Malcolm’s Combat Boots & Regret with King Solomon
September 10, 2024
Engaging the Resources of Heaven Against Foul Birds – Addendum
September 30, 2024This blog can also be found in Chapter 22 of Engaging Heaven for Revelation – Volume 1 by Dr. Ron M. Horner.
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Sometimes, we must adjust and receive insights that are outside of our understanding. The following chapter is on a subject that the Body of Christ needs to understand.[1] To receive this information, our souls and spirits must be prepared for it. Heaven told us, “The following are some instructions to help prepare you to receive this information:
- Pray in tongues first—take a moment to pray in tongues.
- Call your spirit forward to receive.
- Renounce fear at every level—do this aloud, not silently.
- Ask Holy Spirit to broaden your mind so you can capture this information.
- Remind them that they signed up for this when they engaged their desire to mature and that the Lord knows every heart.
When you pray in tongues you are building a structure for revelation to abide in. Praying in tongues builds our faith and enlarges our capacity to receive revelation of a spiritual nature. Take a few moments to pray in the spirit, aloud if possible. Pray until you are in a place where you are ready to receive revelation.
Secondly, call your spirit forward to receive this revelation. Our souls are not qualified or equipped to receive revelation initially. Revelation must come first to our spirits before it can be transmitted to our souls.[2]
Our third instruction involves renouncing any fear that we may have in our lives on any level. Satan knows he can paralyze us with fear. When you know whose you are and who you are, you understand that there is no reason to fear anything or anyone. Where you have the presence of fear demonstrates a place where the love of God is missing in that arena. John 4:18 says:
Fear cannot co-exist in this love realm (where the love of the Father is embraced). The perfect love union that we are talking about expels fear. Fear holds onto an expectation of crisis and judgment. It echoes torment and only registers in someone who does not yet realize the completeness of their love union. (THE MIRROR) (Emphasis mine)
Where we have embraced fear, we need to repent, renounce it, and allow Holy Spirit to fill that place with the Father’s love.[3] Let us take a moment, search our hearts, and renounce any fear.
Father, I come to repent for embracing fear on any level in my life. Where I have embraced fear or where I have allowed fear to dominate any area of my life, I repent. I only want you to dominate my life. I want your love to conquer me.
I ask your forgiveness, in Jesus’ name, and I ask that you fill every place where fear has existed with your power, security, peace, and love, in Jesus’ name.
I choose to come out of agreement with fear NOW, in Jesus’ name. Let your love conquer me now I ask, in Jesus’ name.
Our fourth instruction was to ask Holy Spirit for capturing abilities of broadness of mind. To make it simpler, ask Holy Spirit to broaden your mind so you can capture this information. Let us ask Holy Spirit to broaden us to receive what Heaven is sharing.
Finally, Heaven pointed out that you essentially signed up for this. You may have been intrigued by the title of the book, or the title of this chapter, or you may simply be hungry for revelation, but regardless of the reason, you are here. Step in now, with boldness, and receive.
. . . . . . .
Revelation 18:2
It was early spring when my seer and I approached the Help Desk in the Business Complex of Heaven on this occasion. “We would like someone who could instruct us on Revelation 18:2,” we inquired. I had written a book on lingering human spirits[4] and this verse held a clue to something that was unexplained elsewhere in the scriptures. I determined the best place to find out what I needed to know was from Heaven itself. Heaven has tutors that can assist us in an infinite variety of areas, and this was no different.
The verse reads:
And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! (Revelation 18:2) (Emphasis mine)
Within moments of making our request for a tutor we found ourselves at the general Help Desk in the realms of Heaven rather than the Help Desk in the Business Complex. Again, we repeated our request. “We request a tutor or someone who can give us revelation about Revelation 18:2, specifically regarding the terms that were used about the unclean (or foul) spirits, the demons, and the unclean birds.”
We were introduced to a tutor named James, one of the men in white linen whom we followed to a classroom.
