A New Era of His Glory Prophecy
August 24, 2021
Ripened Harvest
September 21, 2021Following the Coastal Carolina Conference, Adina, Robert, Jody, and I underwent severe physical attacks because of some very bold declarations I had made. We had stayed an additional 3 days at an AirBNB near the beach. Several strategies of the enemy were put into play one after another. I won’t discuss all of those at this point, just the most pertinent one where Lydia instructed us on Understanding Evil Timelines.
On Monday, Donna and I met, and she mentioned that over the weekend she had what she considered were some radical thoughts that she shared in a text with some of our intercessors. She texted, “Here are my radical thoughts. See if you can go with me here. Ron and Adina are suffering from a physical ailment with which they are not in agreement with, and they do not have the fear of it. They will recover. However, and here's the radical thought…we need to declare a timeline shift—the shift over to the other godly timeline, where Ron & Adina never got sick—the spiritual timeline in the spirit, which is the true timeline, not the fake. I know this line of thought is weird.”
What brought her to this line of thought was a dream she had over the weekend. She described the dream. “Last night, several times in the night, I had this dream. I saw two images of Ron. The two Ron's I saw were identical copies of each other and they were standing nearby each other, but one was elevated. I worked this dream through with Holy Spirit, and as I pondered it to this point. I believe He's showing that there is another timeline in play here and we can invite the true timeline in since it's the truth and align with the truth and speak that over Ron and Adina.”
She and the intercessors did some prayer work earlier related to this but did not feel it was complete. More information was needed.
Donna continued, “It's almost like this; when the four of you left and went to that condo, that wasn't very happy, you stepped into a weird portal that took this alternative timeline and ran with it. And we had to close the gate, close the door to that. I don't think it's finished.”
The Skate Key
Donna continued, “So, the other dream I had, and I'm not sure it's connected, but I feel like it is. I had this thought sometime in the night. I was suddenly thinking about a skate key. In the morning, I even had to ask Lawrence if he even remembered this object after decades of not ever thinking about a skate key. I had the thought that I had been given something called a skate key (for use with your old-fashioned roller skates).
“Do you remember back in the day? Metal skates were adjustable. You put the skate on your foot, but then you had to lock it using the key, so it would fit you. Everybody always said, “Don't lose the skate key! You had it on a shoestring tied around and hanging from your neck because you needed it every now and then because the skates would loosen as you skated. I probably had this when I was in the first grade.
“So, I was given a skate key and I kept thinking about a skate key all night long. Something had been awarded that was a key. Jesus owns all the keys—so, it came from Him. I had a key, and it was to skate, but I had to lock it on and keep it locked. In other words, you must lock in! You must focus if you're going to receive the thing that's going to cause you to skate. I think the skate analogy is just moving forward at a faster accelerated pace. So, I praise the Lord for that, and I do think that's happening because I'm getting some revelatory flow on some things.
“So, back to this timeline issue.
“As a son of God, I step into the Business Complex of Heaven requesting in the name of Jesus to meet with Lydia.[1]
Understanding Evil Timelines
Lydia began, “You've heard it said that Satan attempts to change times and laws. This is true with the fabric of time and his desire to be able to create as Yahweh. The Creator, creates. You must remember, there is no end to the lust that Satan has for the attributes of God, the attributes of Yahweh, the attributes of the Most High. This has gotten him in trouble, and it will eventually result in his destruction. Nevertheless, before you now is the understanding of his attempt at capturing time.
“It's true. Witchcraft is used in this, even incantations from of old. And when I say old, I mean, ancient, I mean pre-flood. I mean the knowledge of the Counsels of Heaven of which Satan had knowledge of at that time, but for which, when he corrupted his being, he was cast down.
“Nevertheless, being cast out doesn't mean he lost some of the knowledge that he carried—that his former self carried. However, his former self—it was not his current self—in that moment. So, his knowledge was corrupt. He had knowledge, but it was corrupted knowledge. He had corrupted it by the corruption of his own being. (This sounds like a circular argument, but you'll find a pathway in it.)
