Come Back to Eden
March 26, 2024
No Regrets
April 4, 2024We have spoken of how evil Freemasonry is in many scenarios. Through our ministry we have counseled many women, who as little girls, were taken to the basement of their Baptist church and raped or molested. The same has occurred with boys and Baptists aren’t the only church organization to have been infiltrated by Freemasonry.
Recently, Kevin Boehmer, Director of CourtsNet, taught on this in our Facilitator’s Training Program. Here is that teaching:
There comes a point in Freemasonry where sodomy is very much a part of what's going on, and not just any sodomy, but particularly sodomy of young boys, pre-pubescent boys. There is a procession called “The Male Bride” and young boys are invited and brought into this ceremony. These boys, they don't know what is going to happen to them. They are excited to be at the lodge with their fathers at this point in time. Often, these are very high-ranking members present and oftentimes members of other lodges are together for this ceremony.
These young men are literally dressed in a wedding veil, like a bride's veil for a wedding, and they are going through this process, they're being applauded and esteemed, however, the result is, these boys are going to have the shock of their life as they are going to be sodomized during these ceremonies.
Now, why am I talking about this? We need to understand this about Freemasonry. Once they get into some of these degrees, and because of ancient Egyptian sex magic which is engaged in these degrees, this sodomy sin becomes more than just a physical thing that takes place.
When you are first born, you are born with 33 vertebrae in your back, but as you grow older, your vertebrae are beginning to fuse together. By the time you become an adult, you only have 24 independent vertebrae because some of them have fused together into one bone, particularly your tailbone.
And that's why they choose to do this to young boys because while these boys are young, their tailbone is still separate vertebrae. The reason for that is that while they're engaging in that practice of sodomizing, they are literally pressing down on those vertebrae to put pressure on the fluid in the spinal column to shove it up into the brain, up into the brainstem and to what they believe will impact the third eye. It is to open a portal to other dimensions.
Why is this an issue? I have had several situations where people have LHS’s. I can remove those LHSs today and literally dispel of them. However, the next week, there's a full house all over again and this happens again and again and again. And I am asking, ‘Why does this person seem like they've got a revolving door that LHSs are coming in like it's Grand Central Station?’
I am finding out where I have had clients that experience being sodomized repeatedly at a young age, that is exactly what is happening. This portal has been opened and LHS’s are trafficking through it. They are coming and going, and because their own trauma has blocked it out of their memory, or they never thought of it as being connected to something of that kind of a spiritual nature. They just thought it was a physical act. No attention is given to it and LHS’s are literally coming and going as they please. I have been in situations where I could see in the spirit that the door is propped open in their brain and it's like there's a stick propping the door open so that any LHS can come and go, come and go, come and go. I have seen where college professors, who know what they are doing by entertaining this, literally prop that door so they can come and go anytime they want.
If you are somebody that's constantly feeling like things are coming and going and coming and going, it could be somebody in your bloodline has had that portal open against their will. If you find out in your bloodline your mother, or your father had something that almost sounds like that happen to them, what you want to do is close that portal and we close that portal through and in our repentance—as we're repenting particularly for all those practices.
That youngster had to “comply” by force. He didn't have a choice, but it doesn't matter, the fact is that he complied, he used his will, and it makes him an accomplice as far as the enemy is concerned. He traded something. We want to repent for that trade. Yes, the child was manipulated, he was taken advantage of, but we want to repent for his “surrender” even it if was forced.
Even if the child could do something, we want to take away from the child every excuse the enemy has. This way, the enemy has no excuses, no matter how pathetic those excuses are. We want to repent for each one we can so that we take the enemy’s ground away. Once we repent for those things you are made aware of, we are going to then close that portal. The same way we opened the portal when we deal with LHSs, we are going to, in the name of Jesus, get this portal collapsed and then commissioned this person's angels to seal this portal off and let no one unauthorized by Jesus to have entrance.
Steps to Freedom
- Request access to the Mercy Court.
- Repent for the practice of sodomy.
- Repent for those who entrapped the young boys.
- Repent for those who committed the acts of sodomy with them.
- Repent for any instance where the victims empowered the perpetrators.
- Repent for any compliance to the perpetrators.
- Request the cancellation of every trade made through the acts of sodomy.
- Request angels be sent to close every portal that has been opened through the trades.
- Forgive, bless and release the perpetrators and the victim(s).