“We are interested in knowing the meaning of Revelation 18:2, with specific interest in the definitions behind the words: demons, unclean spirit, and unclean and hateful bird,” we explained. Thus, our instruction began.
James explained, “The key is in noticing the location of each: the demons dwell there, unclean spirits are imprisoned, and the unclean and hateful birds are in prison (or caged) there as well.” He said, “I can instruct you if you are willing to learn.”
At that moment, we set down all preconceived notions to learn what Heaven had to share.
James began, “Babylon here is a realm. The demons are demonic entities fallen from Heaven and their procreated offspring. The unclean spirits would be the spirits of mankind—spirits of man imprisoned in this place.[5] The hateful birds, the unclean birds, are messengers of evil, having assignments against humanity. Their nature is foreign to the earth’s realm. They feed upon the ritualistic abuse that humanity engages in. You would call that profane worship. They are imprisoned in that realm until their appointed times to be released from that realm for their wicked assignments on the earth by the rulers of that realm who are the principalities of evil.”
A Hybrid Creation
He continued, “The unclean birds of the air refer to spiritual entities that are the devices of evil realms sent out on missions and assignments against the humanity God has created. Their form is ungodly, wicked, and evil. They create havoc upon the earth. They are reserved for evil times, although their procreation is what is being developed by laboratories under the direction of evil men. You would call them hybrids. Their procreation is by unnatural means and is not what humans engage in. They are used as tools to wreak havoc, bring ruination and disturbance, and even bring many humans into temptation.
The assignments of foul birds are more focused
than demons and are extremely specific.
“They are often released as a horde against a population when evil has knowledge that they are either ready or have been prepared for this evil attack.
“These foul birds are little known by the church and lesser known by unbelievers.
They originate from realms or dimensions of evil
out of timelines of darkness.
“They are extremely focused on their assignment and it seems they have a time and a season. They are created for the purpose of a specific time release within seasons. Where you and I might call that time and date, that realm operates more on ages, seasons, and eras. A lot of this is held in reserve for future days but not all.
“Their making is wicked and revolting, and thus the term unclean. Their hybrid status is outside the realm of divine will and goes totally against the estate in which their creators themselves were formed. Their creation was formed by darkness alone, often using technologies in devious manners for this purpose and their sustenance. These creatures are a mixture of the natural realm and spiritual realms. They are infused with spiritual power from darkness, and their increased presence on planet Earth is through portals of darkness. Some humans have put themselves in league with darkness to bring these entities into the earth against permitted timelines.
“These are wicked birds of the air. They come to steal the Word of God from men’s hearts. This is like the parable of the sower Jesus talked about.[6] These are unseen messengers of wickedness from realms of darkness, working with the intent of theft and to make men’s hearts fail. John saw this in the Revelation.
We had a series of questions for James at this point.
“Was John seeing their greater influence in the future of Earth?” we wondered.
“Yes,” He replied.
We asked, “Have they been released into the earth before?”
“In measure, but never so bold as in these days,” was his response.
“And how do we deal with them?” we inquired.
James told us, “Angelic hosts have weapons against them. Here is one thing that is different about them. Because of their hybrid nature, they do not seek a host, so they do not seek to dwell in or near a person or a creature, like an animal. That is what will freak people out.” You are accustomed to demons or spirits seeking a host, but that is not so with these creatures.
He reminded us, “You know how you’ve been using the angels with the fluorescent paint to uncover workers of darkness?”[7] He continued, “Sometimes you are finding these creatures on assignment against people but quite often they seek to use stealth in their attacks. They will stay hidden if possible. The more the sons of God utilize the angelic hosts for the capture and delivery in chains of these creatures to Jesus, the more effective the sons of God will be in their authority and rule for the redemption of the earth.”
What Class are They?
“Would you call these a class of demons?” we asked.