“Therefore, he attempts to bring time under his dominion. And the creation of another timeline is his attempt. You'll notice that the corrupt timeline is only an attempt.
It can be reversed by the sons of God, through the glory portals of Heaven.
And the sons of God are learning to do this. The reversal of corrupt or false (you may call them evil timelines) is first to see them in your vision. That's what you were shown.
“You were shown Ron's realm. Then you were shown another “Ron's realm” and it appeared an identical copy. Yet, there was no combination. They were separated. You (Donna) were shown this.
“Heaven’s help is to adjust the timeline back to the original—to the Word of God, to the Word of the Living God. Evil attempts to corrupt the Word. Your sense of this was correct. So, to progress to the next step your understanding must catch up with what your spirit knows and that is the part I'm playing. [That was the part Lydia was playing for us.]
“Your soul is going to want to know why, but I want to show you the reconciliation of the time, and where it malfunctioned due to corrupt beings and agents of darkness. I am not going to show you the humans that were used to accomplish this because there are many, but just know that the deception Satan pulls on humanity is for the purpose of using them for his gain, which is to corrupt all things for
Satan can have dominion over corruption and things that are corrupted, but he cannot have dominion over light and things that are righteous.
Satan will take that which is righteous and attempt to corrupt it to bring about his will over that human. For the human agents of darkness, this is their pit, this is their temptation to sin, which has trapped them in deception.
“Some of these will come out. Some of these will not, because their will has chosen their preference and their conscience has been seared. So, while I will use the words incantation and witchcraft, you may know that there are many voices in this hour set against the Glory of God, but Ron has determined to be the releaser of The Glory and the agents of darkness tremble. When I say tremble, I'm telling you, they don't have an answer for this. Therefore, they must stop the portal that it's coming through. If coming through Ron's portal, they seek to shut it down. Do you see how this is not a personal vendetta against Ron? It is a generalized fear of light and glory through God’s timeline fabric.
“You have heard me say this before, paths can be smooth and made without wrinkle. It's the wrinkle that is the issue. It's the problem. The wrinkle is the point of the two timelines, because a wrinkle comes when you have an overlay of fabric. It's a wrinkle—an aberration in the fabric. So, it layers one on another. The need is to smooth, straighten, and stretch out the timeline fabric with the release of angels to do this and with the verdicts of courts to release for the destruction the other timeline. These go hand in hand.
“The destruction of the other timeline needs a verdict of the Just Judge. You are seeking a verdict of destruction of the false timeline. This is an ownership issue of one’s timeline fabric. I say “timeline fabric” because it's not a line—it's a fabric. Courts exist for these verdicts for the overturning of the false timeline like a false verdict from Courts of Hell. And yet, it also involves a false ownership as the false verdict attempts to elicit an ownership over what the corruption has created, the corrupt timeline. So, the false verdicts create false ownership over a false creation and the illusion of a timeline.
Lydia continued, “I say illusion, yet I only use that word because an illusion is a copy of the real. Yet, an illusion can be manipulated to one's own end that the incantation has for which the thing or condition has been named. So yes, I'll use the word “spell” if you are thinking that is what this is, don't let these words muffle you. They are simply the corruption of prayer.
Don't let them ruffle you because they are simply the corruption of prayer—actually, the corruption of the two-way communication of prayer and revelation.
Spells and incantations are simply the corruption of the two-way communication of prayer and revelation.
Remember we have told you over and over how important are your voices. There's one proof of this. Agents of darkness operate with their voices all the time.
Where God's sons are to operate likewise in like manner, but in more power?
This should be a wake-up call to the sons of God.
I will say this, “This is also why...
There are muzzles upon male portion of the sons of God.
These muzzles on the male portion of the sons of God are wicked and almost at a fullness where the judgment of Yahweh will fall. Who has cried out?