- Request angels close the portal(s) that have been opened by these trades.
- Commission the victim’s angels to seal the portal(s) off and let no one unauthorized by Jesus to have entrance.
Who would believe me if I told them this kind of a thing? Well, we are becoming very sensitized to the things that the Lord knows all along have been happening. Aren't you glad you are not God and all knowing, but little by little he's preparing us. He's pulling the veil back; he's getting us ready. And with the courage and the love of Christ that conquers all, we're going to conquer these things in our lives and in the lives that He brings to us. And so, these are things we want to be aware of. There are more horrific things than what we are speaking of that also take place.
The Tunnel of Typhon
Right now, I just to share this with you about the “Tunnel of Typhon.” Typhon is a marine spirit. He is a spirit of depravity. He is an ugly serpentine little ‘g’ god. He is violent and he probably could be Leviathan's brother because of the chaos he brings and that is what this sodomy is intended to do. Sodomy is far more than a physical sexual act. It is intended to bring chaos throughout someone's life. Typhon is where we get the word ‘typhoon.’
The issue is about the trauma that is being created in the victim. As Heaven pointed out to a friend recently, trauma opens the door for chaos in a person’s life. The powers of darkness feed on that chaos.
In many of these things there are rituals of sex magic. It just seems the more evil it is, the better it is for them. It becomes a practice of higher-level initiates in Freemasonry. It ends up leaving a trail of traumatized children that are very devastated.
The act of sodomy is where the enemy's concern is focused on all the depravity and the ravaging of a child's mind and identity and abandonment—“Where's my daddy?” and “Why did he allow this to happen to me.” But the whole thing is fixed on that spinal column and that third eye in the brain, and there's a whole lot more to it that's outside our grid. Just know that the Tunnel of Typhon is involved and things travel through tunnels. We want to shut those tunnels down.
Prayer of Release
Father, in the name of Jesus, we ask to come before your throne of grace to receive mercy and grace in our time of need. We request to enter Your Mercy Court and ask that every one of our ancestors be present, both sides, all the way back to Your very hand.
We request our angels to come near, those who walk with us and those who witnessed these things in our generations. We ask for the Spirit of Council, Wisdom, Understanding, Might, The Spirit of the Lord, The Reverential Fear of the Lord, and the Spirit of Revelation to be a part of this with us. We ask for Jesus’ manifest presence to be here as well.
We ask to bring into this court our generations, past, present, and future as well as all who inflicted these egregious sins against us and against our lineage. We request the accuser of the brethren and all entities who were and are involved to be brought into court as well.
We request every altar created by these egregious sins and the attendants of these altars to be brought in as well.
On behalf of myself and the generations, according to Matthew 5:25 (“Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison. 26Assuredly, I say to you, you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny.”), we agree with the adversary quickly, that we made oaths, covenants, pledges, agreements, and vows to fulfill and execute agreements regarding all levels in Freemasonry, Mithraism and all forms of profanity with these gods and specifically with these sexual sins upon our own bloodline and upon others.
According to the second degree of Mithraism that is also linked with Freemasonry, we agree that we and our generations have operated in this, and we bring the 2nd degree before this court.
Nymphus, the Male Bride
In this Second Degree—the Nymphus or Male Bride degree, one supposedly comes under the protection of Venus. The false gods worshipped are Mithras and Venus, and the ritual symbols are the “Veil of Reality,” “Light of Truth,” Chrysalis, veil, torch, mirror, bell, and diadem. The symbolism includes a false marriage, and a false resurrection.
Again, pagan worship of the created over the Creator is involved, leading one to embrace a false reality, to submit to spiritual blindness via the “veil of reality,” to submit to a false light of truth, and other pagan symbolism.
Courtroom Scenario
In Jesus’ name, I request access to the Appeals Court of Heaven.
Just Judge, I stand here on behalf of myself [state your full name] and on behalf of my bloodlines—past, present, and future—everyone related to me by blood, marriage, adoption, civil or religious covenant.
I also ask that my cloud of witnesses be allowed to be present in the courtroom today.
False Verdicts
I ask that the false verdicts entered into at the Nymphus or Male Bride (Second Degree) be replaced with righteous verdicts on my behalf and on behalf of my bloodlines, in Jesus’ name.
These false verdicts are as follows:
The office of Bride of Mithras (Nymphus the bridegroom) is a sacred office with all its oaths, vows, covenants, loyalty, eternality, and fidelity of this Second Degree and is in some fashion holy.