“They are not really a class of demons. They are a subset or category of their own. This is a worsening of the wrath of hell. They know no depth or limit of evil. They do not know the boundary of evil. They are always after evil, and the pursuit of the intentionality of evil has played a part in their creation. Theirs is an expression of the depth of wickedness,” he replied.
We wondered, “Have we, in our sessions with clients, come across them at times?”
“Yes, a few times. You often see them with people who have been ritualized. They will have an assigned bird of the air against them. This is because a lot of them are fractured and fragmented. These people generally have fragmented souls as well as fragmented spirits.”
“The reason they are birds is that their assignment is to brood over you for evil. Think about how a mother bird in the natural earth broods over her young for good. Foul birds brood, but for evil purposes. The person—the human—is not captured by them but is brooded over by them. Their limiting presence is always felt, or they may limit the persons spiritual activity. An example of this might be where someone tries to engage their spirit with Holy Spirit or to reach out to the heavenly realms but are unsuccessful because of the brooding presence of this unclean bird,” he responded. “The foul bird is preventing it.”
Dealing with the Birds
Our next question was, “How do we deal with these creatures?”
“Utilize the angelic force to release the nets of Heaven to capture these birds,” he answered. “A fowler[8] is one who captures birds. Release the heavenly fowlers, the angels that operate in that method.
“The nets are frequencies that Heaven has entwined with the gold of Heaven like filaments. Any lesser net would not be effective.”
Detecting the Foul Birds
“How can we detect that this is what we are dealing with?” we inquired.
“When in ministry sessions, you can look to see the birds, but you must look to see them. They can also be discovered by using angels to bring light to them to remove their cloaking and to reveal their hiding places.”
“What would the wording for that be?” we asked.
I request the angels of Heaven to bring the light of God’s glory to light up every hidden and dark space in the realm of the person that I am ministering to. Light it up like daylight and startle the birds so that I can see them.
“In most cases you will be able to see them. Then, call in angelic hosts. Call in the fowler to capture the bird, remembering to seek for repentance, if any is needed, if the person has made an agreement to be brooded over. Often, they have made agreements unknowingly or in seasons of sleep,” was his response.
Have They Made Agreements?
“Does that mean they were experiencing something like a trance, hypnosis, or fragmentation where this was perpetrated to get the person's agreement where they do not even know they gave agreement?” we asked.
“This often happens during ritualized torture. All agreement with the brooding action, or agreements to be brooded over by the foul birds, must be repented for, renounced, and covered by the Blood of the Lamb,” James instructed. “This gains a measure of freedom and then angels can go to work. Do not be surprised if you are not able to see them right away. By practicing this, you will receive more focused help to do so. This is difficult to see or discern, but not impossible,” he replied.
A Summary
To detect them:
- Look to see the birds, but you must look to see them or use angels to bring light to them to remove their cloaking and to reveal their hiding places.
- Use this prayer:
I request the angels of Heaven to bring the light of God’s glory to light up every hidden and dark space in the realm of the person that I am ministering to. Light it up like daylight and startle the birds so that I can see them.
- All agreement with the brooding action, or agreements to be brooded over by the foul birds, must be repented for, renounced, and covered by the Blood of the Lamb.
- Utilize the angelic forces to release the nets of Heaven to capture these birds. A fowler is one who captures birds.
- Release the heavenly fowlers, the angels that operate in that method.
(More instructions were given in a later engagement and will be detailed later in this chapter.)
Symptoms of Brooding
“What symptoms would a person feel of being brooded over like this?” we questioned.
James explained, “They would feel a sense of limitation, but not as though they are limited by lingering human spirits. It is not like you are carrying out someone else’s burden. It is more of a sense of not being able to press through to a level.
“James showed us a picture of a natural, healthy mother bird in a nest beating back her young to keep them in the nest because she knows they are too young to attempt flight. By doing so, she manages to keep them in the nest until their strength has increased.”
He explained, “This feeling of limitation is the opposite of that, in that they are buffeted back, and the person feels limited whenever they attempt spiritual activity and are never able to really get there.”