There are more of the female portion of the sons of God calling out.
And what is their cry? Their cry is for their offspring.
When the sons of God began to cry out for their offspring, the muzzles will break apart!
For this is righteousness and light, that the offspring of the sons of God be contended for by the sons of God, that portion, which is male, not just female, but
When the portion that is male and the portion that is female cry out together to Your God, for the deliverance of the offspring, which carry His and likeness and to whom will be granted the rulership of the King, the combination of righteous rule will break forth.
Did you not, at the last conference, pray for the men and the shackles that they must be broken asunder, and removed for the slavery of the mouth?
The slavery of the mouth is at work on the male portion of the sons of God.
Not all sickness is a result of evil timelines. There is a myriad of reasoning behind this corruption of flesh. And I'm highlighting to you now, a segment of the corruption.
Some have been involved in corrupted timelines.
What is needed?
- A verdict in the appellate court for the overturning of the false verdict regarding timelines is needed.
- A subsequent verdict that all false ownership claims on false timelines be overturned.
- You will need to request a destruction by fire of the ungodly timeline.
- You will need to request angelic activity for the smoothing of the timeline.
- You will need to appear in the Court of Reclamation to receive back what has been stolen due to the divergence that took place.
- You will need to come into agreement verbally. The individual for which the case is taking place—your client—would need to verbally receive back into their realm, their Father's timeline of fabric. They would need to make an agreement with it.
- Yet again, and they would need to enforce the agreement from their realm, by their belief. Yes, in faith that there has been a change, like a railroad track where you pull the lever and the track changed from one to another.
- This is a helpful visual to, to combat the lie of Satan, about his ability to keep you in an alternative, evil timeline.
- You need your mouth.
- You need your staunch firm stance to declare you will only walk in and live and move and have your being through the Father's righteous timeline and that every timeline divergence is cursed by God, in Jesus' name.”
Donna began, “You know, I am just never ceasing to be a little jaw dropped about the fact that Hollywood has portrayed all this stuff before the sons and daughters of God are even catching onto this. But there's a current TV series with the character called Loki and it's about divergent timelines…can't make this stuff up.
“Lydia, we want to take this to the Father, and we need your help. We're going to enforce this as sons of God.
“Father, we request to enter the Court of Appeals—the Appellate Court of Heaven, in the name of Jesus. We enter in as an advocate on Ron Horner's behalf.
I enter in as an advocate on Adina Horner's behalf. I enter in as an advocate on Robert Woeger’s behalf and on Jody Woeger’s behalf, these four.
I am seeking a reversal and an overturning of a false verdict from the Courts of Hell for these four regarding an alternative evil and corrupt timeline instituted by witchcraft occultic incantations and spells.
I am requesting the overturning of this by the blood of Jesus and the superior court verdict of this court.
“I simply repent on behalf of your sons, both male and female, Father; where we have not operated with gratefulness of the timeline You've given us; the time fabric You've given us; where we've been ignorant of the time fabric that you've given; where we've been ignorant of Satan's evil; where we have been ignorant of his lies; where we have not sought revelation about these things that we might bring them to you quickly.
I repent for that.
I confess it as sin on all our behalf (mine included) in the name of Jesus. And I ask Father that you would cover this with the blood of Your Son, Jesus.
“I also request in your Appellate Court, the overturning and cancellation of the false timeline and the ownership of that timeline. I ask that it would be overruled and overturned, and that the ownership of the timeline of these people—these four and their timeline fabric would be given to the Lord Jesus Christ.
“I ask for the complete destruction by fire of every evil, corrupt wrinkle and overlay of false evil timelines and I request the verdict of this court to affect the entrance and the remaining upon the smooth timeline fabric of the Father's time for these four as written by the Word of God before the foundation of the earth and as written in the Books of Heaven and as linked to their destiny as sons of God.
“I request angelic assistance for each of these to receive a smoothing of timeline fabric so that it will be without wrinkle.
