Praying for Adopted Children
January 10, 2024
The Room of Uncommon Productivity
February 13, 2024As we engaged Heaven, we went to the Help Desk and asked if we needed to know any particular things. Were there things in the outstanding folder perhaps. The angel said, “You need to know the season that you are in. We needed to know the season that LifeSpring International Ministries is in.
This we felt would be best discovered in a council meeting with our heavenly advisory team, so we requested a council meeting with Lydia, Malcolm, Mitchell, Mary, William, and others. They appeared and came into the meeting.[1]
[1] These are men and women in white who assist various portions of our ministry.
This felt this would be best discovered in a council meeting, so we requested a council meeting with Lydia, Malcolm, Mitchell, Mary, William, and others. They appeared and came into the meeting. [1]
Lydia on Repositioning & Change
Lydia says, “Well, it should kind of come as no surprise that the ministry is in the flow of change. The depth of the changes are probably deeper than you know. It is a crossing-over season. You could look at this whole decade as a type of crossing-over decade, but I don't want to squash your hope and expectation that it's going to take 10 years to cross over. It's just that from the realms of Heaven this decade is a transition decade, but within the transition you know that the Father doesn't operate like flipping a switch as much as he operates with the release of a gradual and growing sense of movement and change. Just like you can hear, or you begin to feel if you are standing next to a railroad track the vibration of the train approaching long before you can see it. You begin to sense it in the atmosphere. You begin to anticipate it. You begin to hear the whistle down the track. She began to feel the approach and the larger movement of a large approaching you. Then, as it approaches and it gets closer and closer, you recognize now that it is the movement of a train. Then, it comes by you on the tracks and you have full awareness of its size and unstoppability and direction of movement. It's easy to then follow with your eye as the train passes on the tracks. This train is going in a particular and specific direction of which you can now visualize and see, as you watch it travel down the track. This is the type of decade that you're in. And these changes are changes you can discern and perceive them as they approach. They are still approaching on the road, although they are closer than last year.
“Movements of God stir up the enemy as he is very anxious that he doesn't know the plan of God. This is the access given to sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. And those who are mature can receive advanced knowledge and understanding of how to work with God, perceive and work with God regarding the change.
“Change often brings anxiety to people because they have not understood the goodness of the Father and his continual, constant, never-ending, never-ceasing support, nearness, and presence.
“Encourage the people to trust the Lord, and surrender to His movement. He is doing a good thing. He is bringing good plans. The transition is all for good, righteous, and just purposes, yet it is somewhat different and unexpected.
“Remember that the enemy is going to try to divert, try to bring deception, and distort what the true move of God is. This is one of the reasons for understanding prophetically in advance, what the Lord is doing.
“Sons and daughters have no reason to fear the future. They do have the invitation and the access to Heaven’s understanding about what is happening.
“Wouldn't your life be easier if you enjoyed the change instead of being resistant to change that is coming? One way to enjoy the change is to stay close to the Father—His heart, asking Him continually to show you what he is doing so that you can cooperate with Him so that you can make decisions that align with His overall direction of movement for your life, for your family, for your nations, and to demonstrate the Kingdom of God.
The enemy will work hard to stir up sickness, death, deception, wounding, and hurt. These traumas derail you from your close relationship to the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Heaven, Heaven’s access, angels and more. Breaking free of these demonic plans requires hope, requires knowledge of your identity and a firm stance that God is a loving Father—a good provider. He is one who sees the beginning from the end. He is full of wisdom and all of these things He is willing to share with his children so that you will know how to pray, so that you will know how to commission angels, so that you will know the way to walk. If you could see the amount of people that are undergoing larger than normal changes in their lives you would be astounded.
There's much movement of change in the earth now, and you are seeing it. You are also seeing the resistance of Satan as well as his resistance to his defeat and now his resistance to the enforcement of his defeat.
Lydia ended by saying, “Continue with what you have before you, and be willing to allow things to shift as you sense the confirmation of those shifts. Take comfort in the fact that God is working to reveal the next page of your book, the next stage of your life and always trust the Lord, lean on Him for support. He is trustworthy. Thank Him for his trustworthiness in the midst of change.