He directed, “Do not look for this on lots of people. It is not generalized yet on earth, but it is specific to people who have been ritualized.
Ties to Mithraism
“Believe it or not, this is tied to Mithraism’s[9] first degree, the Corax (or the Raven) degree. Some association exists in that it feels ancient. Somehow, a connection with Mithraism is involved.”
“Is there anything else we have missed asking you?” we inquired, having learned from past experiences that asking this allows for further expansion of our knowledge, and Heaven likes it when we do so.
James replied, “Practice what you have learned and take note of what happens and what is felt. Operate with confidence against these creatures. A caution here is that knowledge of this nature to the unskilled or the immature puts them at risk. Since they have eaten from the wrong tree, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, they will take that knowledge and they will try to operate in it. It is not for the immature. Therefore, in some regard, it is somewhat mysterious still.”
With that, this engagement with James was over. We had plenty to ponder since this was not a topic that was taught in my Sunday School growing up. We were not released to share this information when we first received it in the spring of 2020, but we knew that we would be released to share it in the future.
. . . . . . .
Months later, realizing there was more to be discovered on this topic in light of recent national events, my seer and I re-engaged Heaven. This time, Mitchell was our instructor, and he brought out some of the same points as James, but he also unveiled some different insights. As you read, understand that the combined information from James and Mitchell gives us a much more comprehensive picture, as well as gives us steps to take to overcome and stop these foul creatures.
The Destruction They Bring
Mitchell began by pointing out the destruction a foul bird would bring. He began, “Foul birds are beings of destruction with a particular release of a sound frequency and wings for mounting the sky (or atmospheres). They engage in hovering, gliding, entering a realm from an overhead position, as in a bird’s eye view, and they release resistant sound wave frequencies into the atmosphere. These frequencies have effects in the physical realm on all things related to frequencies whether sound, light, or radio waves, even Wi-Fi internet frequencies. They could even affect the weather. These foul birds shape sound frequencies with the purpose of disruption.
“Picture someone holding their hands over their ears to block out a piercing sound or visualize a dog that is immobilized because he hears a particular frequency. The dog is completely undone by the intensity of the frequency being generated. From the mouths (or beaks) of these birds is a type of screech. Think of the winged creatures in The Lord of the Rings movie. The screeches are for the destruction and devastation of something. They seek to destroy plans and purposes.”
Shields of Protection
We were reminded that recently Ezekiel (our ministry angel) had been requesting shields. Mitchell began to explain how they function, “These shields act like a dome to protect what is inside of it, but it is not merely a covering over the top or sides of something. It is more spherical so that the coverage is on all sides—above, around, and underneath. We have seen these domes pictured in movies. Something called national shields exist, as well as shields over cities and regions. Thrones are connected to shields. We say a thing is ruling in an area even if it is an unseen thing, it is connected to a throne.
When the foul bird releases the disrupting sound, the hosts of Heaven hunt these birds like prey. It is a big deal for the angelic to capture and bring down a foul bird, so nets are often needed in the spiritual realm.
The aim of a foul bird is to bring down the godly shield
that the saints have erected by their own release of sound.
We asked, “Are foul birds demonic beings?”
“They are spiritual beings associated with Satan and are outside the will of God.” Mitchell responded.
“Are they essentially a hybrid?” we inquired.
Mitchell explained, “Revelation 18:2[10] describes three different classes. The evil spirits are the lingering human spirits who are under assignment from a demonic guard. Demons are a separate class, while the foul birds are another class that had not yet been allowed release in the time of Revelation 18:2.
“Remember in the movies The Lord of the Rings, where the Uruk-hai came out of the ground? They were a hybrid creation. Foul birds are like that. They are not the same thing, but they are a new class of being like that. Calling them a hybrid creature would be correct because they do not have human DNA, but creature DNA. Nephilim are hybrid humans due to their human DNA, whereas this is a hybrid creature. It is a creature of the physical realm.”
