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March 1, 2022
Accessing Inheritance
March 9, 2022As we were receiving this revelation, we realized that Heaven had a Trust Registry for each person. Appearing somewhat like the Bond Registry, this list contained the various types of trust that involve people and shows which type has been impacted by a consequential lien. The information about whether you are dealing with a consequential lien or ungodly trust can be accessed multiple ways. One can search in a person’s Guest Registry which contains information about intruders, lingering human spirits, spirit, soul, or body fragmentation and much more. Now we understood that we could discover what areas of trust in a person’s life had been affected by a consequential lien, or ungodly trust.
Once repentance for the sin that opened the door for a principality to create a consequential lien was accomplished, and any parameters had been stricken, the area of trust that had been impacted would be marked “Cleared” in the Trust Registry. If a particular area of trust was still impacted it would be highlighted or marked in the Trust Registry.
When looking in the Bond Registry and seeing a consequential lien in place, ask the question, “Which trust is this against?” Remember the whole point of a consequential lien is to keep you from access to your inheritance of the trust the Father has established for you. When you see a parameter attached to a consequential lien you automatically know it is against one of those areas of trust.
Malcolm began to unpack some of the types of trusts that we have and experience. As the list unfolded, we realized that it contained arenas of trust that the Lord was looking at in our lives. Was it cleared, or did it contain something we needed to review. We began to look at the list and the first thing on it was:
- TRUST OF TRUST—where people trust you. The original design of the Father was that you live life without suspicion. We were designed for trust, but the enemy has interfered. Trust of Trust is the trust fund the father has created for us and all that encompasses.
The next on the list was:
- TRUST AS A FATHER—not as your children see you, but as people see you as a father figure.
As we looked at my list, this one was marked ‘Cleared.’ It had that as a notation.
Below the trust as a father is:
- TRUST AS A SON/DAUGHTER—that's you and your relationship with the Father.
These are how we are to teach people to look in similar order to how we view the Bond Registry’s Personal page, et cetera. This is how we are to view this. People can go in and look at this Trust Registry. People want a simplistic understanding of what the next step is. This is step-by-step, so, next there is:
- TRUST AS INCOME—and under that are categories of:
- Work—the Father has created us with unique abilities and skill sets that are designed to be rewarded by others. You have a particular ability to do a certain thing, you find that thing and are employed for it. As a result, you sow time and effort, and the reward is financial provision. The better you are at what you do, the more you are rewarded. We are told that if you want to eat, you must work. [1] The next is trust of stewardship.
- Stewardship which includes tithes, offerings, first fruits, etc.
We have to evaluate where we stand in regard to this aspect of trust. We have been taught (mostly be religion) not to trust the Father as provider. We have been taught that the Father cannot be depended upon. This is a lie. The fact that you have experienced provision in the past prophesies that you will have provision in the future.
Do we trust His provision for us? Do we trust him that we will survive if we dedicate 10% of our income to Him as a tithe. The tithe is a barometer of trust in the arena of finances. Offerings is the next level of trust in that arena, followed by first fruits, and alms. All are levels of trust that we develop with the Father, the provider of all.
The next one is the:
- TRUST AS A FRIEND—under that is a category of…
- A friend that sticks closer than a brother-to be that to someone on that level requires a level of trust and a willingness to live in forgiveness.
And then,
- A friend to all. I see that as just the Kingdom Dynamics of being good to everybody, being a nice guy or nice lady.
We typically don’t see relationships as issues of trust, but really, they are all about trust. You cannot have a relationship without trust. The moment you stop trusting the other party, the relationship suffers. How are we doing in that arena?
Under that is the:
- TRUST OF MINISTRY—You are reading this book or listening to this teaching based on a level of trust that I will have something to say that benefits you and does not harm you. I hope to live up to that trust. We all have been harmed by those in leadership in the church. Some did the harm maliciously, but most probably did not. You have experienced deep wounds. I too, have been wounded.
However, the Trust of Ministry arena has multiple sides to it. The subcategories Malcolm pointed out are:
- Trust of Platform—Do you trust the person on the platform? When the person on the platform violates that trust, will we forgive them as we have been forgiven, or will we allow that situation to taint our view of others in the ministry? Will we allow it to bleed over in not trusting God, who called that person to ministry?