Trauma and anxiety from change is probably the number one weapon and tool of the enemy right now. You don't have to live under his foot. You are alive in Jesus who has put his foot on the enemy.
Something is being revealed. Something is being uncovered to your sight. Ask the Lord to uncover what Satan has caused to remain hidden. Continue to seek the revelation of the uncovering and the exposure of satanic operation ritual and the conglomeration of illegal trade. You can know that if something happens at national levels it is happening at every other level underneath the national level. So, exposure of evil has to take place. It has to be uncovered. It has to be seen by asking the Father just to uncover, expose, make bare and release discernment to the body of Christ. Request the release of discernment, for the awakening of eyesight to see what is truth, and what is smoke and mirrors and deception. These are the plans of the enemy to the sons and daughters of God. Ask to see more. Expect to see more. Ask to understand more. Expect to understand more and ask the method of prayer for these.”
Lydia said, “Heaven is not worried about this timeframe of earth. Heaven is watching and we are celebrating. We're celebrating the acts and the works of the Father, His mighty works. He is waking up the Bride so that she begins to be who she is meant to be in society in the earth—in the culture. And there are many pockets who are awake, who are waking up in fresh and new ways to their ability to be who God is causing them to be not through their own power or desire.
Keep on the journey that you're on toward this. Ask the Father to soften the hearts of those who are resistant to change, who are actually resisting him in change. Ask the Father to soften their hearts, to give them ability to feel his support and his presence in the midst of the change. So that the fear of change is not dwelled upon, but is eliminated from the mind and the heart of the individual.
Another thing that you may release to the people is there are some who are not only are resisting change that is of the Father, but they are resisting repositioning. Malcolm is going to take this up. The repositioning of people on the earth is also a combined and continued work of God.
Pray for people not to not resist the hand of God, but to surrender to his will for their positioning and their repositioning. The Father wants to reposition as well as position people.
If a person is feeding their soul from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, then the culture and society of the world causes them to look in the 3-D world to know if they should make a transition or a repositioning, when for a son or daughter of God, this is upside down.
They may have missed the confirmation of signs released to the person to get them into a repositioned place. The Spirit of the Lord in the person confirms and speaks to that person about the repositioning. However, it is not possible for the person to not have awareness that this is God and not to receive counsel out of the realms of Heaven. Often movement borne out of information from the 3-D world is jagged and ragged with stops and starts.
Remember, most things are about surrendering, the souls way, the souls plan, the souls method, the souls, thinking to the spirit of a man and the spirit filled with the Holy Spirit in conjunction and in hand with the Spirit of the Lord, that type of move can bring change in a person and reposition you with ease when you are resistant. The resistance comes from your soul, and it does require the soul to surrender well. It feels to the soul that it’s dying but is merely surrendering to the will of the Father.
But the person that has God in their life and is surrendered to His will, it is really a realignment of the individual where the soul has surrendered its right of primacy to become secondary, and the spirit of the man is then primary and given preference to lead that human being into their repositioning.
What the soul struggles with is the risk it feels to be led by the spirit and many have not learned to embrace the risk in their soul so that faith can operate from their spirit. There is plenty of faith in God's people, but their soul resists them because of the risk factor that the soul feels when the spirit is given leeway. Remember, the spirit must teach the soul about the goodness, the nearness of God, and the faithfulness of God. It is very important to remember the faithfulness of God. Then the soul finds that there are ways to surrender and lay down one's life to be positioned by the Lord through the spirit of that are not as disconcerting to the soul where the soul will experience less anxiety.
The Father wants to bring repositioning of His people for their future and their future is good and glorious, but it is often a step of faith and, and it is a challenge to the soul.
I repent for where my soul leads me, where I give way more way and sway to my soul realm than I do to my spirit. I repent for that. Forgive me, Father and cleanse me, purge me, and align me.
Angelic Commissioning
I call the angels assigned to me to come near.
I commission you to aid by soul to surrender to the repositioning and positioning of Heaven.
I commission you to work with my realm angels to assist them in working with all my realms.
I commission you to minister life to my soul and release the oil of ease to my realms, in Jesus’ name.
[1] These are men and women in white who assist various portions of our ministry.