The Antidote
Mitchell continued, “Let me talk to you about the antidote. This is the release of angelic forces and the angelic weaponry of nets, chaos nets, and slingshots, together with the voices of the saints in praise and worship and the voices of the saints in agreement.
“It is both as big and as minute as these things—something minute like a human voice speaking truth, with no lie or manipulation but with heartfelt sincerity. On a massive scale, it is many voices releasing truth as a deterrent to the release of the sound that foul birds release from their being. Satan has weaponized these foul birds and are in league with him.”
We asked, “Are they present on the earth now?”
“They are few in number but devastating in effect,” Mitchell answered.
“Is this what we have been seeing in some of the national issues and protests of the last several months?” was our next question.
He responded, “Yes. Due to the ruling throne that is present, we have seen the effect of it. It is evidence of a kingdom clash. You are witnessing evil and wicked birds of the air on assignment for Satan. They are to capture the wave frequencies of the air to keep it filled with hate, division, and murder.
Their aim is to stifle or muzzle every other sound.
The atmosphere reflects the kingdom that owns it
or is making claim to rule it.
“The shout of God’s people, which is the open vocal release of a strong, powerful sound from the lungs of humans in a directed flow of heart, in exaltation of the Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, is a shifting force.
Angels need the shout of God’s people and their activity
to bring down the effects of what foul birds released.
“Foul birds feed on dead things. They ride on the shoulders of men whose hearts have grown cold to Yahweh or anything beyond themselves. This includes such things as going after one’s own way and the worship of self with freedom from all restraint.
“Do you not call this lawlessness?
Lawlessness is the food that feeds these creatures of the air.
“The birds release more of that, which keeps the wicked cycle going. The shout of God’s people disrupts this cycle. A bold shout of unison by people who know their God can be weaponized by angels against such beings. It is extremely effective for bringing down foul birds of the air,” Mitchell concluded.
Mitchell ended this engagement with this information. Now, coupled with what he taught us and what we learned from James we certainly were more informed about these wicked creatures, but we had more to learn. Once again, we accessed Heaven for instruction. This time, it was Malcolm who had quite a bit to teach us about these foul birds.
More to Know
Malcolm began, “The foul birds have been defeated by the Kingdom of Glory and the saints on earth. I can tell you about these things, but you must understand one thing. I am talking to you on both sides of the verb tense. I am talking to you about what is and what will be. Some have not been yet that will be, and some have been that already. This may be a little difficult to understand, but one way to put it is that it is the working out of all things. This will resolve within the working out of all things.”
He continued, “It may seem mysterious to speak of these things, but mysteries have solutions.
Mysteries have solutions.
When the King of Glory brings all things to light, and all darkness that tries to hide will be brought into the light, the saints of God can begin to know the many mysteries of the Father. They will understand from heavenly realms a different dimension of the things discussed in Scripture. An enlightenment of the spirit of man is coming by the power of God to be able to reduce the depths of darkness, just as God covered Egypt with such darkness in His judgment of that principality. The Light will begin to infiltrate so many dark places that the dark will lose ground and will be pushed back into its cave. In many ways, it is an entity, but it is ultimately ruled over by Yahweh.”
How to Deal with Them
He explained, “Your audience will want to hear how to deal with them. For now, it is easiest to work with angels, requesting assistance from the angels of the heavenly host of armies to perform their functions against ruling and reigning spirits that operate through foul birds.
The manifestation of these foul birds
is for the purpose of scare tactics to bring fear upon man.
“However, the Father is going to turn the tables on the enemy.
He will use the manifestation of these foul birds
for the growing awareness and enlightenment
of the ability humans must operate in the unseen realm,
and to operate with spiritual power and with the functions of angels
to defeat these beings and bring about their exposure.