- Trust of Prayer—Wrapped up in the Trust of Ministry is the question we have to ask ourselves. Do we trust prayer? Many have been disappointed when they did not see the desired result of something they may have prayed for over a long period of time. Some have found relief and a new measure of hope in the Courts of Heaven paradigm, but it is not an answer in all things. It is a set of tools that we can utilize to invite Heaven into our situations. Still, some have been disappointed in this paradigm as well. We must remember, prayer is not a vending machine where I put a certain phrase or phrases into the slot and out comes the answer. Prayer is the invitation to Heaven into your situation.
- Trust of Seed—“Immediately when I saw ‘seed’, it took me directly to the teaching we heard from Amanda Winder[2] and the word ‘seed’ was in gold. So, we implement those kinds of things in that slot of that trust. We look if there are liens, issues, or problems that need to be canceled. We can do these things in a prayer paradigm?” However, one of the implications of the Trust of Seed reflects to the Parable of the Sower in Mark 4. Jesus pointed out that in that parable, the seed was the Word of God. So, the question is, “How are we doing in our trust of the Word of God?”
Many of us aren’t doing too well in that category. We read our Bible, but it isn’t alive to us. It is stories on a page. If it is stories on a page, then something needs to be fixed in the trust arena. Malcolm explained, “Well, you've just been taught what that means from Amanda [Winder].” [3]
- Trust of Kings—this involved the ability to trust the office a person stands in spiritually and otherwise.
The list continued:
- · TRUST OF FAMILY—There are three categories:
- Biological Family—Do we trust our mom and dad, or our siblings? Our grandparents and cousins, uncles, and aunts? Many have had biological family that violated trust with us, and this is a difficult area to reconcile, but Heaven needs us to look again and will help us to forgive the violators and find healing and restoration. We must forgive as we have been forgiven. Paul instructed us in Ephesians 4:32: And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
Heaven wants all parties to be living out of their original design, not out of their brokenness.
The second category of family is:
- Close Friends—Those that are close like a brother. It goes up to that one under Trust as a Friend that says, ‘a friend that sticks closer than a brother’.
The third category is:
- Family of God—this is your literal brothers and sisters in Christ. Are we walking in love with them? Are we willing to offer a degree of trust to them and even if they mess up forgive them? These are hard questions sometimes because wounds from a friend, from a brother or sister in the faith are often tough pills to swallow. If you have experienced traumatic things as a result of trusting a brother or sister in Christ, are willing to trust again?
The division created by violations of trust are simply to make an example of us to the world. Will we take the bait?
Other categories and subcategories may exist, but these are what we were shown at the time.This is basically a Trust Registry and what we have been describing is your Personal page on your Trust Registry. But realize that because this is your Personal page, this Personal page affects all the other pages.
Malcolm said, “Do you remember the phrase ‘co-laboring?'”
I said, “Yes.”
Malcolm said, “Co-labor in your own self as well. All these things work tangibly together.
Stephanie said, “I'm seeing the word vulnerability. As people are coming to know you and this ministry related to false accusations and parameters, the enemy would try to take out of those accusations to try to put parameters around this office, this legislative office under the Trust of trust. The enemy would try to put parameters so there would be loss of trust towards you, the ministry personally, about the Courts of Heaven, about CourtsNet and about Sandhills Ecclesia. I think that's why it is the one at the top because it's the most vulnerable.”
The aim of the enemy in this is so there develops a hardness of heart in you so, you don't trust other people.
We realized this is a revelation, not unlike the bond revelation. Stephanie said, “I saw it being used like the way we review a bond registry. It has the same usefulness, and it has the same ability to disclose parameters. We have more to learn, but this was a wonderful start for us.”
Malcolm added, “As part of the message many have lost trust and faith in Father God, because of the different trusts that have parameters inside of them from the enemy, as these parameters are eliminated as a strike, the trust between their heavenly Father and themselves will be reignited. They will be able to understand the indepthness of it through the format you are releasing.
Trusting the Father is something many struggle with.
“The striking of the parameters will reignite the levels of love and heavenly downloads from the Father. During this meeting it is an action item. It's an activation. This activation will be corporate, and you will move in this individually as you minister.”
[1] 2 Thessalonians 3:10
[2] See the blog post: https://amandawinder.com/2022/01/20/multiplication-part-ii/
[3] See the two blog posts by Amanda Winder in the Appendix. Amanda is one of our Team Members.