Blessing My Realms Script
May 8, 2023Wielding the Sword of Resolve
May 16, 2023Those who follow our ministry are aware of our Tuesday Night Mentoring Group. The purpose of the Tuesday meetings is to release revelation that is new. However, those that join us still have a responsibility to learn for themselves. We are simply trying to point the way to fully manifested sonship in our lives.
Because each person is in different stages of belief in their walk with the Father, we attempt to keep our ministry simple. We recently shared an exercise to help create a unity and harmony within each persons’ realms: spirit, soul, and body.
Having been enriched by that revelation, we were surprised when Malcolm, a man in white who serves as one of our tutors asked the question: “What if I told you your stars are realms that are three in one?”
Not only are we triune beings, our stars are triune as well. They have three parts.
Stephanie noted upon hearing that from Malcolm that her spirit leaped inside her.
We asked Heaven to explain.
Malcolm began, “The stars belong to your three realms. So they could have one star that will have three realms.”
Stephanie replied, “I think I still need clarification on the star and all that it represents.”
Malcolm asked, “How does a baby grow?”
Stephanie responded, “I saw a picture of a baby in the womb and I realized that it was receiving intellect and was receiving things from the mother's body in the womb as it grew inside her. Malcolm is giving me a picture that a star is like that. But the star is specific to each of our realms. We may see one star, like I've only seen one star, but it has three parts to it. One has something specific in and to my body realm. One has something specific in and to my soul realm and one has something specific in and to my spirit realm. But it is three in one.”
Malcolm instructed, “Align the stars!”
“How?” We asked.
Malcolm answered, “The same way as you bring your spirit, soul and body into unity with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and with one another, do that for your stars. The stars are the intellect to your design and to your scrolls - your destiny scrolls and to your purposes. It is the intellect.”
Stephanie remarked, “I realized intellect had systems and equations and all kinds of things inside of it.”
She began:
“I speak to the star that is a part of my body realm and I speak to my body realm to align with the star for the body realm in unity and in harmony with the Holy Spirit and with one another.
“I speak to the star that is a part of my soul realm and I speak to my soul realm to align with the star for the soul realm in unity and in harmony with Jesus and with one another.
“I speak to the star that is a part of my spirit realm and I speak to my spirit realm to align with the star for the spirit realm in unity and in harmony with the Father and with one another.”
She remarked, “I saw in each of these places something unique. I saw the realm, that is my body, as an individual realm, and I watched it go into that star that is for my body. I saw the realm that is my soul go inside of that star for my soul. And I saw the realm that is my spirit. Go into that star.”
Malcolm asked, “Will those that are new and in a different stage of their belief, be able to do this?”
“Yes, I replied. Just like I have a point-by-point guide to do this for our three parts, simple provide this as a means to do this concerning aligning your stars.”
I asked, “Malcolm, question for you. Just like Stephanie did for her personal star, what about when it’s a business’ stars or like our ministry? We have multiple stars in our ministry.”
Malcolm replied, “Align the stars.”
I replied, “Okay.”
Malcolm asked, “Ron, who are you?”
I replied, “I am a son.”
Malcolm enjoined, “Then, align the stars.”
I asked, “Could you to help with that please?”
Malcolm added “Ron, you should align that star within yourself, within your spirit, soul, and body because you govern it. It came from you through Jesus, through the Father.”
I began:
“In Jesus' name I align my personal star with my spirit, soul, and body.
“I align the LifeSpring Star Number 1, with my spirit, soul, and body.
"I align my LifeSpring Star Number 2, with my spirit, soul, and body.
“I align my LifeSpring Star Number 3 with my spirit, soul and body, and…
“I align the Aftercare Star with my spirit, soul and body.”
Malcolm asked, “How else will you be able to govern properly without the alignment.”
Malcolm asked, “Would you say you did this by faith?”
Stephanie replied, “Yes.”
I added, “Absolutely.”
Malcolm queried, “What is faith?”
Stephanie responded, “The substance of things hoped for?”
Malcolm asked, “Would you say you have hope fulfilled (in doing this)?”
Stephanie replied, “I would.”
Malcolm exclaimed, “Exactly!”
Stephanie asked, “So, the fulfillment of our hope to govern as a governing son is in this, is what you're saying right Malcolm?”
Malcolm responded, “These are baby steps. In the Kingdom, these are baby steps but necessary.”
More information on governing with your stars is available from the books Kingdom Dynamics – Volume 1 and Building Your Business with the Blueprint of Heaven, both by Dr. Ron Horner and available from LifeSpring