all ties to them. Cancel all covenants we cut on these altars, all tithes, taxations, and payments we made, and rebuild those altars to the Lord Most High, running with the blood flow of Jesus that never runs out. We choose to forgive, bless, and release all involved. Please send the angels to remove the LHSs who are stirring up our wounds, draining all false emotions they inserted into our lives.
Court of Times and Seasons
We request access to the Court of Times and Seasons on behalf of myself and my bloodlines. We ask for the removal of all impacts, ramifications, consequences, and curses from our false sonship identity, bets, evil timelines, and repudiation of God’s sacrifice from our calendar, timeline, and seasons. Please bring us back into alignment with the Father’s divine time. Where the enemy moved us out of time, we ask to be moved into divine time since we were moved out of time before deliverance. Bring our whole spirit, soul, body, birthright, and humanity back in alignment with divine time so that no portion of our humanity or destiny can be in any other time. Remove every trauma bond and defilement on time. Cleanse time of all sins, iniquities, pain, wounds, all covenants, and trauma bonds in every branch of the family line and sanctify our time. Release all blessings to us.
We request that our clocks, gyroscope, and compass be reset, and we ask for a resetting, re-firing, and recalibration of our Godly timelines so we can connect with our destiny. We ask for every chronometer that is out of sync with Heaven's times and prophetic seasons to be adjusted and all foreign timelines, time zones, and entities that have inserted themselves into the timeline of our inheritance to be removed. Adjust any cadence of Heaven that is out of sync.
Court of Divorce
We request access to the Court of Divorce on behalf of myself and my bloodlines. I request a full and final divorce to be issued to divorce us from the bets that were hedged, all ungodly spirits, witchcraft, trades, emotions, curses, and impacts from these bets. Please divorce us from every penury spirit, all Luciferian mindsets, and the counterfeit emotions we’ve embraced. Divorce us from this false sonship identity, the program it runs on, the wound, the fire of remembrance that stokes this pain, the memory banks, false territories, grids, false cornerstones, and false messiahs that have governed our lives.
Court of Title and Deeds
I request access to the Court of Titles and Deeds on behalf of myself and my bloodlines. We ask that every lien put against our lives or the prayers made from this false sonship identity, cornerstone, messiah, grid, pain, or wound be marked satisfied by the blood of Jesus. We also ask that every ownership claim that allows the enemy to govern our lives from our pain and this false sonship identity be marked satisfied for all of eternity and transferred over to the Lord of Hosts. Remove every ownership claim over our time, wounds, or thoughts and transfer them to the Lord of Hosts. Thank you for hearing our petitions this day.