The offering of the cup represents my heart and water demonstrating my love to Mithras is holy.
The bread is infused by the power of the sun god.
That fasting in preparation of ceremony is righteous and for the consecration of this initiation taking place in a dark cave while reciting the “Hail Nymphus, hail New Light” mantra.
The marital covenant entered wearing the “Veil of Reality,” carrying the “Light of Truth” and pledge of celibacy is acceptable and Holy before God.
That Venus is to be worshipped, along with the false god Mithras, with their defiled symbols of a chrysalis, mirror, bell, and diadem for this degree which surpass any other religious symbols.
That transforming into a bee through a chrysalis is being reborn into a new and completely different life.
I ask that these false verdicts be overturned in the Courts of Heaven this day and replaced with righteous verdicts, and that I and my bloodlines be released from every bondage resulting from our involvement in the Title and Office of Bride of Mithras—Nymphus the Bridegroom, the Second-Degree level of Mithraism.
I repent for the participation and initiation in Nymphus, the Male Bride, the Second Degree of Mithraism with the offices, titles, regalia, oaths, vows, and initiation rites of this degree which involves sodomy.
I repent for me and my bloodlines receiving the title and office of “Nymphus, the Male Bride.”[1]
I repent for all allegiance to Mithraism and surrender all membership into Mithras Orders over to Jesus Christ.
I repent for all worship of Venus or Mithras in any form or fashion and for all ungodly trades made with these false gods.
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
The Office of Bride of Mithras (Nymphus the bridegroom) is a sacred office with all its oaths, vows, covenants, loyalty, eternality, and fidelity of this Second Degree and is in some fashion holy.
I repent for aligning myself with all the allegiances in this degree eternally.
I repent for joining myself and/or my ancestors joining our family to this false Bridegroom, making a mockery of the true Bridegroom and the Bride of Christ. Jesus is the Bridegroom, and we are the Bride of Christ. Isaiah 62:5 says, ‘For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.’
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
The offering of the cup representing my heart and water demonstrating my love to Mithras is holy.
I repent for embracing this defilement of Holy Communion and the mockery of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
The bread is infused by the power of the sun god.
I repent for receiving into my body this bread or for those in my ancestral lines who partook of this defiled bread.
I repent for granting it power over my generations. Jesus Christ is the bread of life (John 6:35) and man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the God (Matthew 4:4).
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
That fasting in preparation of ceremony is righteous and for the consecration of this initiation taking place in a dark cave while reciting the “Hail Nymphus, hail New Light” mantra.
I repent for fasting to attain favor with the gods. I repent for attempting to find true light in darkness. Apart from You, Lord God, it is impossible to know truth because You (Jesus) are the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).
I repent for embracing the false verdict that declares:
The marital covenant entered wearing the “Veil of Reality,” carrying the “Light of Truth” and pledge of celibacy and pledge of celibacy is acceptable and Holy before God.
I repent for entering a false marriage by false means to obtain a false sense of belonging.
I repent for putting these false gods in Your place, Jesus. You are the Head, and I am part of the Body. I am part of the Bride and, Jesus, you have made it possible for me to be married to You, sharing an intimate, holy union by saving us from death and eternal separation from God. I have surrendered my heart and life to you Lord.
I repent for making a vow of celibacy and giving my seed only to Mithras. This vow contradicts your command to be “Be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:22).
I recognize you as the True Light for Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12).
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
That offering the cup representing my heart and water representing my love to Mithras and the bread is infused by the power of the sun god.
I repent for the unholy communion perpetrated by this ungodly covenant of offering my love and heart when You are the only sacrifice worth remembering in communion.
I repent for receiving the defiled bread in communion. You, Jesus, are the ‘Bread of Life’ and Life is only found in You.
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
That Venus is to be worshipped along with the false god Mithras with their defiled symbols of a chrysalis, mirror, bell, and diadem for this degree which surpass any other religious symbols.
I repent for giving worship and authority to these deities representing the planets that You created.
I repent for worship of created things whether animal, or otherwise. Your Word declares that “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth." (John 4:24). I know that Jesus gives me power and authority to trample over all power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt me (Luke 10:19).
I repent for embracing the false verdict declaring:
Transforming into a bee through a chrysalis is being reborn into a new and completely different life.