“I also request authorization to move to the Court of Reclamation as the evil and corrupt timeline is destroyed.
“I request an alignment in these individuals, spirit realm, soul realm, and body realm to supernaturally be made whole, to supernaturally be aligned so that the perfection of body healing, soul trauma and spirit understanding would be returned to them in the twinkling of an eye? I request this in Jesus' name.
“I also request now….
(“Well, first of all, do we have the verdicts? “We have the verdicts! We do have the verdicts! The verdicts are coming to us easily and quickly because Satan hasn't had time to trade on this evil timeline. It has not been traded on. It has just been in existence, but not traded on.)
Donna noted, “I feel like someone here is telling me to be careful with this type of court case, because what you also may need to request is the overturning—the severing of any trade on that timeline—that evil, corrupt timeline.
“If it is traded upon, it has become a trading floor.
"These have not, but that's a distinct possibility. This trading floor is evil. It is created as an evil trading floor off of the evil timeline. So, we would need to deal with that. But on this, we don't.
“So, if it had been traded on, then we would need to have the cancellation of the evil trading floor and all evil trades. And the Council says it's as easy as that. That would be the third step.
Donna explained, "My brain cannot make sense of what I just heard the court say:
“Those who are suffering in an evil timeline that has evil trading floors linked to it. The equation of that—the result of that is what you see is the life source being stolen from that person—the life force—the life energy—the life of the person begins to drain from the flesh. And it drains to the point where their spirit leaves their natural body, because Satan is after their spirit to put the spirit in enslavement.”
The Court then instructed, "Now, to go to the Court of Reclamations."
“Father, I ask in the name of Jesus, to enter into your Court of Reclamations on behalf and as an advocate on behalf of Ron Horner, Adina Horner, Robert Woeger, and Jody Woeger, and request, a reclamation and restitution. I request that the Council of this Court would come forth, so that I can know what to request by way of restitution.
“I request a return from the moment of the time divergence until now, which is the moment of revelation of what the thief has stolen, be returned to these four, seven-fold in their body, in their soul and in their spirit, health returned robustly seven-fold, trauma, anything removed from the soul that—despair be turned to gladness, that that hopelessness turn to faith achieved, that isolation turn to community connection; that all the God-given ability to operate from revelation that results in the work of their hands and the deeds of the mouth (these were stolen) that these be returned seven-fold. I request these in the name of Jesus.”
“The Court says what I'm asking for I must view as the jewels of the stones of the city.”
“Are you talking about the New Jerusalem?” Donna asked.
The Court replied, “Yes, because the New Jerusalem is built on these things. These are the stones of the city—jasper, pearl, onyx, and lapis, I request these stones to be returned. These things that have been stolen from the sons of God.”
Donna continued,
“I'm also requesting in the Court of Reclamations for an amendment where Satan's kingdom would suffer harm, where Satan's kingdom would suffer plunder, where angels would be released to plunder the enemy and bring back more than what was lost just as David did at Ziklag—he received back more than what was stolen because the enemy's camp was plundered. We request this in the name of Jesus.
“I also request the counsel of this court for the number of days one has been laid low to be added to their length of days in Jesus' name.
“This concludes my court case. And I thank you, Father, that you hear these things and rule with justice and righteousness from Your Throne. Hallelujah.”
The Court brought another issue to Donna’s attention. The Court wanted to know, “Do we want to request in this plundering of Satan's kingdom, regarding those individuals who are deceived, who operate through the deception of darkness where their own lips cast incantations and spells, would it be our choice to request a salvation and redemption encounter for those humans locked in their despair?”
We replied, “Yes, we would. We would request that by all means in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lydia. Thank you, Father.
“We are in agreement with the angel of the Lord visiting these five. Yes, we are.
“All right. And we add our faith to this, that sons of God will see the light. They will know his love and they will feel their freedom from shackles and chains. In Jesus name. Hallelujah. Amen.”
[1] Lydia is our Chief Business Advisor for our ministry.