Discover our journey into the revelation of spiritual bonds. This excerpt from Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven by Dr. Ron M. Horner is taken from the Preface.
As we were discussing the situation with the acquaintances of the young man we were conducting a Personal Advocacy Session with, the word “bond” was heard in her spirit. We inquired a bit further of the Court of Heaven we were in at the time and the instruction was given to the young man to issue a Bond of Love toward this couple the young man knew. The couple was not walking in relationship to the Lord and an experience with the love of God would surely impact their lives tremendously.
It was the second time in a matter of days that we had heard the term “bond” during a Personal Advocacy Session where we help people navigate the Courts of Heaven to get situations resolved. I knew that much more was to be gained concerning that subject. This book is a portion of that information and the power of a bond to change lives, situations, churches, even states and nations.
This encounter occurred on a Tuesday morning. Later that afternoon I asked one of my staff (Donna) to assist me in the courts to get more information concerning Bonds. She willingly did so and thus begin our journey into the revelation of spiritual bonds and the power they release from Heaven to impact lives upon the earth. You will be reading the story of our journey. In the process I will discuss only briefly how perversion of these concepts by those walking in immaturity will bring false solutions. Since this book focuses on the goodness of God in providing this means of Heaven’s impact, little will be discussed about the other side. That is typically my style anyway. Darkness doesn’t need the press.
As you read think of the many people that you can have faith for God to do something for based on your personal experience and the breakthroughs you have received in different areas of your own life. What you have gone through successfully, God will use you to bring others through. Remember that God’s past provision (on your behalf) prophesies His future provision (not only on your behalf but on behalf of others). This book is a discovery and testimony to His goodness and kindness. It is one of those subjects that has been just below the surface but is now above the surface for it is time for this revelation to come forth. Let the possibilities of this revelation explode within you as you begin to release your faith through the power of spiritual bonds.
Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven by Dr. Ron M. Horner is available in Paperback, PDF & Kindle Editions.