I repent for transforming into a different being other than the person you created me to be with a goal of a completely new life. This is an abominable practice to the Lord.
I repent for assuming this practice could bring me new life. I can only have a legitimate new life if I am reborn in Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12)
Your Word says to not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2).
Repentance for the Ungodly Altars Erected
Father, I repent for everyone who through their sin erected ungodly altars in their life and in our generations. I repent for those who perpetuated the existence of these altars throughout the generations.
I forgive, bless, and release them from their sin through Jesus’ name.
We also request the closing of every ungodly portal opened by these sinful acts anywhere in the generations they may be found.
We ask angels to be dispatched to seek out and capture every evil entity working to destroy lives in our generations.
I request that the attendants of these altars be taken to the feet of Jesus for processing.
[You also may be impressed to go further with your repentance. Following Holy Spirit’s leading here and as you go through the courtroom scenarios related to Mithraism.]
I forgive those human agents of darkness who devised and formulated this false religion without regard for, or despite, Your holy commandments. I forgive, bless, and release them in Jesus’ name. I forgive as I have been forgiven.
I forgive every ancestor who tied me to the covenants of Mithraism at any and every level, at any time, in any dimension. I release them this day from their guilt.
I ask forgiveness for any actions that introduced trauma into me and my bloodlines.
I ask that the trauma and fear be removed, in Jesus’ name.
I forgive these ancestors for introducing this wickedness into my bloodline and I also forgive those who perpetuated it throughout the generations.
I forgive, bless, and release each of these persons, in Jesus’ name.
I also request an absolute divorce from the false god Mithra and a severing of every tie to this false deity in whatever representation it held, at whatever time it occurred, and in whatever dimension it occurred.
I request that every fragment of my soul or my spirit, every captured part of my, or my ancestry’s DNA, RNA and/or epigenomes be regathered and restored unto me and my bloodlines, including everyone related to me by blood, marriage, adoption, civil, or religious covenants all the way back to the hand of the Father and all the way forward as far as it needs to go.
I request immediate release for me and my family, and the immediate release of everyone in my bloodlines that have been taken captive by these false verdicts. I also ask that the false identities perpetrated by this degree be voided in Jesus’ name.
I request complete release for my soul and spirit from all evil spirits, demons, evil entities, principalities, and powers thrust upon us at this degree.
I ask that these false verdicts be overturned in the Courts of Heaven this day and replaced with righteous verdicts, and that I, and my bloodlines, be released from every bondage resulting from my involvement in the Second-Degree level of Mithraism.
I request that every ungodly trade be cancelled, and every form of taxation be lifted from me and my bloodlines.
I request that every aspect of this degree alleging eternality be cancelled, in Jesus’ name.
I request the cancellation of every impact and ramification of the allegiances, covenants, oaths, vows, or dedications to Mithraism through this Second Degree in Jesus’ name.
Additionally, I request that all these actions be applied to everyone related to me by blood, marriage, adoption, civil or religious covenant, all the way back to the hand of the Father and all the way forward as far as it needs to go, in Jesus’ mighty name.
Today, I stand as a representative of my bloodline in Your Court. I request that the repentance for my bloodline be recorded in all pertinent courts, be used in other pertinent court cases, and be recorded in the books of Heaven for me and for my generations. I also request the immediate release of the Lord’s blessings that have been held back or lost to me and my generations because of connections to Mithraism.
I thank you Just Judge and this court for hearing my repentance and requests this day and I request these things today in the Courts of Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
We repent for our generations including mothers who turned a blind eye to this, allowed or agreed with it in Jesus’ name. For the uncles and brothers who were present in the ceremony and celebrated it for the sake of the degree, for the sake of the third eye, for advancement, for sexual iniquities of every flavor, we repent on their behalf for this egregious sin against these children, our generations and against You, Lord.
Your Honor, we repent for taking and stealing innocence or where we and our generations gave it away. We request the angels to go down the timeline with the pink capture bags to bring back the innocence to us as a mantle to be placed on us being knit together by the entity Purity.
We ask for Jesus’ manifest presence to walk down and through our timeline where these sins and iniquities have been, restoring a right truth and light for us and our generations.
We request the arrest and capture of Typhon as it has been at work in my generations. May he be dealt with by Jesus.
We also request angels be dispatched to clean up all spiritual debris left by these sins.
[1] You are declaring you are a sodomizer and, if the victims are children, a pedophile.