“A day is coming when these entities will be caught, forced to remain in their physical manifestation, and ridiculed for being the lousy creatures they are. This may be mind-bending to you right now, but I tell you a truth. It will fall to the sons of God who are operating as children and who follow the leading of the spirit in both power and rest. They will work the power of God to the exposure of darkness. They will even force the exposure and capture of the manifestation of beings who feel they have the legitimate right to operate in the unseen without the forcing of the natural.
This will be a kingship function
and manifestation of the Sons of Glory.
For now, the mouths of the saints releases angels to work to capture and pin the wings of these ill-formed creatures causing suffering, and the playing out of demonic forces.
Remind the people that fear within them
in any level has no place in this battle,
for you will enter the battle with one hand
tied behind your back and your feet in shackles
if you have agreements with fear within your being.I speak to you of fear of retribution, fear of reprisal,
fear of the unknown, fear of the enemy, fear of the enemy to victory,
fear of mystery, fear of humans and what they will say, and fear of man.
“These fears are detrimental to the victory from the mouth of the saint. At this juncture of taking back territory out of the hands of the enemy, it is necessary to continually check oneself to be sure any fear is eradicated from one’s realm.
“As you begin to speak of these things to people, you must remind them to broaden their understanding and permit themselves to see the war from a different viewpoint and in much broader terms than religion has allowed the culture to think, for the war is indeed galactic. Many do not know or understand this yet. One thing I can say to you is that nations are involved. The nations that bow to the Lord Jesus are the nations that become territories of light, outposts of righteousness, and safeguards to galactic realms, for they see and know different realms and realities than you have yet ascertained. Deceived humanity in the nations that do not bow to the Lord Jesus is in league with these dark forces. Do not mistake that nations and individuals are not only deceived but they have been given over to darkness as well.
As always, the blood of Jesus
is the highest substance in all
the heavens and on earth.
“That substance is physical and nonphysical, spiritual, and supernatural. The blood of Jesus inside His believers enlivening them is still a mystery to many,” he explained.
Chaos and division denote
the activity of the foul birds.
The seer kept seeing a picture of humans holding their hands over their ears and running around in circles.
“The foul birds are releasing frequencies which are heinous and detrimental to the natural frame. That is why they were engineered as they were,” Malcolm clarified.
Dealing with Them
“Arm angels with chaos nets, bird nets, other types of nets, and slingshots. The nets pin the wings. Pinning the wings connects with their mouths; it is almost like when their wings are pinned, their mouth is pinned.
Malcolm continued, “Therefore,
- Loose angels to pin the wings of every foul bird and
- Loose angels to bring them out of the atmosphere to the ground. We would refer to this as out-of-flight mode onto a surface or a grounded station.
- Pin the feet of the birds to the surface to disable their flying ability,
- Bind their beaks, and
- Rip out their tongues.
Eliminating the tongue changes the frequency the bird has. Pinning the wings also stops the frequency emanating from them. The frequency that comes from their wings is used as a detriment against humanity. The pinning of the wings is important; that is why a net is so good. Finally,
- Release angels of light bearing glory.
“Thus, here are a few things to do:
- Loose angels to pin the wings of the birds.
- Loose angels to bring them down out of the atmosphere.
- Pin the feet.
- Bind the beak.
- Remove the tongue.
- Release angels of light bearing glory.
“That is six things which utilize angelic forces for this activity in the unseen realm.
Remember, do not be afraid!
“Notice that angels do not quake. They do not fear. The angels assigned to this type of activity are powerful, focused, and able. On the other hand, currently, humanity is incapable of this in all fullness.”
As a prayer, do this:
In the name of Jesus,
I loose Fowler Angels to pin the wings of every foul bird and to bring it down out of the atmosphere to the ground.
I authorize them to pin the feet of these birds to the surface.
I authorize them to bind their beaks and rip out their tongues.
I now release angels of light bearing glory.
Recalling an earlier lesson on foul birds, we questioned, “Do we request Fowler Angels (which are angels designed to capture these birds)?”
