Governing with Shields
October 1, 2024
Directive for Governing Sons
November 6, 2024This blog can also be found in Chapter 20 of Engaging Heaven for Revelation – Volume 1 by Dr. Ron M. Horner.
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Mitchell (a man in white) had a new subject in mind: the understanding of a disruptor. Many things are set against the Kingdom of God as the long-term war between light and darkness plays out in yet another battle skirmish. Our enemy, Satan, is designing disruptors. These are meant to shock, surprise, paralyze, and wreak havoc in the flow of times and seasons.
These disruptors planned by the enemy
are always known beforehand by the Father.
The Father warns the Bride of Christ through signs, words, dreams, and knowings to His children.
What we have been experiencing with the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has come from the release of a disruptor. The world will recover from this, yet some will be so infected by fear that, like the generation that died in the wilderness, they will not overcome that fear. They will go to their grave with it, having been disrupted by this trauma. When human beings have not accessed Heaven to be healed, through their choice or deceptive agreement with fear, they may remain in that state until death. It is not that the Father could not heal them, but they must access the healing.
However, the Father does have tools, decrees, and righteous ones, which are holy beings sitting on councils in Heaven who work to circumvent the enemy in his plans of disruption, to the point of victory. This will require the saints to draw close to the Lord Jesus, the King, so they can hear what they are to do.
Regional & Geographic Disruptors
Disruptors are often regional and geographical. These regions suffer because of heavenly warfare, where the angels of the host of Heaven are engaged in an intense war against the usurper and his evil ones.
In some cases, these evil ones are humans. They have aligned with darkness and traded with the enemy, and he uses them wickedly. They do not really know who they have committed to trading with. George Soros is one of these.
However, the Father is never outdone by the enemy's workings. The Father has plans for the saints regarding the disruptor and the disruptions.
The glory of God is a being, a weapon, and an entity.
The enemy knows that the expansion of glory through the children of God and their realms, as He fills their realms with glory, is more powerful than the saints realize. The enemy trembles to know he has no weapon against this. He fears that the saints will come to understand how to utilize glory, as well as how it operates in the earth through them, on them, in them, and with them to defeat him.
Weapons of Glory are stored in a warehouse in the Heavens and laid in great piles. They are living beings in the form of light. You could almost say they are orbs of energy.
A Coming Disruptor
As a warning, a coming disruptor in the nation of the saints is an attack of paralysis, paralyzing the voice and movement and causing hopelessness through a lack of vision. It will come on the heels of the COVID disruption. This disruptor is meant to cause shock. I tell you now that this has already been overcome so that do you not fall into the pit of paralysis. Know that you will cross over to the other side, and God and His realm will protect you. You will be protected by His name. You will be protected by His glory as His glory will manifest.
The operation of the saints is to:
- Agree with Glory,
- Take possession of it in their realm and to
- Release the Glory through their words, deeds, and even prophetic acts in this hour.
This is because the saints have more access to it now, and in future days, the Father will release more of it because of the destruction which is being planned by the enemy.
The Glory released defeats the enemy’s plans.
You will need to stay close to what Heaven is saying and what you hear from apostles and prophets. Remain steadfast and immovable in your stance and attitude toward the disruption. The disruption coming will not be like the corona virus. It may be like it in effect, but it will be different in its release. Once it has come, one day you will realize, “Oh, this is what Mitchell was talking about.”
Nevertheless, businesses in the kingdom realm are preserved. Our ministry's continued work is to release this word to those who come near and have business interests.
Our encouragement to the saints to hear and see will continue. The network that is being developed and strengthened from Ezekiel’s activity even now will need to be stewarded when it happens. There is more to tell, but you cannot bear it just now.
Remember what I told you. You have enough information to know that you must continue to press on. Keep your eyes focused on Heaven and keep going because this will pass. This cannot possibly win.
Mitchell told us that with assurance and informed us that we will be in this for a little while longer. The Father has preserved for Himself a remnant who are marching on encampments of the enemy and making incredible headway in our day. It falls to the generals to know what to do and where to release ranks. Your Father has many generals at work.
In this disruption, do not hunker down to ride it out. Instead, increase the hidden activity of worship and praise. Receive the hidden joy, which is like manna from heaven. Eat of this hidden manna of joy, and you will be strengthened to continue.
Heaven is serious but not worried or anxious. It is simply letting you know that you must trust God in this. You must trust what you know from our realm and that it is enough.
Remember that revelation always flows to the children of God seeking it.
Where there is a greater need for the revelation to flow, a wider flow will occur. Be encouraged to receive revelation from the hand of the Father. He has things to say to you, often daily, to help you be victorious. This is the access given to you by the King Jesus himself. He will not fail. He cannot fail because He has already won.
Heaven is releasing a mindset so that you can understand this and walk with it. Receive it and prophetically place it in your mind as taking hold of the mind of Christ.
If you know what is happening, then you can operate in the opposite spirit. Arm yourself with the knowledge of God’s grace that you have access to, so you are prepared. When you know what you are dealing with, it is easier to get through it.”
Anyone can receive daily revelation from the Father so you know what to expect and can prepare for it. This is the purpose of hearing from your Father, so you know what to do. This is a grace that comes in your hour of need if you are paying attention. God’s mercy can get it to us, but we do need to turn our faces and hearts to Him. We must pause to say, “I do not know at all, but you have a great plan. What is the next step?”
Heaven is giving us a heads-up.
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Also see the blog: Disrupting the Disruptors
[1] From Engaging Heaven for Revelation (LifeSpring Publishing, 2020), chapter 20.