LifeSpring International Ministries is called to lead the body of Christ in understanding spiritual revelation.
Training Resources
Whether through blogs, weekly trainings, Sandhills Ecclesia, or video courses, we want to help you grow in your sonship.
Videos and blogs are posted weekly from our Tuesday Night Mentoring Class. Also, the weekly gatherings of Sandhills Ecclesia are posted as well.
As the author of over 30 books on the Courts of Heaven, engaging Heaven, angels, and growing in sonship and in revelation knowledge, the books are available in paperback, PDF, and Kindle. Visit our store.
CourtsNet is our video training platform offering a variety of courses that one can take at their own pace. Many of them are built around Dr. Ron's many books.
Our Facilitator Training Program is also hosted on CourtsNet and we have a solo version of the same program for those who are highly motivated and cannot work with the weekly Monday night FTP program.
For more information on what we offer, CLICK HERE.
Growth as sons
Knowing whose we are is essential to know who we are--sons of God. It is from this knowledge that we can become what the Father has designed for us.
Scripture tells us a great deal about our sonship, but our religious upbringing has hindered our true understanding of that sonship.
We have resources and books to help you in your understanding and the implementation of your sonship. Learning to live spirit forward is a vital aspect of that, coupled with learning to live from Heaven down™. Our recent book series, Kingdom Dynamics will aid you in your walk immensely.
Church Unusual
Rather than church "as" usual, we offer church unusual through Sandhills Ecclesia where we are committed to developing believers in their sonship.
Founded by Dr. Ron Horner and led by Apostle David Porter III, Sandhills Ecclesia meets each Sunday at 11:00 Eastern for worship, teaching, testimonies, and encouragement.
Believers from around the globe testify to the life-changing and refreshing they receive from their weekly involvement in SE.
We meet on Zoom as well as in-home for those in the Pinehurst area and release recent revelation to mature you in your sonship. Visit the Sandhills Ecclesia pages to learn more.