Malcolm responded, “That is a term you can use. Think of the Fowler as the commander of other angels of light.”
Request assistance from the Fowlers.
“Remember, this unseen realm operates with differences that we have not fully grasped,” Malcolm explained.
The sense we have is that these fowlers are on assignment all over the globe, and they can come swiftly to our assistance. Fowlers are specialists designed to deal with these evil creatures.
Greater Hunger
There is a greater hunger to know these things now than at any other time in the earth. It is hard to understand because we think of the ancient world as much more closely tied to supernatural things. In a way, they were. In a different way, they never saw the illumination of this type of information or did not believe they could overcome it. This was because of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at work in humanity, and because of the darkness always seeking to overcome the light by utilizing fear to manipulate and rule. Thus, it was very dark in the sense that those in ancient times were afraid of it.
The Father may also introduce something that He does not fully explain, just as a good parent may gently touch on the basics of a tricky subject regarding the maturity level of a child. As the child grows, the parent is willing to explain more, but still with awareness of the child’s ability to comprehend.
Ezekiel’s Input
Turning to Ezekiel, we asked, “Ezekiel, do you want to talk to us regarding the metaphor of ‘bats in the belfry’?”[11]
His immediate reply was, “‘Bats in the belfry’ are foul birds. They come to dilute and to bring chaos. I have told you what we (as angels) need, and I told you how to direct angels using chaos nets. You are right to do so in this timeframe.
Foul birds cause the children of God
to guess instead of to know the Father
and be known by Him.
It is a distraction, for they operate in distraction. They operate in cancellation—the cancellation of every good intention. They excel in hiddenness, and this is often why we (angels) ask you for a flashlight. We have knowledge of their presence and when you collaborate with angels, often our work is to deny these creatures access to realms and regions to which we have boundaries and authority.
“I must caution you,” Ezekiel continued, “to be savvy in the things of God, to wear the helmet of salvation, and to know the mind of Christ. Additionally, know that your release of coworking angels is tied to the level of your faith, your belief, your seeing, and your knowledge of the direction Holy Spirit would have you release the activity of angels regarding this.”
Ezekiel exclaimed, “We hate these things!
“They work against the minds of humans. They often bring clouds and will cloud the mind to create a dullness of mind, so humans lose their minds and reasoning.
They bring delusions. They are a weapon of darkness. They are used as a weapon.
“Ask Holy Spirit to reveal all that is necessary, as the Kingdom has revealed that this is what we are dealing with when we deal with the deluding spirits through the handshake of those working to gain power from realms of darkness. This is part of what is known as ‘to deceive even the elect.’ It is part of a defeated kingdom, but they are working in dimensional realms, too. They are being directed by the agreement of workers of darkness in dimensional places for access to create delusions, a fogginess of mind, cloudiness of thinking, and the presentation of what is not. They often work with the spirit of panic and the spirit of fear—in fact, they cause a spirit of panic. They work to surprise the saint and knock them off balance.
“Let the praise of God be upon the lips of the saints, because the worship of the Father is a weapon, as is the helmet of the salvation of Jesus Christ, co-laboring with angels, and waiting upon the Lord in stillness. These are methods and weapons to become knowledgeable and have a savviness about this. There is still more to be understood,” he explained.
Ezekiel continued, “Foul birds are under the direction of the power of the Prince of the Air. They are a sort of go-between between the Prince of the Air and the human operating in league with darkness. Therefore, it is essential that, as sons, you govern the activities and do not permit them to operate.
- Pray in tongues first—take a moment to pray in tongues.
- Call your spirit forward to receive.
- Renounce fear at every level—do this aloud, not silently.
- Ask Holy Spirit to broaden your mind so you can capture this information.
- Remind them that they signed up for this when they engaged their desire to mature and that the Lord knows every heart.
Characteristics of Foul Birds
- They feed upon the ritualistic abuse that humanity engages in
- They create havoc upon the earth.
