Using the Process Charts
Various Process Charts have been developed to aid your navigation in the various courts within the Courts of Heaven. Starting usually at the top left, follow the arrows through the processes and protocols of each court.
Remember, it is not a vending machine. These charts are to help you follow the typical steps to freedom through the Courts of Heaven. Use of these will require simple faith on your part, a repentant heart, and sensitivity to Holy Spirit throughout the process.
In some cases we also have QuickGuides which are scripts that you can follow as you are learning the courts and their protocols. Again, follow Holy Spirit's leading and be willing to repent.
Presentation PDF files are available for some messages Dr. Ron has taught.
Mercy Court Resources
Overcoming Verdicts Resources
Engaging the Courts for Your City Resources
4x4 Courtroom Evangelism Powerpoint
Court of the Backslider
The Power of Spiritual Bonds
Unlocking Spiritual Seeing Resources
Purchase Process Charts (Available in English & Spanish)
Engaging the Courts of Healing Resources
Lingering Human Spirits Resources
Heaven Down Business Complex