- They are reserved for evil times
- They bring ruination and disturbance,
- They bring many humans into temptation.
- They are often released as a horde against a population
- They come to steal the Word of God from men’s hearts
- They are little known by the church and lesser known by unbelievers.
- They originate from realms or dimensions of evil out of timelines of darkness.
- They work with the intent of theft
- They seek to make men's hearts fail (for fear)
- They do not seek a host
- They often use stealth in their attacks
- They will stay hidden if possible
- They are a subset or category of their own—not demonic
- They are an expression of the depths of wickedness
- Their assignment is to brood over you with evil
- They have a limiting presence
- Tied to the 1st Mithraism degree—Corax/Raven
- They release wrong frequencies
- They release resistant sound frequencies with the purpose of disruption
- They engage in hovering, gliding, entering a realm from an overhead position
- They can even affect weather
- Their screech is for the destruction and devastation of something.
- They seek to destroy plans and purposes
- Their aim is to bring down the godly shield that the saints have erected thorough praise, worship, and prayer
- Their aim is to stifle or muzzle every other sound
- They feed on dead things
- They ride on the shoulders of those whose hearts have grown cold to the Father
- Lawlessness is the food that feeds these creatures of the air.
- The shout of God’s people disrupts the cycle of destruction.
- They seek to bring fear upon man
- Chaos and division denote the activity of these foul birds
- They come to dilute and to bring chaos
- Foul birds cause the children of God to guess instead of to know the Father and be known by Him.
- They operate in distraction.
- They operate in cancellation—the cancellation of every good intention.
- They excel in hiddenness
- They work against the minds of humans.
- They often bring clouds and will cloud the mind to create a dullness of mind, so humans lose their minds and reasoning.
- They bring delusions.
- They are a weapon of darkness.
- They are used as a weapon.
- They are being directed by the agreement of workers of darkness in dimensional places for access to create delusions, a fogginess of mind, cloudiness of thinking, and the presentation of what is not.
- They often work with the spirit of panic and the spirit of fear—in fact,
- They cause a spirit of panic.
- They work to surprise the saint and knock them off balance.
- Victims would have a sense of limitation
- Victims have difficulty pressing through to a new level
- They are often seen with ritualized persons, the person will have an assigned bird of the air against them
- Victims usually have fragmented souls or spirits
- Victims usually have fragmented souls or spirits
To detect them:
- Look to see the birds, but you must look to see them or use angels to bring light to them to remove their cloaking and to reveal their hiding places.
- Use this prayer:
I request the angels of Heaven to bring the light of God’s glory to light up every hidden and dark space in the realm of the person that I am ministering to. Light it up like daylight and startle the birds so that I can see them.
- All agreement with the brooding action, or agreements to be brooded over by the foul birds, must be repented for, renounced, and covered by the Blood of the Lamb.
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[1] This blog can also be found in Chapter 22 of Engaging Heaven for Revelation – Volume 1 by Dr. Ron M. Horner.
[2] Read “Learning to Live Spirit First” in the Appendix of Engaging Heaven for Revelation – Volume 1 for more information on this subject.
[3] Read Psalm 23 in The Passion Translation.
[4] Lingering Human Spirits by Dr. Ron M. Horner (LifeSpring Publishing, 2020).
[5] See my book, Lingering Human Spirits (LifeSpring Publishing, 2020).
[6] See Mark 4.
[7] In certain ministry sessions where demons or evil spirits were seeking to remain hidden, we request angels to paint them with fluorescent paint, so they are no longer hidden. Then we deal with them.
[8] Psalm 91:3 Surely, He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence.
[9] For understanding of Mithraism, its impact, and how to get free, see my book Freedom from Mithraism (LifeSpring Publishing, 2021).
[10] Revelation 18:2 And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird!”
[11] The term “bats in the belfry” had come to our attention several times recently and Ezekiel confirmed that the “bats in the belfry” and “foul birds” were the same thing.